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Fulbright 2012-2013


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Any other Germany ETAs see the post from the Fulbright Program facebook page as a sign that perhaps today is the Germany day? Or am I ridiculous?

Just had a long conversation with one of my parents about what I'm doing this summer if I get it/what I'm doing all year if I don't. Why do I have to think about this?

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Guys.... just so we can get this out of the way I'm pretty sure no one on this board has any idea:

When acceptances for any country will be going out

When rejections for any country will be going out

Anything about the Germany ETA program's notifications

Where Cara Doble is

How many people were recommended for certain programs (except Germany - 280).

On the bright side, I've learned you could not PAY me enough $$$ to work as a program officer somewhere like IIE. I think I would have an aneurysm from answering so many emails about the same thing. :)

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Just had a long conversation with one of my parents about what I'm doing this summer if I get it/what I'm doing all year if I don't. Why do I have to think about this?

Earlier this month my phone broke and my dad actually said something along the lines of "Well if you might be going on the Fulbright we shouldn't renew your contract to get a new phone, so maybe you should stick with a prepaid handphone"

really? really?? parentals, they're even more into it than we are...

Edited by bdoll
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Guys.... just so we can get this out of the way I'm pretty sure no one on this board has any idea:

When acceptances for any country will be going out

When rejections for any country will be going out

Anything about the Germany ETA program's notifications

Where Cara Doble is

How many people were recommended for certain programs (except Germany - 280).

On the bright side, I've learned you could not PAY me enough $$$ to work as a program officer somewhere like IIE. I think I would have an aneurysm from answering so many emails about the same thing. :)

I legit LOLed at your comment...but isn't the whole point of this board that it's a place we can angst, present ridiculous theories, make unfounded predictions, etc. together precisely because we DON'T have any information?

And technical point, a lot of people HAVE found out information by calling and emailing (information that would previously have been on your list as "things no one on this board knows") so it's not all entirely futile moaning.

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We just upload unofficial transcripts (at least I did). They're not officially official unless they're delivered somewhere from the university in a sealed envelope.

yeah I just copy/pasted my online transcript into a word doc and uploaded that. It even said "this is an unofficial transcript" all over it.

Since the application is all online, the transcript has to be opened to scan it in and upload it, so that automatically invalidates it's "officialness"

I believe this is what everyone did. But I got an email when I found out I was a finalist that I had to send official transcripts to NYC. I think most people did, so I think that is what they were referring to when they said they had to send official transcripts.

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I believe this is what everyone did. But I got an email when I found out I was a finalist that I had to send official transcripts to NYC. I think most people did, so I think that is what they were referring to when they said they had to send official transcripts.

Yes, Cheerios asked why we were requested to send an official transcript after we were recommended. That is why StephanieJ and I both mentioned that we had uploaded unofficial transcripts with our applications - presumably they asked for our official transcript after recommendation because no one had actually sent in an official transcript prior because of the online nature of the application process. Capisce?

I legit LOLed at your comment...but isn't the whole point of this board that it's a place we can angst, present ridiculous theories, make unfounded predictions, etc. together precisely because we DON'T have any information?

And technical point, a lot of people HAVE found out information by calling and emailing (information that would previously have been on your list as "things no one on this board knows") so it's not all entirely futile moaning.

Fair point, but I mean... when was the last time you saw someone ask a question on here and get a response from a random saying "Why yes! I do know the answer to that important piece of information, I just hadn't told anyone yet because I was waiting for someone to ask me..."

I do enjoy the crazy speculations though!

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My son said that he talked with his advisor last Friday and asked how many other Fulbrights were accepted from his university and she said that she didn't have the final numbers, that she had spoken with the German Commission (I think that is what he called it) and that they are not finished notifying people, that it occurs in rounds and they are only finished with the first round of acceptances.

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I actually am busy enough that I don't think about the Fulbright toooo much. But my boss, family, and friends constantly asking me about the results drives me bananas. As if I wouldn't post on facebook the following:


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I am a finalist for Cantabria area !! Espero que nos digan pronto :)

I've been lurking on these forums for a while, but finally decided to post. I was recommended for ETA to Spain... but I don't recall being recommended for a specific region!? I know it's Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, or Cantabria... but I didn't put a preference for any of them (although I'm gunning for Valencia) and no region was mentioned in my recommendation email. Is this bad news? Other Spain ETAs?

