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Fulbright 2012-2013


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I got the recommendation for GERMANY ETA:

I am pleased to inform you that the National Screening Committee of the Institute of International Education (IIE) has recommended you for a grant under the Fulbright U.S. Student Program for the academic year 2012-13. Your application has been forwarded to the supervising agency abroad for final review. In addition, your application will be forwarded to the program sponsor, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State, for transmittal to the presidentially- appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB). The FSB makes final decisions on Fulbright awards.

Read it while riding the subway home... I read it, then I got another one and thought maybe they send the wrong email and wanted to reject me...

Anyway, congrats to all those who to all those who got the recommendation; for those who did not, I hope the best for you in all other things and perhaps maybe there is next time.

Edited by TheodPliske8711
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  • not recommended for Morocco ETA :(

Though I did decide to apply on a whim in August. And just got accepted to TFA in New Orleans and could also most likely do the French Embassy Teaching Assistantship as well. Don't know whether to go abroad or stay here! Ah! A lot of personal reflection to do...

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  • not recommended for Morocco ETA :(

Though I did decide to apply on a whim in August. And just got accepted to TFA in New Orleans and could also most likely do the French Embassy Teaching Assistantship as well. Don't know whether to go abroad or stay here! Ah! A lot of personal reflection to do...

Me too! I studied abroad in Morocco and really wanted to go back...trying to decide whether to apply to Peace Corps...hmmm. Congrats on TFA by the way!

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Hey - I just wanted to say that...I was an ETA applicant to Costa Rica, and I was not recommended.

I feel for you guys with the rejections. However - this is exactly why I didn't freak out. If it happens, it happens. If not...I will find some other way there. I have a chance to start a great job here and an awesome new business. So I'm finding everything happens for a reason - and if I really want to, I can go back and apply again. :)

Congratulations to all of you who made it to the second round! However, I don't feel sorry for the waiting period you'll get...ouch...lol

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I'm on it! The spreadsheet, I mean.

Scratch that. I'm totally failing. I made an email address for it, but I'm failing at Google Docs. Who wants to take over??

Edited by lkjl2007
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