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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I talked with SAIC today, and apparently there has been no decision on my application. I know people have been rejected already and asked to interview. They said I should know by next week. Anyone have this happen before?

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I wonder why this would happen? Maybe they just got so many applications that they took a while to get through them. Or maybe people like us were middle of the road or something, and they are seeing if there are interview spots left before they flat out reject us. Who even knows. I wonder if they would tell us the answer to that, but I'm not going to bother calling, I'll just wait.

I talked with SAIC today, and apparently there has been no decision on my application. I know people have been rejected already and asked to interview. They said I should know by next week. Anyone have this happen before?

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Yay! Penn interview on Monday 2/14. Got an email today. Penn is one of my top choices so I'm excited and really nervous. I generally hate talking on the phone because of no eye-contact or tangible presence...

Does any one have any clue what they will ask? I guess from other posts about interviews it is mostly questions about our ideas, process, and influences....

Advice on interviews, anyone?

Congratulations! How did your interview with Penn go? What sort of questions did they ask--did they throw anything unexpected at you?

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SAIC-Rejected. Letter in the mail today offering me a prior-degree BFA. I'm not moving to chicago for a BFA. My 1st rejection this year, my eighth overall, so it doesn't sting that much.

So it goes.

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SAIC-Rejected. Letter in the mail today offering me a prior-degree BFA. I'm not moving to chicago for a BFA. My 1st rejection this year, my eighth overall, so it doesn't sting that much.

So it goes.

Hm. I've still heard nothing from them. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

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correction on Tyler for painting....

I had to call again and straighten more stuff out, and I had a chance to ask a couple questions.

The first round of rejection letters should be arriving soon through snail mail.....however positive notifications aren't going out for at least a couple weeks. <_<

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Hm. I've still heard nothing from them. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Haven't heard from SAIC either, but I'm in Canada, plus the service where I am sucks. Sometimes it takes over a week for a letter sent from within the province to arrive. So not sure what to think.

Edited by lpayne23
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correction on Tyler for painting....

I had to call again and straighten more stuff out, and I had a chance to ask a couple questions.

So does this mean they aren't doing interviews?

The first round of rejection letters should be arriving soon through snail mail.....however positive notifications aren't going out for at least a couple weeks. <_<

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Thanks for the update.

correction on Tyler for painting....

I had to call again and straighten more stuff out, and I had a chance to ask a couple questions.

The first round of rejection letters should be arriving soon through snail mail.....however positive notifications aren't going out for at least a couple weeks. <_<

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Haven't heard from SAIC either, but I'm in Canada, plus the service where I am sucks. Sometimes it takes over a week for a letter sent from within the province to arrive. So not sure what to think.

Your're shortlisted at Slade? So am I, are you going to the interview?

Haven't heard from SAIC either...

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Your're shortlisted at Slade? So am I, are you going to the interview?

Haven't heard from SAIC either...

Afraid I'm not. I couldn't possibly afford the airfare for an interview. But I see you've applied to several schools over there. Are you there now? If not, are you flying there?

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I got the email from RISD about FAFSA. I have received notices from two schools now, reminding us of the deadline for Financial aid.

Every time I see a letter from a school in my inbox- I freak out a little bit!- Then I open it and it's about 'visiting artists' or 'financial aid' or 'we have your information'. I need an acceptance!!!! Just one.

Did anyone get an email from RISD just now asking to fill out a Fafsa form?

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I am right there with you.

I got the email from RISD about FAFSA. I have received notices from two schools now, reminding us of the deadline for Financial aid.

Every time I see a letter from a school in my inbox- I freak out a little bit!- Then I open it and it's about 'visiting artists' or 'financial aid' or 'we have your information'. I need an acceptance!!!! Just one.

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hey EVERYONE!!!! I have been wondering about this for awhile and I just found a thread discussing how professors and admissions staff LOOK AT GRADCAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to post his as a warning and a reminder that people might be watching what we say so you might consider some amount of anonymity or discretion when posting on this forum. It is here to help us through this process but I just think we should be aware...

LOOK AT THIS POST AND THE PAGE OF POSTS THAT FOLLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know its not our field but it could happen here too.... dont let this discourage you from posting but its just food for thought for the coming weeks


Edited by wannaknow
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Afraid I'm not. I couldn't possibly afford the airfare for an interview. But I see you've applied to several schools over there. Are you there now? If not, are you flying there?

I was debating if i should go, because not attending the interview doesn't technically hurt my application, they'll just review my portfolio and make final decision.

(shouldn't affect at least, cuz you know how candidates who live oversea are fine not attending)

but if I went, I could possibly mess up at the interview, that would suck.

but then i thought i'll regret for not going if i end up not getting in, so decided to fly in to london.

(i'll be going to the airport from work, getting there few hours before the interview. really tight schedule...)

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I was debating if i should go, because not attending the interview doesn't technically hurt my application, they'll just review my portfolio and make final decision.

(shouldn't affect at least, cuz you know how candidates who live oversea are fine not attending)

but if I went, I could possibly mess up at the interview, that would suck.

but then i thought i'll regret for not going if i end up not getting in, so decided to fly in to london.

(i'll be going to the airport from work, getting there few hours before the interview. really tight schedule...)

Wise choice though, I think you're better off. I'd definitely go if I had the money, but I simply don't. I really think it'll only help your chances.

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Wise choice though, I think you're better off. I'd definitely go if I had the money, but I simply don't. I really think it'll only help your chances.

they should be fair to the oversea candidates, so you'll be treated fairly.

best of luck to you!


is it really true that the acceptance rate for Slade is 4%...

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Have you received the phone call yet? I heard UCLA gives an informal acceptance by phone. Congrats!

.......hey im applying UCLA Photography MFA, i just got an email from their dpt head James Welling (not thru the official .edu email address tho) saying that he likes my work and I am one of the candidates that they are considering......he said "a phone call" but didn't mention anything about interview......what is that supposed to mean? I hope I didn;t get a scam or sth....

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" "...Now, I happen to know from your post thegradcafe.com that you have apparently already decided between UPenn and NYU as you choice of PhD program; however, I would recommend that you give the University of Toronto another look." "


hey EVERYONE!!!! I have been wondering about this for awhile and I just found a thread discussing how professors and admissions staff LOOK AT GRADCAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to post his as a warning and a reminder that people might be watching what we say so you might consider some amount of anonymity or discretion when posting on this forum. It is here to help us through this process but I just think we should be aware...

LOOK AT THIS POST AND THE PAGE OF POSTS THAT FOLLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know its not our field but it could happen here too.... dont let this discourage you from posting but its just food for thought for the coming weeks


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Waiting to hear from: Tyler, Indiana U., Syracuse, PAFA, and SUNY Albany....Painting concentration. Has anyone had a response from any of these schools yet?

Didn't apply to any of these schools or any schools for painting- BUT IU is awesome, bloomington is sweet, brown county is beautiful and very close to columbus - 6th architectural city in US

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I know RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most certainly disturbing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

" "...Now, I happen to know from your post thegradcafe.com that you have apparently already decided between UPenn and NYU as you choice of PhD program; however, I would recommend that you give the University of Toronto another look." "


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