(edited because I spelled Madrid wrong!)

Edited by ellyj
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Yes, Cheerios asked why we were requested to send an official transcript after we were recommended. That is why StephanieJ and I both mentioned that we had uploaded unofficial transcripts with our applications - presumably they asked for our official transcript after recommendation because no one had actually sent in an official transcript prior because of the online nature of the application process. Capisce?

Ahh, sorry for the misunderstanding. I must have missed something there :unsure:. Probably a symptom of a restless and impatient insanity settling in.

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I've been lurking on these forums for a while, but finally decided to post. I was recommended for ETA to Spain... but I don't recall being recommended for a specific region!? I know it's Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, or Cantabria... but I didn't put a preference for any of them (although I'm gunning for Valencia) and no region was mentioned in my recommendation email. Is this bad news? Other Spain ETAs?

(edited because I spelled Madrid wrong!)

definitely not an issue. I didn't preference it at any point, nor have I heard anything about it since. i don't think we find that out until the final notification.

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Hi All

For the spreadsheet: Bangladesh, full grant, no interview, recommended, grad level

Anyone else out there waiting to hear from Bangladesh? Looks like we have another month to wait so just wanted to see who else was waiting with me!

Hi! I was recommended for the ETA in Bangladesh! Let me know if you hear anything :)

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I know a few folks who've received recent emails about the commission not having all their transcripts yet. i'm wondering if this contact suggests something about how close they are to making their final decisions for these countries (morocco and poland)? anyone know the trajectory from the point of these sorts of emails in the past? gonna go digging around the old forum, but figured I'd toss this out there for those that wanna ruminate with me (since, you know, it's so productive and all). misery loves company!

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I know a few folks who've received recent emails about the commission not having all their transcripts yet. i'm wondering if this contact suggests something about how close they are to making their final decisions for these countries (morocco and poland)? anyone know the trajectory from the point of these sorts of emails in the past? gonna go digging around the old forum, but figured I'd toss this out there for those that wanna ruminate with me (since, you know, it's so productive and all). misery loves company!

I'm one of those people who received an email like this (Dominican Republic). To be honest with you, I doubt it means anything about (1) acceptance status or (2) how close the country is to making a decision. The email says that "not having the appropriate documents could hold up your decision notification," so when I called Pam (the contact person the email lists) about what this means, I asked if IIE had received any information from my country. She said no. Thus, I doubt that IIE has any knowledge about when specific countries will reach their decisions and contact them about contacting applicants...

Another poster suggested earlier that the email is just probably automatically generated when "some box isn't checked in the application package." I bet that's accurate; if they're contacting you before a country decision, it's probably just so that they can make sure there's no hold up later on down the line if you do wind up getting a grant.

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Can I just say that this is a disappointing week - I'm always happy to think someone at least is getting some relief from the suffering of waiting, but this week hasn't had many 'one more down!' feelings for me... do you think the fulbright people lurk in our forum and enjoy torturing us so? 6 months is my patience threshold, I'm going nuts!

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Can I just say that this is a disappointing week - I'm always happy to think someone at least is getting some relief from the suffering of waiting, but this week hasn't had many 'one more down!' feelings for me... do you think the fulbright people lurk in our forum and enjoy torturing us so? 6 months is my patience threshold, I'm going nuts!

Same here...I was thinking tons of people would be hearing by now.

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Can I just say that this is a disappointing week - I'm always happy to think someone at least is getting some relief from the suffering of waiting, but this week hasn't had many 'one more down!' feelings for me... do you think the fulbright people lurk in our forum and enjoy torturing us so? 6 months is my patience threshold, I'm going nuts!

Same here...I was thinking tons of people would be hearing by now.

I'm right there with you. I am not expecting to hear soon but I feel better knowing the process is still moving. This week feels like someone hit the pause button or something and it's disheartening. They got us all excited and then nothing. Argh!

Edited by Biz
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