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Fulbright 2012-2013


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For those in the Germany ETA application: except to receive in the mail instructions from the IIE for what will follow. They will request three copies of everything, from passport pictures along with three copies of statements in German. For those who did the Austria ETA, this will be rather familiar.

Edited by TheodPliske8711
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Judging from the link in the email sent to those recommended for the Fulbright, it seems like there will be no pre-departure orientations for anyone going to the East Asia/Pacific region this year? I thought they had them for that region in the past...

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Hey everybody!

This is my first time posting to this forum, although I have been checking it out throughout the application process. I have been recommended for an ETA to Indonesia for 2012-2013! Congratulations to anybody else who has made it to this point and I can't wait to hear about everybody's experiences!

Are there any current grantees or applicants for Indonesia who are posting on here? I'd love to hear your input :)

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Well, so much for my 65% before, I guess we are all knocked to a generic 50%, with increase or decrease depending on individual qualities...

Ugh, I was guessing 75% chance. :( So annoying! I hope they send those packets out soon so we have time to get everything in.

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Have people stopped contributing to the spreadsheet or am I just looking at an old version? The one I see has someone named JK recommended for an ETA to Vietnam at the bottom. Is this what others see?

That's correct. Only the owner of the spreadsheet can edit it, so maybe they haven't updated it for a bit.

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Ugh, I was guessing 75% chance. :( So annoying! I hope they send those packets out soon so we have time to get everything in.

I just sent an email to the German program and this was their response:

Der PAD führt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fulbright-Kommission und den deutschen Kultusbehörden den offiziellen Austausch von Fremdsprachenassistenten/innen zwischen den USA und den Ländern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland durch. Der PAD freut sich, dass Sie sich um eine Stelle als Fremdsprachenassistent an deutschen Schulen beworben haben.

Sie haben bereits mit den Application Forms des Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York einen Antrag auf eine Fremdsprachenassistenzzeit in Deutschland gestellt.

Der PAD bittet darum, zusätzlich einen PAD-Bewerbungsbogen auszufüllen und zusammen mit den Anlagen "Lebenslauf" und "Motivationsschreiben" (cover letter) dem PAD zuzuschicken. Den PAD-Bewerbungsbogen und Hinweise zu den weiteren Anlagen finden Sie im Internet unter:


Ich hoffe, dass Ihnen diese Hinweise helfen.

Mit besten Grüßen

Please do not rely on what I said alone. My friend said she remembers receiving something, but still, do not make it a 100% thing. It might be best for everyone to do their own research and inquiries. Either way, most people seem to just translate their personal statement as a lebenslauf and a statement of grant as a Motivationsschreiben.

Edited by TheodPliske8711
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Yep, just China

I'm guessing it probably has to do with the budget cuts. Maybe I'm misremembering but I swear there were a whole host of orientations for (especially ETAs) to the Asia-Pacific region, including an entirely separate orientation for Fulbrighters to Indonesia.

Oh well, makes summer plans that much easier to coordinate since people wouldn't have to worry about maybe or maybe not having fly to DC in the middle of the summer.

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I'm pretty sure you're the only one. Are you trying to come the the US as a grad student, or an undergrad?

Re: the spreadsheet, it's been updated, but it's alphabetically sorted by country, so Vietnam will always appear last.

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I would consider it a blessing, in some ways, not to have to attend PDO in Washington, D.C. in the middle of the summer. While the information was useful and it was nice to meet former Fulbrighters, I'm jealous of my friends that got in-country orientations, which included meals, sightseeing around the capital, etc., in addition to getting to meet all the other Fulbrighters from their country at the start of their grant. It's things like that that make me wish I'd applied to a different country where I could've gotten more of the "Fulbright experience".

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I would consider it a blessing, in some ways, not to have to attend PDO in Washington, D.C. in the middle of the summer. While the information was useful and it was nice to meet former Fulbrighters, I'm jealous of my friends that got in-country orientations, which included meals, sightseeing around the capital, etc., in addition to getting to meet all the other Fulbrighters from their country at the start of their grant. It's things like that that make me wish I'd applied to a different country where I could've gotten more of the "Fulbright experience".

Which program did you apply to, and was it for ETA or a full grant? I was under the impression that everyone received an in-country orientation and people going to most regions (with the notable exception of Western Europe and now it looks like East-Asia Pacific) went to a pre-departure orientation. I've been in touch with past Fulbright ETAs going to Indonesia and Malaysia and they also had in-country orientations together as ETAs before going their separate ways. Looks like I was way off the mark!

It seems like those going for research grants don't get as structured of an orientation as the ETAs though. Makes sense, since ETAs usually don't have as strong a grasp of the local language or any affiliations/connections with locals before arrival.

Edited by bdoll
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