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Looking for accommodation before being accepted?


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I have not yet been accepted to the school I want to attend but I just keep looking on craigslist for apartments, as though I had been accepted. This feels very self-destructive and is also keeping me from finishing my masters thesis.

Is anyone else out there doing this? How do I stop myself from going crazy?


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I have not yet been accepted to the school I want to attend but I just keep looking on craigslist for apartments, as though I had been accepted. This feels very self-destructive and is also keeping me from finishing my masters thesis.

Is anyone else out there doing this? How do I stop myself from going crazy?


I am. I am not sure if it is self destructive, or if it just something we CAN control and do while we play the waiting game. I have even planned out a brand new IKEA furnished apartment for when I am there.

I recently figured out it is OK to be excited about a potential life change, and have decided not to ruin these last few weeks of happy anticipation by playing the doom and gloom game. It makes me happy to dream and think I will be both accepted and have a dream apartment, so I am letting myself. I am sure the blow will be bigger when rejection hits, but oh well. Rejection was never going to feel good in the first place!

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I am doing that too. And also obsessively checking this site, and researching schools with later application dates in case the first few don't come through. And I am also behind on my master's work, which is a lot more immediately pressing. But it is fun to dream...

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This makes me feel better. You're right Kreacher, hope is good.

And jordanami, we need to finish our masters. Get on it! Go! I will too! ... after I look at a few more apartment postings.

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lol! I've been doing the same thing..unfortunately, I've gotten rejected from a lot of the schools I found apartments for...practically signed the lease for! I wonder if i can sue the grad schools for my non-existent rent back :P .. I thought it was a fun way to pass time..and it might come in handy down the line :)

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I am. I am not sure if it is self destructive, or if it just something we CAN control and do while we play the waiting game. I have even planned out a brand new IKEA furnished apartment for when I am there.

I recently figured out it is OK to be excited about a potential life change, and have decided not to ruin these last few weeks of happy anticipation by playing the doom and gloom game. It makes me happy to dream and think I will be both accepted and have a dream apartment, so I am letting myself. I am sure the blow will be bigger when rejection hits, but oh well. Rejection was never going to feel good in the first place!

I've been looking at apartments, but I didn't think to start looking at furniture.... thanks for the idea! I need another distraction! :)

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I have not yet been accepted to the school I want to attend but I just keep looking on craigslist for apartments, as though I had been accepted. This feels very self-destructive and is also keeping me from finishing my masters thesis.

Is anyone else out there doing this? How do I stop myself from going crazy?


well, I wasn't, UNTIL NOW! ohmy.gif

I'm trying to write the last 3 pages that are missing in my masters thesis - the preface. And instead of doing that, I keep occupying myself with thoughts of being accepted/rejected.

Thanks, now I have one more thing to keep me from doing what I should... After reading that, no way I can go a day without looking for apartments on the other side of the globe...

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I think it's a fun distraction. I have been doing the same myself, if not worse, because I have been looking into every detail of moving. I figure that at the very least, if I do not get accepted this time around, I will already know what I am looking for when I finally do get in somewhere:)

Edited by JackieH
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I have been doing this as well, primarily because my lease ends on May 31st, one week after I graduate. So it's pretty important that I get ready to find a place as soon as I hear back from my last school and decide between moving to Chicago or potentially Nashville. I also have a large dog so finding housing may be a little more difficult.

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Count me in! I have already shortlisted my dream apartments, dream cars, selected things I should take from my country (international student here), search which gourmet food thingies are available in the US, really... I am all set and ready! They just need to accept me!! :S

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