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I was the exact same. One week I was driving myself to tears because acceptances were being doled out via phone to a school I loved and I wasn't getting called. I checked my phone AND the results board like a crazy person. And then someone told me "You'll be accepted/rejected/waitlisted just the same whether or not you've been checking Gradcafe, AND if you wouldn't check every 5 minutes you'd be half as stressed." So I stopped and it was true, and I ended up getting in, and it turns out I ended up not liking their program that much anyway. SO. All this worrying and stress and fretting turned out to be for no good reason. Silly mscongeniality!

I'm telling all the kids in the classes below me to stay OFF the results board until at least after spring break.

Although gradcafe did increase my stress level, it did help me gauge my results. Before I even knew about this site, I got accepted to one school on 1/31, which is VERY early. Since that acceptance, I checked the board and read info on the 4 other schools I applied to. Others were getting accepted and I had not heard anything. I figured that that meant that I was either waitlisted or rejected, which I was...The fact of the matter is that if I had not been accepted to one school so early on, the past 3 months would have been hell for me.

I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but has anyone not been accepted anywhere yet? I am only asking b/c it seems like everyone here has been accepted to at least one school...

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Although gradcafe did increase my stress level, it did help me gauge my results. Before I even knew about this site, I got accepted to one school on 1/31, which is VERY early. Since that acceptance, I checked the board and read info on the 4 other schools I applied to. Others were getting accepted and I had not heard anything. I figured that that meant that I was either waitlisted or rejected, which I was...The fact of the matter is that if I had not been accepted to one school so early on, the past 3 months would have been hell for me.

I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but has anyone not been accepted anywhere yet? I am only asking b/c it seems like everyone here has been accepted to at least one school...

Unfortunately I haven't heard any good news yet... I applied to 7 schools, got waitlisted at 2 (Purdue and Marquette), got rejected by 4 (in 48 hours), and am still waiting on UNC Greensboro. I'll admit it's been pretty rough, especially with friends getting all sorts of good news and already making their plans. And I've had a lot of regrets about it- I wish I applied to more schools, and I definitely underestimated the level of competitiveness in this process. But the more I've thought about it, the more I think that taking a year off wouldn't be the worst thing- it would be a good chance to get more experience and save up some money!

I don't think gradcafe has increased my stress level too much; I've just been checking to see if anyone has heard from UNC-G yet and to see if anyone is in a similar situation. Does anyone have advice about waitlisted schools? I'm thinking about calling or emailing them to let them know that I'm still interested, that I've been doing more volunteer stuff, etc, but I'm nervous about it!

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Although gradcafe did increase my stress level, it did help me gauge my results. Before I even knew about this site, I got accepted to one school on 1/31, which is VERY early. Since that acceptance, I checked the board and read info on the 4 other schools I applied to. Others were getting accepted and I had not heard anything. I figured that that meant that I was either waitlisted or rejected, which I was...The fact of the matter is that if I had not been accepted to one school so early on, the past 3 months would have been hell for me.

I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but has anyone not been accepted anywhere yet? I am only asking b/c it seems like everyone here has been accepted to at least one school...

I've been rejected by 5 schools, waiting on 3 still. No good news yet, and i thought I was competitive for where I had applied

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Has anyone received financial aid packages from Teachers College?

I did, but it was just whatever I could get from the Fed. TC sent me an email saying my scholarship information was now available, or something like that.

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I've been rejected by 5 schools, waiting on 3 still. No good news yet, and i thought I was competitive for where I had applied

I really wish you the best...I've been thinking a lot about those who may not have gotten in anywhere at this point and it really pisses me off. I only got into 1/5 of the schools I applied to and I have a really strong profile!!! I really think that admissions boards need to start including WHY they are not accepting us in their admissions letters...so at least we would know that they did their job and actually read through everything we submitted.

