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19 hours ago, epelias said:

Waitlisted to MICA but im okay! 

Me too, did you interview? I didn't even interview, so I've been expecting a rejection😂

Edited by sad face
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10 minutes ago, sad face said:

Me too, did you interview? I didn't even interview, so I've expecting a rejection😂

I also know someone who didn’t even interview as well but got waitlisted for rinehart. 

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5 minutes ago, ZenGarden said:

I also know someone who didn’t even interview as well but got waitlisted for rinehart. 

Interesting. Mine was for Leroy E. Hoffberger.

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5 hours ago, chanu2v40 said:


I know there have been a few people who have been wondering about 3D4M at University of Washington.

I just received an interview invite!!! 

I am still waiting on any word back from 3D4M at UW. They are one of two schools that I haven't heard back from.

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16 hours ago, Abandonsleep said:

my hunter interview went so poorly and I am so upset, they were so cold and didn't make my feel comfortable at all so I just kept babbling and it was just terrible 

I also had a weird interview w a school but got accepted. Just know if they were like that to you, they were like that to everyone else! And maybe that’s a good sign you don’t want to go there tbh - like rly can’t stand that kind of coldness during a very stressful time !! 

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17 minutes ago, coolgirl said:

I also had a weird interview w a school but got accepted. Just know if they were like that to you, they were like that to everyone else! And maybe that’s a good sign you don’t want to go there tbh - like rly can’t stand that kind of coldness during a very stressful time !! 

Right?? They were so uppity and didn't even ask to see my supplemental pieces or statement that we were told to bring. It was kinda disrespectful tbh! Thank you for that, it really helped!!

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19 hours ago, Abandonsleep said:

my hunter interview went so poorly and I am so upset, they were so cold and didn't make my feel comfortable at all so I just kept babbling and it was just terrible 

I felt the same way after my Pratt interview and got in, I think we will always feel like we bombed it. I am sure you did great and that they were like this with all candidates, it's unfortunate that they don't make the process a little less painstaking for us but I guess this is just the game they like to play. I am so sorry to hear that you feel so down but remember you are worth it no matter what!


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Hey everyone, it's my first time applying for MFA schools and I haven't been hearing back from any of my options. Any guidance or advice in reapplying next year? or if anyone can share their experience for encouragement, I think a lot of us would appreciate that! 

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6 minutes ago, rhamfaa said:

Hey everyone, it's my first time applying for MFA schools and I haven't been hearing back from any of my options. Any guidance or advice in reapplying next year? or if anyone can share their experience for encouragement, I think a lot of us would appreciate that! 

I am also willing to share my portfolio for some feedback if you pm me, any help would be significant ❤️

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6 minutes ago, eatsomeveggies said:

has anyone heard back from Columbia painting regarding interview invitations? assuming I've been rejected but just wanted to make sure

I had a painting interview last week. Haven’t heard anything yet though, so based on Columbia’s history of sending out informal acceptances within days of the interview, not feeling particularly optimistic.

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23 minutes ago, rhamfaa said:

Hey everyone, it's my first time applying for MFA schools and I haven't been hearing back from any of my options. Any guidance or advice in reapplying next year? or if anyone can share their experience for encouragement, I think a lot of us would appreciate that! 


I'm still waiting to hear back from a few schools, but here's my experience: Over the past three years, I've applied to MFA programs a total of 26 times (some were reapplications after being rejected). Of those 26 applications, I've been waitlisted twice, received two acceptances, and have one pending acceptance. If I get off the waitlist and receive a likely acceptance from another program, I'll have gone 4 for 26. These numbers aren't ideal, but this year it looks like I'll have three fully funded MFA programs to choose from. It goes to show that it only takes one group of people to believe in you and your art.

I think it is important to be honest with ourselves as artists, I applied straight out of undergrad and went 0 for 3 because my portfolio was trash and my written statements were weak. Second year, my portfolio improved, but I still had room to grow. Even with better written statements, I was only accepted into a safety school I wasn't keen on attending due to financial concerns. Now my third year, my portfolio is the strongest it's been and I have great options to choose from. Rejection sucks, but as corny as this may sound...you really do become a way stronger applicant each year. 

