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Fulbright 2012-2013


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wow, some people really are taking this regression thing seriously. Critiquing the regression method, seriously? The issue with the regression is oh... only having like three years of data.

Busti, what have you decided on the MA? I'm thinking about International Education/Higher Ed. Admin. as well. From the people in the field I've talked to it seems a bit like there's a "we did it that way so you have to do it that way too" vibe and you are more easily welcomed into the fold if you have followed the "traditional" BA-MA-PhD ladder, especially if you want to end up working at a college/university.

I'm thinking if I'm rejected from Fulbright.... that sounds so harsh, "rejected," anyway, if Fulbright doesn't work I'll look into MA programs for International Education...

I've considered Higher Ed programs, but I'm really interested in having the international component in most if not all graduate courses I'd be taking and think I'd be "happier" in an international ed. program vs. higher ed.

anyway, what programs have you researched?

I'm liking NYU's... but not too sure how I'd fare financially.

American University, Columbia, Upenn

I'm lost, I don't know.


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wow, some people really are taking this regression thing seriously. Critiquing the regression method, seriously? The issue with the regression is oh... only having like three years of data.

I didn't mean to seriously critique -- I was just making nerdy statistics banter. I think @Benjamin Lin did a great and hilarious thing. Maybe in the year 2050 people will be able to run his very same do-file and get a for-real prediction. :)

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I'm really liking American University's program...

I think it's very well-rounded, in case I steer away from education and want to go into government or NGO or other areas...

I'm just not too sure of the school, it's reputation in "international" field, and the alumni stories...

it seems like every alumni has gone into elementary education, not something I see myself doing...

maybe I'm just neurotic?!

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I don't think that critiquing something is taking it too seriously. Someone offered a method of analysis to a group of people who decide to comment on it. What a rebellious thought.


I think, however, that there are certainly people who wish to pretend that they're slightly less anxious than everyone else to hear notice. ;)

Edited by czaradam
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Congrats! Still waiting to hear on the full grant for Argentina... now more anxiously than ever haha.

I've been reading this forum for a while, but now I can add to the results: Argentina ETA, accepted! Got the e-mail at 12:04 today. :)

Good luck to everyone who's still waiting!

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Hey all,

Just a note about the spreadsheet and maybe a plea for help.

If you asked to be added to the spreadsheet by way of posting on the forum, please use the email instead. It is far too difficult to keep track of who has and hasn't been added. In the past I've gone back through and added people who have even just mentioned their status but unfortunately my desire for procrastination is being far outweighed by the need to finish my thesis.

Now, if there is another person who like to donate some time to helping me manage the spreadsheet, let me know! :) Please be decent with spreadsheets! I've already taken four days off from the grad cafe and I plan to not be on here so frequently but I'll keep up the spreadsheet if people keep up the emails. And I probably can't help but check in daily anyways.

Good luck to everyone! I hope we hear a lot of great news this week!

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I didn't mean to seriously critique -- I was just making nerdy statistics banter. I think @Benjamin Lin did a great and hilarious thing. Maybe in the year 2050 people will be able to run his very same do-file and get a for-real prediction. :)

I hope that's the case boxoatoc (about the year 2050)! I'm just in a bad mood because it's 70 degrees in boston and I'm stuck in my windowless office :)

Busti, have you looked at the more non-traditional programs, like Lesley and SIT (in vermont)? I don't know much at all about the American program, but their MA in International Training and Teaching looks really interesting. Most schools put up an example of the courses you have to take in order to get the degree so I would suggest looking at that and seeing if it jives with what you actually want to study. I looked at Vanderbilt for a hot second because they are supposedly number one, but ended up not even giving them a second look because their courseload tends to be heavy on the theoretical and I want a program that gives me more practical experience.

Honestly, the "International" in "International Education" really worries me, lol. There's been a huge surge in "International" this and "International" that across all fields because it's a big seller for schools to get butts in their seats. Honestly its meaning is so variable that the "International Education" program at one school might be completely different from the program at another school, and that worries me. I think i'm going to try to go with an MA in Higher Education Admin. and then focus on International Education in particular. Hopefully with some practical experience abroad under my belt that would be enough to qualify me to get the jobs I would want to have after graduation.

edit: congrats Argentina ETAs! Maybe we'll be hearing more from South America? There was already someone who heard from Peru and now Argentina...

Edited by bdoll
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I don't think that critiquing something is taking it too seriously. Someone offered a method of analysis to a group of people who decide to comment on it. What a rebellious thought.


I think, however, that there are certainly people who wish to pretend that they're slightly less anxious than everyone else to hear notice. ;)

Just seems a little bit like chasing your tail to me if you won't get anywhere near accurate results without an appropriate data set. Trust me, I'm just as anxious as anyone else on here (possibly more so than some since I would have to quit my job and renege on my agreement to go to law school). We're all out of high school, so I'm pretty sure acting too cool to care is passe. :)

(edited because I spelled 'renege' wrong. monday...)

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Hey Biz,

I would love to help you! I have some free time on my hands after work. Just shoot me a PM with the details to signing on and working the spreadsheet. :-)

Thank you sooo much! And will do! :)

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I have yet to look into Lesley, I'll take a look...

I agree with Vanderbilt, same with a few other top programs... Harvard, even Columbia...

I'm pretty much looking at the courses I'd be taking and see how interested I am in those courses, and once again, reviewing alumni stories...

Upenn has a MA in Higher Ed with a specialization in International Comm (I believe)

what schools have you researched?

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Hey all,

Just a note about the spreadsheet and maybe a plea for help.

If you asked to be added to the spreadsheet by way of posting on the forum, please use the email instead. It is far too difficult to keep track of who has and hasn't been added. In the past I've gone back through and added people who have even just mentioned their status but unfortunately my desire for procrastination is being far outweighed by the need to finish my thesis.

Now, if there is another person who like to donate some time to helping me manage the spreadsheet, let me know! :) Please be decent with spreadsheets! I've already taken four days off from the grad cafe and I plan to not be on here so frequently but I'll keep up the spreadsheet if people keep up the emails. And I probably can't help but check in daily anyways.

Good luck to everyone! I hope we hear a lot of great news this week!

Hey Biz! Would it be too crazy to suggest you just make the spreadsheet public? I think it'd make more sense for people to just add info themselves, and I don't really think people would abuse it. OK, maybe they would, but it's worth a try, right?

Thanks so much for keeping it up!

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Hey Biz! Would it be too crazy to suggest you just make the spreadsheet public? I think it'd make more sense for people to just add info themselves, and I don't really think people would abuse it. OK, maybe they would, but it's worth a try, right?

Thanks so much for keeping it up!

We already tried that a while back and it turns into a shit show really quickly.

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We're all out of high school, so I'm pretty sure acting too cool to care is passe.

I knew someone last year who didn't WANT to win the Fulbright -- for real. She was pressured into applying by her grad program and then got a grant. She was a wreck after she got it because she felt like she should take it even though she didn't want to. She might be the only person in the history of the program who FORGOT she applied!

As for my Fonzie demeanor, I'll be biting my nails for at least another month -- followed by either wailing and gnashing of teeth, or quitting my job and taking a bike trip before I leave.

Is anyone planning to travel BEFORE starting their grants (should they be so fortunate to be awarded one)?

Congrats to the future residents of Argentina, and all the others that have heard!

Edited by boxoatoc
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Is anyone planning to travel BEFORE starting their grants (should they be so fortunate to be awarded one)?

Are we allowed to travel beforehand? If I get the grant to Turkey, I would love to travel around Eastern Europe for a few weeks but wasn't sure what the protocols were on that. Anyone have any input?

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