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Anyone have any info from the BU open house this weekend? :)

Hi yeah I do! I am not sure exactly how much you want to know but I'll just give you the low down on the new things that I learned about the program. This was my first open house experience and I really loved it. In general I just got such a great "feeling" from the whole place. The students seemed really genuine, friendly and smart. The professors were really approachable, knowledgeable and personable. The clinic facilities are first class, very new, clean and a place I would want to be spending lots of time. There is a lot of collaboration and interdisciplinary work with the OT, PT and dietitians which I thought was really great. The atmosphere among the students seems really supportive, non-clicky and non-competitive. I'm not sure if this is because it is such a small program (20ish in each admitted class) but it honestly felt like there was a "family" feel between the students and the faculty as well. Since the class is so small it also means that you get tons of one on one attention from your professors and supervisor/adviser in particular. Each supervisor is responsible and invested in only you and one other student which is so unusual and amazing. Um what else... oh I never realized how flexible their curriculum is. They are so accommodating to what courses you already have and what kind of schedule you want. You can do classes in the summer or not, can delay starting the first in house clinic practicum if you aren't feeling ready to take a client yet and can really make a perfect course plan for any situation. I really like that versus having a very rigid, prescribed plan with no flexibility. They have this cool thing called diagnostic team that I think you do your first or second semester (and maybe each one after that?) and you are in a group of four students, are given a client with an unknown affliction and then have to test, diagnose and create a therapy plan. There seems to be a lot of support and discussion of your progress and any issues you are having. Weekly meetings with your supervisor and weekly small group meetings to go over video tapes from therapy sessions and reflect, critique and discuss. I am sure there are tons more things and I want to check out my note paper and get back to you more but honestly my brain feels like mush right now after this weekend of open houses! (BU and MGH) So much information and so many emotions. I want to just shut off my brain for a second and resume thinking about this all tomorrow haha.

Did anyone else go to both BU and MGH this weekend and have comments??

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Hi yeah I do! I am not sure exactly how much you want to know but I'll just give you the low down on the new things that I learned about the program. This was my first open house experience and I really loved it. In general I just got such a great "feeling" from the whole place. The students seemed really genuine, friendly and smart. The professors were really approachable, knowledgeable and personable. The clinic facilities are first class, very new, clean and a place I would want to be spending lots of time. There is a lot of collaboration and interdisciplinary work with the OT, PT and dietitians which I thought was really great. The atmosphere among the students seems really supportive, non-clicky and non-competitive. I'm not sure if this is because it is such a small program (20ish in each admitted class) but it honestly felt like there was a "family" feel between the students and the faculty as well. Since the class is so small it also means that you get tons of one on one attention from your professors and supervisor/adviser in particular. Each supervisor is responsible and invested in only you and one other student which is so unusual and amazing. Um what else... oh I never realized how flexible their curriculum is. They are so accommodating to what courses you already have and what kind of schedule you want. You can do classes in the summer or not, can delay starting the first in house clinic practicum if you aren't feeling ready to take a client yet and can really make a perfect course plan for any situation. I really like that versus having a very rigid, prescribed plan with no flexibility. They have this cool thing called diagnostic team that I think you do your first or second semester (and maybe each one after that?) and you are in a group of four students, are given a client with an unknown affliction and then have to test, diagnose and create a therapy plan. There seems to be a lot of support and discussion of your progress and any issues you are having. Weekly meetings with your supervisor and weekly small group meetings to go over video tapes from therapy sessions and reflect, critique and discuss. I am sure there are tons more things and I want to check out my note paper and get back to you more but honestly my brain feels like mush right now after this weekend of open houses! (BU and MGH) So much information and so many emotions. I want to just shut off my brain for a second and resume thinking about this all tomorrow haha.

Did anyone else go to both BU and MGH this weekend and have comments??