My advice:

  • Don't reapply to schools that rejected you unless you were waitlisted or it's been 2-3 years since your last application. It's unlikely a portfolio revision alone will change their minds
  • Keep making art, I can't stress this enough, you can take time to feel every emotion, but after a few weeks...get back to creating because, with each art piece we create, we continue to get better and better
  • Consider that maybe your written statements are what's holding you back, have art professors look at them and listen to their feedback because they have experience being on mfa committees, they know what a good statement of purpose and artist statement looks like
  • Take high-quality photographs of your art with a consistent white background and good lighting. Many programs want to see the entire artwork, and even talented artists can look bad if the photograph of their art is poor
  • When you finally get that chance to interview with an MFA program on Zoom, ask one of your recommenders to do a mock interview with you
  • Interviews you will have in the future, don't overprepare...you will sound rehearsed
  • Make sure the people writing your letters of rec are art professors, it's better having people who can speak on you as an artist (i know this can be tough for people who have been out of school for a while)
  • In written statements, make sure you contextualize your art. Consider incorporating brief allusions or references to relevant artists, thinkers, or communities in your written statements. Highlight relationships between your work and contemporary art, art history, community arts, activist practice, etc. Showing awareness of these dialogues and movements can enrich your application. Also, mention the faculty you'd like to work with and why. And also mention a project you are excited to work on in the future at their program. 
  • Don't be too hard on yourself, there are hundreds of mfa programs...most of us are only applying to around 10, if we applied to every single mfa program in the world then we would all get in somewhere, so getting into zero schools from a small list of competitive programs you applied to really isn't as terrible as it may seem

If anyone is struggling, because you are expecting no acceptances, or maybe you are accepted but realize you have to apply again because it's too expensive, I really empathize with you all and trust me I know how shitty and painful it feels, just know you aren't alone. Feel free to dm me

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Painting and drawing MFA here. I've been following along on the forum for the past few months. I've been accepted to 1 MFA program and waitlisted "high on the list" for 2 other schools, VCU included. For those with experience, will we have to wait until after April 15th to hear if we made it off the waitlist? I don't want to make any premature decisions. 

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12 minutes ago, abcrugs said:

Painting and drawing MFA here. I've been following along on the forum for the past few months. I've been accepted to 1 MFA program and waitlisted "high on the list" for 2 other schools, VCU included. For those with experience, will we have to wait until after April 15th to hear if we made it off the waitlist? I don't want to make any premature decisions. 

I’m also wondering this same waitlist question! I am top of the waitlist at my first choice school..ive heard that some schools are part of a pact of sorts that guarantees students have till april 15th to put a deposit down/commit to a school. I forgot the formal name for this agreement, but if your school is on it, it is most likely that you have to wait till 4/15. The agony and email refreshing is real.. 

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1 hour ago, abcrugs said:

Painting and drawing MFA here. I've been following along on the forum for the past few months. I've been accepted to 1 MFA program and waitlisted "high on the list" for 2 other schools, VCU included. For those with experience, will we have to wait until after April 15th to hear if we made it off the waitlist? I don't want to make any premature decisions. 

I work as a server and have regulars at my restaurant who are professors in a scholarly PHD program at BU. We got talking about my MFA offers on the table. I know what school I am going to choose and they were telling me to accept asap. They said, that on the other end (on their side as the professors) they are waiting anxiously for people to accept or deny asap. They said they don’t want to rush anyone BUT, last night they told me that once the April 15th deadline has passed, they can no longer accept people even off the waitlist. I’ve never heard of this before - I thought people could be accepted off the waitlist even after April 15. I haven’t done any research or googling to see if this is true, but that’s what they told me last night and they know the ins and outs of it all. So idk. I would suggest googling it. 

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hey guys,


has anyone hard back from UCLA DMA? I interviewed in February and have not received any updates. Let me know! 


Overall I've applied to the following programs... 

RISD D+M -- Accepted (40k aid towards tuition) -- does anyone know if aid can be renegotiated? 

NYU ITP -- Accepted (have not heard back from finaid office yet)

UCSB -- Interviewed (most likely accepted) 

UCLA -- Interviewed 

Georgia tech Digital Media -- applied (haven't heard anything/most likely rejected) 



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