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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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Haven't heard from them, either. It's probably my last name, as well - I'm in the dead center of the pile. So, glimmers of hope, but mostly false hope, I know. Just wish we could fast-forward a month or so.

Anyone know roughly how many applicants there are (were)?

Don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but I still haven't heard anything and I'm toward the very beginning of the alphabet... It would be awful to be kept in suspense til "early March" so I'm just going to hope we all get good news by COB Friday instead.

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Don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but I still haven't heard anything and I'm toward the very beginning of the alphabet... It would be awful to be kept in suspense til "early March" so I'm just going to hope we all get good news by COB Friday instead.

Same boat. This could bode well for us, but who knows. The whole process is such a crapshoot it's tough to tell how one should interpret these things... Edited by action
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Nobody else on this board or on the result page mentioned any info on funding. In my letter they said that they'll let me know about the funding package later and also other people here were saying the same.

No offense intended, but looking at those stats that result looks fake to me

Hey Livio. Thought it might have been you when I saw an Italian in the mass-email snafu yesterday. I got in too, same info on funding as you. Will you be going to their luncheon next month? It looks like we applied to a lot of the same programs so we may run into each other more than once.

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Hey Livio. Thought it might have been you when I saw an Italian in the mass-email snafu yesterday. I got in too, same info on funding as you. Will you be going to their luncheon next month? It looks like we applied to a lot of the same programs so we may run into each other more than once.

Ahahah, no no, my stats are not great but a bit better than those ones.smile.gif

Well, i don't think I'm going to their luncheon. Given that i have to fly all the way to the US from Italy, I would do it only if I had a strong interest in the program. Therefore, I'm thinking about going to the UCLA weekend. It would be nice to meet you and other people who are on this board.

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Ahahah, no no, my stats are not great but a bit better than those ones.smile.gif

Well, i don't think I'm going to their luncheon. Given that i have to fly all the way to the US from Italy, I would do it only if I had a strong interest in the program. Therefore, I'm thinking about going to the UCLA weekend. It would be nice to meet you and other people who are on this board.

@Livio and others:

Do you intend to go to Duke for their visiting weekend? I just booked my flights and it would be great to meet some people from the board there.

Edited by animadversion
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@Livio and others:

Do you intend to go to Duke for their visiting weekend? I just booked my flights and it would be great to meet some people from the board there.

Yes, I sent them my info sheet today. Hopefully it's worth LIvio's time to make the trip. Which subfield are you? I'm going to the Security Peace & Conflict studies dinner.

By the way I'm sort of new to this site, is there a way to private message? Email addresses should probably be exchanged in private.

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Yes, a crapshoot, indeed. The majority of applicants at this stage/applying to such highly regarded programs are eminently qualified, look very impressive on paper, and have the confidence and backing of very solid LOR writers. With so very few open spots and such a crush of applications, it's all an idiosyncratic match game.

Especially in Theory.

Same boat. This could bode well for us, but who knows. The whole process is such a crapshoot it's tough to tell how one should interpret these things...

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Hey Livio. Thought it might have been you when I saw an Italian in the mass-email snafu yesterday. I got in too, same info on funding as you. Will you be going to their luncheon next month? It looks like we applied to a lot of the same programs so we may run into each other more than once.

Hey mcdickenson -- I think I might be going to their luncheon -- it's really short notice, though, and I have to arrange travel. PM me if you want to exchange notes on this.

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Ahahah, no no, my stats are not great but a bit better than those ones.smile.gif

Well, i don't think I'm going to their luncheon. Given that i have to fly all the way to the US from Italy, I would do it only if I had a strong interest in the program. Therefore, I'm thinking about going to the UCLA weekend. It would be nice to meet you and other people who are on this board.

I will be at the UCLA weekend, we should meet up and talk about how amazing it is that this waiting period is over. Same for everyone else thats going :-)

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Yes, I sent them my info sheet today. Hopefully it's worth LIvio's time to make the trip. Which subfield are you? I'm going to the Security Peace & Conflict studies dinner.

By the way I'm sort of new to this site, is there a way to private message? Email addresses should probably be exchanged in private.

Honestly, I think that if I'm coming for a weekend it's for the UCLA one. There are 10 days in between the two and I like the UCLA program and faculty better (my subfield is formal theory). It's just that an international flight is exausting, especially when you are in the US just fo a couple of days. Two round trips in 10 days are way too much. Too bad, cause Duke weekend activities look amazing. And too bad you guys did not apply to UCLA.smile.gif

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Will Reno is awesome. I take it you're an Africanist too?

I am interested in illicit markets, in particular on the illicit drug market and its relationship to insurgency, with an emphasis on Africa (But also on Eastern Euro and Latin America. And I expect that adding these two regions to my SOP hurt my chances)

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Anyone know what Northwestern's acceptance rate was over the last couple years?

I'm an NU grad student watching this conversation out of a macabre sense of sympathy and horror. The acceptance rate last year was apparently about 4 percent. I'm told that it was lower in Political Theory.

Good luck to everyone! And remember not to take your failures OR your successes in this game of acceptance too personally.

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I'm an NU grad student watching this conversation out of a macabre sense of sympathy and horror. The acceptance rate last year was apparently about 4 percent. I'm told that it was lower in Political Theory.

Holy crap. Tell me that's spots over applicants rather than total acceptance.

If the postings on this site so far are representative (and they probably aren't) NU has already rejected about 2/3 of applicants.

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Holy crap. Tell me that's spots over applicants rather than total acceptance.

If the postings on this site so far are representative (and they probably aren't) NU has already rejected about 2/3 of applicants.

It would seem that a lot of schools look pretty bleak when it comes to acceptance rates. Consider Duke: http://gradschool.duke.edu/about/statistics/admitpols.htm

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