Oh my gosh, you're a peach, thank you!! I sent in my enrollment deposit last week and I was excited before but that makes me feel even more confident in my decision. :)

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Hi yeah I do! I am not sure exactly how much you want to know but I'll just give you the low down on the new things that I learned about the program. This was my first open house experience and I really loved it. In general I just got such a great "feeling" from the whole place. The students seemed really genuine, friendly and smart. The professors were really approachable, knowledgeable and personable. The clinic facilities are first class, very new, clean and a place I would want to be spending lots of time. There is a lot of collaboration and interdisciplinary work with the OT, PT and dietitians which I thought was really great. The atmosphere among the students seems really supportive, non-clicky and non-competitive. I'm not sure if this is because it is such a small program (20ish in each admitted class) but it honestly felt like there was a "family" feel between the students and the faculty as well. Since the class is so small it also means that you get tons of one on one attention from your professors and supervisor/adviser in particular. Each supervisor is responsible and invested in only you and one other student which is so unusual and amazing. Um what else... oh I never realized how flexible their curriculum is. They are so accommodating to what courses you already have and what kind of schedule you want. You can do classes in the summer or not, can delay starting the first in house clinic practicum if you aren't feeling ready to take a client yet and can really make a perfect course plan for any situation. I really like that versus having a very rigid, prescribed plan with no flexibility. They have this cool thing called diagnostic team that I think you do your first or second semester (and maybe each one after that?) and you are in a group of four students, are given a client with an unknown affliction and then have to test, diagnose and create a therapy plan. There seems to be a lot of support and discussion of your progress and any issues you are having. Weekly meetings with your supervisor and weekly small group meetings to go over video tapes from therapy sessions and reflect, critique and discuss. I am sure there are tons more things and I want to check out my note paper and get back to you more but honestly my brain feels like mush right now after this weekend of open houses! (BU and MGH) So much information and so many emotions. I want to just shut off my brain for a second and resume thinking about this all tomorrow haha.

Did anyone else go to both BU and MGH this weekend and have comments??

Hi elizalou, do you happen to have any information on the MGH open house too? Thanks =)

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For those who did not make it anywhere, it really isn't the end of the world. I graduated from my slp undergrad in 2008 and applied for grad school in fall of 2008 and didn't make it. I worked as an slpa for two years and I loved it. It gave me awesome work experience and I got great lors from my slp supervisors. I got into 2 out of 3 schools this year even with a 3.1 gpa. The work experience really helped a lot. There are many slpa jobs out there and you can work for a year and try again next fall.. it might help :) just my two cents!!

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For those who did not make it anywhere, it really isn't the end of the world. I graduated from my slp undergrad in 2008 and applied for grad school in fall of 2008 and didn't make it. I worked as an slpa for two years and I loved it. It gave me awesome work experience and I got great lors from my slp supervisors. I got into 2 out of 3 schools this year even with a 3.1 gpa. The work experience really helped a lot. There are many slpa jobs out there and you can work for a year and try again next fall.. it might help :) just my two cents!!

I am one of those in the unfortunate situation of not being accepted anywhere. I'm done with my postbaccalaureate classes (with a 3.9 GPA), and have tons of volunteer experience in SLP (created and organized an Aphasia support group in my community, interned under an SLP for a year, volunteered at a Faast Trac Center that provided SLP patients with software options to overcome aphasia) . I've tried to become certified as an Slpa in Georgia, but no one will hire me anywhere (I've written to and called every SLP practice within a 50 mile radius of Atlanta). I did have a low undergraduate GPA (2.97) due to extenuating circumstances that I explained in my statement of purpose, but had 3 great LORs and a great postgrad GPA. I know I am venting, but I am so heartbroken. I have no job, no prospects for school, and I feel like I've wasted the past two years of my life volunteering and taking these classes. I'm 27 and so passionate about doing this as a career, but I'm trying to muster up the courage to wait through another long year just to go through this all over again. I am praying that I am taken off the one waitlist that I was lucky enough to be added to.

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Just declined my UNC admission. It made me soooooo sad because I really wanted it to be the place for me, but after visiting I knew it just wasn't the place/program for me. Still, the anxiety was making me nauseous...for some reason I'm weirdly afraid that one or both of my remaining schools will surprise me with a "Just kidding! You're not really admitted" email or letter.

And of course once I hit "confirm decline" a message pops up that says "We're sorry you've declined. Good luck with your future educational endeavors." Way to make me feel MORE guilty and anxious, automated UNC message. I actually teared up.

Ugh, I am just a mess of hormones and anxiety these days. I cannot wait to visit my final school, make my final decision, and be at peace with everything...until grad school actually starts.

