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Fulbright 2012-2013


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*sigh* this forum makes me anxious! :)

With my finalist email (that said we could hear back anytime between march-june) I had planned to just hear back in June. But Now, I am constantly refreshing the email on my phone thanks to this forum ;-)!!!

It'd be nice if I knew how many people applied to my region. My region only has one grant, so since they recommend 1-2 people per grant, it could be just me or me and one other! Oh well, guess we will find out soon!

Does fulbright contact your affiliations that you have to have for a full grant application? I know someone earlier stated that the fulbright officials were going to talk to one of their affiliate organizations about their research project. Maybe I misunderstood.

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Hi everyone,

I was granted a research grant to Germany (email notification) and just now stumbled across this great discussion forum -- plenty of very good information, so kudos for everyone who keeps it up. My question is about funding: does anyone know what the funding amount is for Germany full grants? A bit ago in this thread someone suggested a website that had info on it, but this info was for incoming Fulbrighters from Germany to the US. Anyone already receive the stipend amount information or is there a way for previous grantees to let us know what's up? I simultaneously find it strange and understand the reasoning behind not publicizing the information anywhere on the net about this. ...

Hi GerLitDude, I've sent out a request for people to share whatever stipend info they can and we've gotten alot of responses, but alas, non for Germany! If anyone can provide stipend info for Germany or any other country, please let us all know! Below is info we have so far:

Another friend of mine who was a Fulbrighter to Kenya said she got about $2000/month (this was about 2 years ago). That is a reference, but I would think that the stipend varies by each country especially because of the different standards/costs of living. At the end of the day, Fulbright will provide you with a stipend that will help you manage your living expenses.


This is the catalog of awards for Fulbright SCHOLARS

Also Korean ETAs are paid 1,300,000 won p/month according to the korean fulbright website.

Just found the following information for full grants to Italy:

The grant amounts to € 13.800. This sum includes a maintenance allowance

of € 9.900, a settling-in allowance of € 1.300, a housing allowance of € 1.500

and a travel allowance of € 1.100. The grant is offered for one academic year

only and cannot be renewed for subsequent years

Here is the link: http://www.fulbright...nts_2012-13.pdf

Found this blog post from an ETA in Taiwan a couple of years ago. Not how true it holds for the rest of Southeast Asia, but according to him, most ETAs walk away with reasonable savings at the end of their year.

The stipend info for other Bulgaria ETAs can be found here: http://www.fulbright...-Assistants-40/

It looks like it works out to about $14000 over the 10-month time frame? Rick Steves did a Bulgaria episode back in 2000, and at that time one of the interviewers said 1k a month was sufficient for a family of four. I'm sure the cost of living has increased over the course of the last decade, but from Fulbrighter blogs it sounds like it is more than enough to keep their belly's full and their apartments warm!

Since some people are interested and I have some info, here is what I want to share from two other friends awarded the grant:

Colombia: Stipend was 1,200$ USD (2,400 pesos colombianos). However, either they have since reduced that amount or have shortened the grant period because the IIE is apparently going broke... He also mentioned that you have to stay on top of the stipend delivery because sometimes they were late with the deposits and his landlady almost kicked him out, lol.

India: Stipend is 1000$ USD. She is also paid in the local currency, rupees. This info is up to date.

They both opened accounts in-country and had money, which was wired into their American accounts, transferred automatically to their in-country accounts.

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Hi GerLitDude, I've sent out a request for people to share whatever stipend info they can and we've gotten alot of responses, but alas, non for Germany! If anyone can provide stipend info for Germany or any other country, please let us all know! Below is info we have so far:

AUSTRIA US TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIP (not an official Fulbright program, but partially Fulbright funded and many of the Germany ETAs on this forum applied for it as well: after deductions for compulsory health/accident insurance and Austrian income tax, net monthly stipend of about €1050/$1450. No support for dependents, no reimbursement for travel expenses to/from Austria.

GERMANY ETA: monthly stipend of €800 PLUS insurance (have looked at the benefits explanation, it's crappy and basically only for emergencies) and reimbursement for travel expenses to/from Austria.

Austria's the better deal, but I'd rather be in Germany. I applied to both.

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AUSTRIA US TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIP (not an official Fulbright program, but partially Fulbright funded and many of the Germany ETAs on this forum applied for it as well: after deductions for compulsory health/accident insurance and Austrian income tax, net monthly stipend of about €1050/$1450. No support for dependents, no reimbursement for travel expenses to/from Austria.

GERMANY ETA: monthly stipend of €800 PLUS insurance (have looked at the benefits explanation, it's crappy and basically only for emergencies) and reimbursement for travel expenses to/from Austria.

Austria's the better deal, but I'd rather be in Germany. I applied to both.

I think he or she was looking for research grant stipends, which I suppose would also depend on how many months you get funded for right? So that amount/however many months the ETA is for plus a housing stipend, since research grantees usually have to find their own housing would be in the correct ballpark I would think

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GERMANY ETA: monthly stipend of €800 PLUS insurance (have looked at the benefits explanation, it's crappy and basically only for emergencies) and reimbursement for travel expenses to/from Austria.

Thanks for this info.

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I think he or she was looking for research grant stipends, which I suppose would also depend on how many months you get funded for right? So that amount/however many months the ETA is for plus a housing stipend, since research grantees usually have to find their own housing would be in the correct ballpark I would think

ETAs also have to find their own housing--with varying levels of assistance from the school in finding it--and pay for it out of their monthly stipend.

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ETAs also have to find their own housing--with varying levels of assistance from the school in finding it--and pay for it out of their monthly stipend.

Really? That seems a little scary... Although Germany is still pretty cheap housing-wise I'm sure you guys won't have a problem!

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Congrats to everyone that has been granted a Fulbright so far!

Though I don't expect to hear back about mine until May probably, I received word today that I was admitted to SOAS at the University of London! So, if I don't get the Fulbright, I finally at least have a fallback plan. =) Oh, and it's my birthday!

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Just received notice that I've been awarded an ETA in Canada!

Hahaha good one :) You almost got me. I'm glad there's still some humor on the thread to balance all the anxiety!

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I am actually wondering which scholarship is the better deal... the Germany ETA Fulbright or the USTA in Austria.

It's hard to tell...the German one only provides you with 800 dollars a month, but you are supported for 2 months longer than you are with the Austrian Fulbright. The German one pays for your flight, the Austrian one doesn't. In addition the Austrian one costs about 140 Euros or so in fees (administrational fees as well as a fee for orientation). But the Austrian Fulbright provides you with 1050 Euros for 8 months and better insurance....

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Congrats to everyone that has been granted a Fulbright so far!

Though I don't expect to hear back about mine until May probably, I received word today that I was admitted to SOAS at the University of London! So, if I don't get the Fulbright, I finally at least have a fallback plan. =) Oh, and it's my birthday!

Haha, everything is in your favor today! Congratulations and happy birthday!

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Oh well, here's to next week!

Next Sun. is April, 1st., so things should start to get progressively more interesting in this forum next week and the following two weeks, when I think most of us will find out. At least that is what has happened historically. Have a good weekend, all!

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ok, so I'm starting to get really on edge. Total radio silence about fulbright romania, and I'm starting to think I really need to be applying for jobs. What do y'all think? Should I contact my school advisor, or Holskin, or will that only annoy people?

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