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Rewatched Six feet Under

Rewatched Lost

Watching Party Down

Playing guitar.

Working out.


Reading Prey.

I am still going crazy........... help me!

A good one (at least it helps me), I think about all the things that I could add to my application if I had to reapply next year. What would give me more chances to get in? So I'm starting new projects and it makes me feel better. This way I feel less powerless, at least I'm doing something in advance for the next application season if I don't get in this year : started boxing lessons, singing lessons, finishing a book, finally going through my my diet etc.

Oh and also, sucking my thumb and whining :-D

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I have been turning to my good friends Ben and Jerry....nearly a pint every other day. This week I resolved to give up ice cream and have since returned to knitting.

Yes! knitting!!! lol

Since November, I've knit 5 hats, two pairs of mittens, a book mark, and coffee cozies, and dropped way too much money at the yarn store the other day for more projects. Before Nov I had only ever knitted two scarves.

That and some candy-cane joe-joe ice cream doesn't hurt. :)

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I appreciate your assumption that I've managed to keep from going crazy... unfortunately, I'm not sure it's true! I love to make stuff (more crafts than art), and I wish that I were putting time into that rather than browsing internet sites, stalking the results board and craigslist. I figured it would get better once I had received acceptances, but I've just switched my focus on what I research on the internet. I'd love an online Grad Students Arts and Crafts board - it would be great to see others' projects and might motivate me to work on them.

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I appreciate your assumption that I've managed to keep from going crazy... unfortunately, I'm not sure it's true! I love to make stuff (more crafts than art), and I wish that I were putting time into that rather than browsing internet sites, stalking the results board and craigslist. I figured it would get better once I had received acceptances, but I've just switched my focus on what I research on the internet. I'd love an online Grad Students Arts and Crafts board - it would be great to see others' projects and might motivate me to work on them.

If you're into fiber arts at all (knitting or crochet) you can join Ravelry.com--there are some academic groups on there in the forum. Kind of fun to hang with knitterly academics. ;)

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I watch an ungodly amount of TV. Not like TV series and stuff I actually want to watch, but just whatever is on to melt my brain and keep me company. I've also picked up sewing. I've been making fleece shorts and bloomers to sleep in, skirts I'll never wear, and silly cat toys in the shape of donuts and PS3 controllers for friends.

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Reading really, really fluffy YA fiction. Watching entirely too much ABC family, Teen Nick, and Bones. Eating.

I was eating so much junk that last time I went grocery shopping I bought a ridiculous amount of fresh produce because I was salivating just thinking about it. I hope I get through it before it goes bad. Anyway, I took it as a sign that I should start tracking what I eat again.

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Procrastinating BADLY. Have read all the PHD Comics, have read most threads here and in The Chronicle of higher education, know exactly all the paperwork I have to do if accepted, have selected potential apartments, potential car...

And no work, even though I have enough data to publish 5 papers, a book chapter invitation and have been asked to review a couple of papers. I am just not responding emails, my head can't focus on anything but on the waiting!

*cries* I need an answer ;(

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I've gone through almost the entirety of the first six seasons of House. I'm on the last season of Battlestar Galactica. And for the record? I rarely watched TV before this.

I also work almost 20 hours a week, am taking 25 credit hours of coursework, and doing research for my honors thesis.

And eating sugar. Oh my God, so much sugar. It's kind of out of control.

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I've gone through almost the entirety of the first six seasons of House. I'm on the last season of Battlestar Galactica. And for the record? I rarely watched TV before this.

I also work almost 20 hours a week, am taking 25 credit hours of coursework, and doing research for my honors thesis.

And eating sugar. Oh my God, so much sugar. It's kind of out of control.

Battlestar! My 5th favorite show of all time

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Rewatched Six feet Under

Rewatched Lost

Watching Party Down

Playing guitar.

Working out.


Reading Prey.

I am still going crazy........... help me!

Six Feet Under is the best show I've ever seen. Party Down is really good too!

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I do an impression of an old Jewish man named Shlomo who is from Long Island and has a Long Island accent. Recently I've started doing an impression of his wife, Ethel, who also has a thick LI accent. Sometimes I turn it into a little comedy sketch and make them talk to each other. I was crazy before I started the application process, but doing this impressions seems to keep me from going clinically insane. Also, it makes my co-workers laugh. As the wait grows longer and more tiresome (I have yet to receive an acceptance), Shlomo and Ethel's back story gets more detailed.

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Oh my God, I'm so glad I'm not the only one gorging right now. I checked the results page before going an an all-you-can-eat buffet yesterday. Bad idea.

Dammit. I just bought this big ass fondue set and huge can of chocolate today on a whim. Shoooot. No good will come of this.

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:D What are the first four? I only have half of season 4 left...I'm going to need something to move on to.

I think if I could go back in time, I'd tell myself not to watch the last ten episodes, therefore preserving the sanctity of the first 4.5 seasons. But some people liked them!

Since you ask! My top 5 shows:

5. Battlestar Galactica

4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

3. Firefly

2. Avatar: The last Airbender

1. Six Feet Under

Cough. I'm a nerd. I just started watching Doctor Who. It's good!

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Glad to see a lot of sci-fi fans here. I've been keeping up with Fringe and hoping that it won't get canceled. I watch a ton of Food Network and cook just as much. In fact, cooking has become sort of a safety behavior--an unhealthy way to cope with anxiety during the application season. My family's bird, a Goffin's cockatoo named Jerry, keeps me company. Can't say I haven't gone crazy nevertheless, but then again I think we've all got some loose screws up there.

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:D What are the first four? I only have half of season 4 left...I'm going to need something to move on to.

Check out Caprica after. It's a totally different feel, but interesting because of it. Other good sci-fi: Firefly, Dollhouse, Stargate: Atlantis, Being Human isn't bad so far (and take note that I loathe vampire/werewolf stories usually), V is decent.

Personally, my outlet is yoga. And I'm currently going through Star Trek: Enterprise.lol

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