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I'm sure she just means no official notifications have been made. Lots of programs will say that when you communicate with them because the offers/contacts come from the department not the grad school. Good luck with all those waitlists!

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From the small, small amount of results posted so far I would say that those few decisions, if legitimate, are anomalies: just a few decisions that went out way ahead of the pack for some reason or another. The majority of replies, as you were told, will go out in March. When they do, we will see a great many listings on the results board.

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From the small, small amount of results posted so far I would say that those few decisions, if legitimate, are anomalies: just a few decisions that went out way ahead of the pack for some reason or another. The majority of replies, as you were told, will go out in March. When they do, we will see a great many listings on the results board.

Hi, TheOtherJake, I posted one of the acceptances and I can assure you it's legitimate. I think all the decisions have been made (I'm not saying this to be nasty, just in the interest of sharing information) considering that NYU has changed the date of the open house because too many prospective students had conflicting commitments. At this point I think it's fairly safe to say that NYU has finalised its acceptances and wait-list. I could be wrong but this is the impression I get. I do think its in poor taste across the board not to notify us of rejections sooner. I'm waiting to hear from a whole bunch of schools all of which, when I'm completely honest with myself, I know I haven't gotten into. Regardless though, not hearing means I still hold onto some sliver of hope. I decided to post this in the interest of transparency -- something most of these schools don't seem to have heard of!

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Hi, TheOtherJake, I posted one of the acceptances and I can assure you it's legitimate. I think all the decisions have been made (I'm not saying this to be nasty, just in the interest of sharing information) considering that NYU has changed the date of the open house because too many prospective students had conflicting commitments. At this point I think it's fairly safe to say that NYU has finalised its acceptances and wait-list. I could be wrong but this is the impression I get. I do think its in poor taste across the board not to notify us of rejections sooner. I'm waiting to hear from a whole bunch of schools all of which, when I'm completely honest with myself, I know I haven't gotten into. Regardless though, not hearing means I still hold onto some sliver of hope. I decided to post this in the interest of transparency -- something most of these schools don't seem to have heard of!

That's valuable information, sadsac, thank you. I wonder why so few of the accepted have posted their results on the board. Every other school has so many results. Ah well.

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because not every ph.d applicant looks at or cares about grad cafe.

Wow. A world without grad cafe. I'll bet those folks are way more productive than I am. Maybe even making real strides toward finishing their MA theses. Hmmm.

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Hey All!

So I conspicuously received a phone call on February 18th from an 'Unavailable' number - I hardly ever get telemarketers, and don't get a lot of calls in general. I'm wondering whether it might have been NYU. Did anyone else hear from them through a 'restricted' or 'unavailable' number? It's certainly curious that the one odd phone call I got was on the day that several other people (at least on here) heard.

However, I called the department today (3/2) and they said they're not sending out notifications until the end of next week.

I'm confused.

Any ideas?

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Hey All!

So I conspicuously received a phone call on February 18th from an 'Unavailable' number - I hardly ever get telemarketers, and don't get a lot of calls in general. I'm wondering whether it might have been NYU. Did anyone else hear from them through a 'restricted' or 'unavailable' number? It's certainly curious that the one odd phone call I got was on the day that several other people (at least on here) heard.

However, I called the department today (3/2) and they said they're not sending out notifications until the end of next week.

I'm confused.

Any ideas?

When I received my call from NYU, it was a "Private" or "Unavailable" number--can't remember which.

It would be great if it were NYU--but I think it's a slim chance. Good luck either way!

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Honestly, I'm just not going to worry about this. Either the lady I talked to in the department is telling the truth, most decisions haven't been made yet, and I'll find out sometime this week...or the department is lying, decisions have been made but people are not being told about them, and I'm most likely rejected -- but would I really want to go to the kind of school that did that, anyway? No use sweating bullets.

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Congratulations, you two!

Hi, that was me -- just got a phone call from the department chair.

I was rejected from Brown today so this was nice compensation!

Best of luck to all of you!!

I was also accepted, and was the one to post the stats/info on the results board. Method was phone call.

15/500+ accepted; $23,622/yr for 5 years with no teaching duties; $1,000 one-time stipend for help relocating and setup; ~$5,000/yr(or semester?) for optional teaching (two 1-hour sections a semester, I think?) starting in year 3.

Also, visit weekend is close, on March 3rd/4th.

E-mails and official letters to come

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So I called the graduate department, and the woman informed me that all decisions (acceptances, rejections, waitlists) are going in one mass e-mail next week (she suggested I start checking my email regularly, as if I haven't been doing so pathologically for the past six weeks). She also stated that no "informal" decisions have been made to anyone, although I really do not doubt the credibility of the few claims to such on this message board so far. Good luck to all.

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So I called the graduate department, and the woman informed me that all decisions (acceptances, rejections, waitlists) are going in one mass e-mail next week (she suggested I start checking my email regularly, as if I haven't been doing so pathologically for the past six weeks). She also stated that no "informal" decisions have been made to anyone, although I really do not doubt the credibility of the few claims to such on this message board so far. Good luck to all.

Argh, yeah, basically the same call I made a week and a half ago. Big congrats to everyone who's already in, but best of luck to fellow people who are waiting to hear a decision!

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So I called the graduate department, and the woman informed me that all decisions (acceptances, rejections, waitlists) are going in one mass e-mail next week (she suggested I start checking my email regularly, as if I haven't been doing so pathologically for the past six weeks). She also stated that no "informal" decisions have been made to anyone, although I really do not doubt the credibility of the few claims to such on this message board so far. Good luck to all.

So when is this mass email coming? Let´s get this over with already.

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Beware the Ides of March?


Yeah, NYU and Loyola Chicago are really the only programs I have left that could change my decision from Tufts if my visit this week goes well. I know I almost certainly didn't get into either (no visit weekend invites), but I want to be positive before I say yes. It's doubly annoying because Temple's trying to force a decision from me earlier than April 15, plus I know from last year how horrible it is to be waitlisted and want to decline offers as early as I can out of consideration for other people. So give me that no already, NYU, so I can put you out of my head!

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