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I am one of those in the unfortunate situation of not being accepted anywhere. I'm done with my postbaccalaureate classes (with a 3.9 GPA), and have tons of volunteer experience in SLP (created and organized an Aphasia support group in my community, interned under an SLP for a year, volunteered at a Faast Trac Center that provided SLP patients with software options to overcome aphasia) . I've tried to become certified as an Slpa in Georgia, but no one will hire me anywhere (I've written to and called every SLP practice within a 50 mile radius of Atlanta). I did have a low undergraduate GPA (2.97) due to extenuating circumstances that I explained in my statement of purpose, but had 3 great LORs and a great postgrad GPA. I know I am venting, but I am so heartbroken. I have no job, no prospects for school, and I feel like I've wasted the past two years of my life volunteering and taking these classes. I'm 27 and so passionate about doing this as a career, but I'm trying to muster up the courage to wait through another long year just to go through this all over again. I am praying that I am taken off the one waitlist that I was lucky enough to be added to.

I am also one who did not get accepted anywhere, had a 2.67 undergrad gpa (also with a MUCH better postgrad gpa), and cannot be certified as an slpa. I am praying to find a speech internship, another job so I can actually support myself, more classes to hopefully raise my gpa even more, and retaking the gre. I am 26 in a couple weeks, and like you, I am really discouraged. I will be applying EVERYWHERE this fall. Seriously, everywhere that it looks like I could have a chance. I've already begun reworking my SOP and studying for the GRE. I don't know what I'll do if I am rejected twice, in all seriousness. If nothing else, you're not alone!

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I am also one who did not get accepted anywhere, had a 2.67 undergrad gpa (also with a MUCH better postgrad gpa), and cannot be certified as an slpa. I am praying to find a speech internship, another job so I can actually support myself, more classes to hopefully raise my gpa even more, and retaking the gre. I am 26 in a couple weeks, and like you, I am really discouraged. I will be applying EVERYWHERE this fall. Seriously, everywhere that it looks like I could have a chance. I've already begun reworking my SOP and studying for the GRE. I don't know what I'll do if I am rejected twice, in all seriousness. If nothing else, you're not alone!

26 is young! I'm 31! Believe me, I wish I had been able to start down this road earlier, but I'm not going to let my age (and really, 31 is not old) get in my way. Neither should you!

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26 is young! I'm 31! Believe me, I wish I had been able to start down this road earlier, but I'm not going to let my age (and really, 31 is not old) get in my way. Neither should you!

Where were you accepted, Gretel? Have you made a final decision yet?

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Well I officially declined emerson yesterday. Dang it was hard! I keep getting those "what if I made the wrong choice?" moments. But I guess at this point I just can't look back and instead just focus what's in store for me at my chosen program. In the end it just all boiled down to logistics coz even though I have no undergraduate loans I was looking at about 70-80k for two years in emerson including living expenses while bloomsburg would be around 40 including living expenses. Also, my husband works in PA and so we would have had to be apart for the time that he's still here (he's deploying soon)

There are even moments where I get paranoid like omg what if bloomsburg decides they don't want me but I already turned emerson down. Lol. I don't think it will happen coz I already paid the deposit :) it took me a while to get the courage to send that email but hopefully someone out there will gladly take my spot :)

How did you send in your decline to Emerson? I am trying to figure it out on eCommons but can't find anything. Do I have to email them?

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Hey everyone,

Has anyone else on here been accepted to SUNY Plattsburgh?

I am a senior at Plattsburgh State right now and our chapter's NSSLHA President. I didn't apply here, but I am doing an undergrad clinical practicum, I have some friends that were accepted, and I know most of the professors and some graduate students as well, so I am sure I can answer some questions for you if you have any.

Edited by kroge23
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26 is young! I'm 31! Believe me, I wish I had been able to start down this road earlier, but I'm not going to let my age (and really, 31 is not old) get in my way. Neither should you!

You are absolutely correct - it is one of those artificial feelings of oldness, because a LOT of my friends from college who went straight to grad school are finishing up Doctorates, getting their first "real" lawyer and doctor jobs, etc. This feeling is the sister of the feeling one sometimes gets when every friend from high school they have gets married in one summer, and I am nowhere near ready. I am a little less worried about my age, but a lot more worried at how much time and money I will be throwing at this. If I don't get in next year's round, I am considering getting certified to teach special ed, working for a couple years, then trying again.

