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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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you're right. I know that in the end, I will have absolutely no regrets because I worked so hard, and I feel like I put 100% effort into everything I did. I'm actually amazed at how hard I worked...I've never worked so hard for something before....besides school, but school is something everyone is forced to do.

i know exactly what you mean. For me, if i dont get in anywhere I will still know that i made brilliant work for my portfolio and that i worked very hard on these apps. And I will allow no number of irritating rejection letters to tarnish that knowledge. Neither should you

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True! and congrats on your acceptance!!

Don't make yourself sick, remember its still very early right now to hear back, and with the horrible snowstorm you know its having an effect on a lot of east coast schools. Also remember that all the painting departments are going to have the most applications to go through as opposed to other departments.

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also remember that you are very young and have a lot of time ahead of you. this isn't your only shot at applying for an mfa.

Can I just say...I think I am going to be sick. I can't take any more of this waiting, and I am already feeling disappointed like maybe I should have applied to some schools that were less selective instead of shooting so high for all of them.

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I'm posting way too much, and should be doing work right now....but I just wanna say I am SO glad I found this forum, because I have ZERO friends, or anyone I know that have applied for an MFA! I was the ONLY one from my school who applied for painting this year...and the fact that I had to help my professors with the envelopes shows they only write letters once in a blue moon. Outside this website, I'm in my own MFA application bubble

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Not to seem redundant (or desperate), but if I haven't been contacted by Tyler (Sculpture) at this point, should I assume a rejection? Does anyone know if invitations for interviews are 'rolling', so to speak, or would they be all sent out at about the same time? Just trying to keep tabs on things since schools can't seem to provide any sort of concrete timeline. Waiting on Tyler, MICA, SMFA, MassArt, Concordia, Rutgers, and MCAD.

Anyone heard from any of those schools? It seems too early to me, but apparently some schools are already contacting people. Reading their respective websites/e.mails, I assumed I would be contacted around the following times:

TYLER 6-8 weeks after deadline

MICA mid March/early April for final decision

SMFA late March

MASSART early February for interviews, late March for final decision



MCAD mid February

I know SMFA and Massart conduct interviews, and apparently Tyler does too, but I'm not entirely sure about the other schools. Also unsure about which wait list and when that notification goes out. Any tips/insight are greatly appreciated.

Best of luck to everyone!! These are stressful times, but I echo what has already been said: all of this hard work is valuable, even if everything doesn't turn out totally ideally. It's been a super experience full of learning and growth. High fives all around!

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MCAD sends notifications all at once. Don't know about the rest....Good luck :)

Not to seem redundant (or desperate), but if I haven't been contacted by Tyler (Sculpture) at this point, should I assume a rejection? Does anyone know if invitations for interviews are 'rolling', so to speak, or would they be all sent out at about the same time? Just trying to keep tabs on things since schools can't seem to provide any sort of concrete timeline. Waiting on Tyler, MICA, SMFA, MassArt, Concordia, Rutgers, and MCAD.

Anyone heard from any of those schools? It seems too early to me, but apparently some schools are already contacting people. Reading their respective websites/e.mails, I assumed I would be contacted around the following times:

TYLER 6-8 weeks after deadline

MICA mid March/early April for final decision

SMFA late March

MASSART early February for interviews, late March for final decision



MCAD mid February

I know SMFA and Massart conduct interviews, and apparently Tyler does too, but I'm not entirely sure about the other schools. Also unsure about which wait list and when that notification goes out. Any tips/insight are greatly appreciated.

Best of luck to everyone!! These are stressful times, but I echo what has already been said: all of this hard work is valuable, even if everything doesn't turn out totally ideally. It's been a super experience full of learning and growth. High fives all around!

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I am applying to Rutgers and MICA also. I know for a fact that MICA conducts interviews and it seemed like last year people were getting interview notifications mid Feb to the first week in March. I have no idea what Rutgers does or when it does it?????

Not to seem redundant (or desperate), but if I haven't been contacted by Tyler (Sculpture) at this point, should I assume a rejection? Does anyone know if invitations for interviews are 'rolling', so to speak, or would they be all sent out at about the same time? Just trying to keep tabs on things since schools can't seem to provide any sort of concrete timeline. Waiting on Tyler, MICA, SMFA, MassArt, Concordia, Rutgers, and MCAD.

Anyone heard from any of those schools? It seems too early to me, but apparently some schools are already contacting people. Reading their respective websites/e.mails, I assumed I would be contacted around the following times:

TYLER 6-8 weeks after deadline

MICA mid March/early April for final decision

SMFA late March

MASSART early February for interviews, late March for final decision



MCAD mid February

I know SMFA and Massart conduct interviews, and apparently Tyler does too, but I'm not entirely sure about the other schools. Also unsure about which wait list and when that notification goes out. Any tips/insight are greatly appreciated.