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I am a senior at Plattsburgh State right now and our chapter's NSSLHA President. I didn't apply here, but I am doing an undergrad clinical practicum, I have some friends that were accepted, and I know most of the professors and some graduate students as well, so I am sure I can answer some questions for you if you have any.

Thank you for being willing to help! I live far away so I am at a slight disadvantage for looking for roommates. I was hoping that I could connect with someone on here. Would you happen to know anyone who is looking or any place where I could find other CDS people seeking roommates? Also, I did not have a clinical practicum in my undergraduate program. Do you know if people without that experience have difficulty acclimating to the program? Right now I am still weighing the decision of where to attend due to finances, but I am definitely interested in hearing any information you would like to share about the professors, the program and the surrounding area. Have you decided where you will go next year?

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Did anyone attend the University of Memphis Open House? Or have any information on the program? I've heard all great things and am leaning towards accepting, but have never seen the campus or met professors or students. Any feedback would be so helpful :) !

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For those who did not make it anywhere, it really isn't the end of the world. I graduated from my slp undergrad in 2008 and applied for grad school in fall of 2008 and didn't make it. I worked as an slpa for two years and I loved it. It gave me awesome work experience and I got great lors from my slp supervisors. I got into 2 out of 3 schools this year even with a 3.1 gpa. The work experience really helped a lot. There are many slpa jobs out there and you can work for a year and try again next fall.. it might help :) just my two cents!!

Just curious, how does one become an SLPA?

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26 is young! I'm 31! Believe me, I wish I had been able to start down this road earlier, but I'm not going to let my age (and really, 31 is not old) get in my way. Neither should you!

I am 28! I haven't told anyone this, but it took me almost 2 years to finish my pre-reqs. Due to extenuating circumstances I had to take an Incomplete in 3 classes, which I completed a year later. The first time I took the GRE, I got a 390 in verbal...The first time I applied, none of my slp pre-req class professors would write me a letter of recommendation...

So, I got a great job working with a child with autism full time and made enough money to take 3 months off work to retake my GRE and work on my applications. It finally paid off.

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Thank you for being willing to help! I live far away so I am at a slight disadvantage for looking for roommates. I was hoping that I could connect with someone on here. Would you happen to know anyone who is looking or any place where I could find other CDS people seeking roommates? Also, I did not have a clinical practicum in my undergraduate program. Do you know if people without that experience have difficulty acclimating to the program? Right now I am still weighing the decision of where to attend due to finances, but I am definitely interested in hearing any information you would like to share about the professors, the program and the surrounding area. Have you decided where you will go next year?

Only a few people from our undergraduate programs have clinical experience as undergrads so there is no need to worry about that. They provide adequate supervision regardless of your experience level. I can ask around about people looking for roommates. I know of a couple of people who are looking for apartments, but I am not sure if they are looking for roommates as well. The professors here are extremely friendly. The program is small and very tight-knit. Every professor I've had knows my (and many others) name and are always willing to meet with you to discuss any issues you have or just to chat. There is a graduate work room with tables, materials, a couch, and lots of outlets for the students (and they are getting a microwave very soon too). We have the sweetest new secretary for the on-campus clinic who is very helpful. We have a very active NSSLHA chapter, however most of the graduate students are not involved I think mainly due to their busy schedules. I love Plattsburgh, but it is not the right fit for everyone. It is a nice town, but fairly small. There is a tiny mall but lots of nice coffee shops and some cute restaurants (but like I said it is fairly small overall). I know that a lot of people enjoy the outdoor activites in the area since we are right by lake champlain and whiteface mountain and lake goerge and lake placid are also nearby. There are places to hike, ski, etc. Burlington is very close and we are only an hour from Montreal so you can always shop or visit there. That is all I can think of right now, but if you have any specific questions let me know. I am fairly certain that I will be attending MGHIHP for graduate school. Good luck!

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