Best of luck to everyone!! These are stressful times, but I echo what has already been said: all of this hard work is valuable, even if everything doesn't turn out totally ideally. It's been a super experience full of learning and growth. High fives all around!

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I just got an email from MICA that said reviews will be next week!!!! yay good luck everyone!!

Also got the MICA e.mail. A previous e.mail says, "Applications will be under review throughout the months of January and February. The Office of Graduate Admission will begin notifying applicants of final decisions on March 18th, 2011." The website says notifications will be mailed April 1st (I guess that's only a couple weeks difference). I suppose interview information isn't far off then.

Anyway, perhaps I should stop re-reading every piece of information as though it holds secret clues to my future and just wait for actual acceptances and rejections. At least things are underway. Good luck again!

p.s. FAFSA deadlines are coming up as well. Most deadlines are around Feburary 15th.

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OH dont do that yet for MICA!!! I mean call and make sure if you want, but I called the Grad coordinator, Chris something, and he said that Feb 15th date is really for undergrad, because the financial aid stuff requires you to put which program you are going to be in and info we dont have until acceptance. so he said that stuff can wait. I mean send it if you want to but you might send an email or call and make sure first... hope that helps

Also got the MICA e.mail. A previous e.mail says, "Applications will be under review throughout the months of January and February. The Office of Graduate Admission will begin notifying applicants of final decisions on March 18th, 2011." The website says notifications will be mailed April 1st (I guess that's only a couple weeks difference). I suppose interview information isn't far off then.

Anyway, perhaps I should stop re-reading every piece of information as though it holds secret clues to my future and just wait for actual acceptances and rejections. At least things are underway. Good luck again!

p.s. FAFSA deadlines are coming up as well. Most deadlines are around Feburary 15th.

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OH dont do that yet for MICA!!! I mean call and make sure if you want, but I called the Grad coordinator, Chris something, and he said that Feb 15th date is really for undergrad, because the financial aid stuff requires you to put which program you are going to be in and info we dont have until acceptance. so he said that stuff can wait. I mean send it if you want to but you might send an email or call and make sure first... hope that helps

As far I as I know, it only requires the school (as in MICA, not Mount Royal or Reinhart or whatever) and you can list all of the ones you applied to (up to 7). Had to do it early for a scholarship and don't recall needing to specifically indicate a concentration. Just checked and I don't see any place to even indicate that. I'm not sure why it would be relevant anyway. Please correct me if you discover otherwise.

MICA's website (the Grad section) says, "Financial aid awards are only offered to students who have been accepted for admission. Applicants should not wait for an admission decision before beginning the financial aid process. Completion and submission of admission and financial aid applications by March 1 ensures priority-funding consideration."


MICA also requires a bunch of other stuff (form, tax return, etc.) Anyway, calling to confirm never hurts! But I didn't just mean MICA, I meant all schools. Most deadlines are between February 15th and March 1st. Just thought people should have it on their radar. :)

Edited by twentyeleven
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MICA has sent out so many application confirmation emails that I thought for sure there had to be something special about that last email... I do appreciate them letting us know what is going on though. I was going through some of last years posts and Yale had sent out rejection letter today last year. For all of those who applied, we should hear something soon.

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MICA has sent out so many application confirmation emails that I thought for sure there had to be something special about that last email... I do appreciate them letting us know what is going on though. I was going through some of last years posts and Yale had sent out rejection letter today last year. For all of those who applied, we should hear something soon.

Im originally from greensboro too! Are you at UNCG?

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I know exactly what you mean!!! blink.gif I'm the only "artsy" one in my group of friends too. haha

I'm posting way too much, and should be doing work right now....but I just wanna say I am SO glad I found this forum, because I have ZERO friends, or anyone I know that have applied for an MFA! I was the ONLY one from my school who applied for painting this year...and the fact that I had to help my professors with the envelopes shows they only write letters once in a blue moon. Outside this website, I'm in my own MFA application bubble

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Hello all,

Nice to know I'm not alone. Feel like I am going crazy with anticipation. Haven't heard anything yet.....

Schools I've applied to:

Carnegie Mellon

Cornell - drawing/painting

Penn State - drawing/ painting

University of Michigan

Montana State (deadline Feb 15) - drawing/painting

University of Montana (deadline Feb 15) - drawing/painting

I really want University of Michigan or Carnegie Mellon! Michigan interviews 20 people on the short list - they fly you out to Ann Arbor for an interview. I am desperately waiting for that call. You would think it would be in Feb? Maybe the snow is causing a delay? ( Like I said, desperate).

Carnegie Mellon's grad admissions coordinator said they start sending acceptances out in Feb if you make the first round. If you are somewhere in the middle of the pack, you might wait until April.

I just want this uncertainty to end!

Check out my site yvonnekunz.com: Most of my application portfolio is the 2010 work.


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