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the results haven't even come out yet. why are you being so pessimistic. cheer up you only live once :)

Forsooth! Thy words smite upon mine ears like the cries of a maiden, awaiting rescue in vain. Thou art verily a fool if the believeth that thy only liveth once. For tis said by Alan a Dale that a man may live six score of lives, yet nary shall it benefit him lest he joine with the merry men of Robin Hood.

Thank you for that extremely helpful comment, Friar.Tuck.

And thee, o DrBones, if thou art not a craven knave, then thou truly art a servant of the two great men of England: our liege Richard the Lionheart, or our oppressor, the wycked Sheriff of Nottingham. Woe to the one who sideth wrong in this fight!

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Thy numbers doth make sense solely if thou art a slave of the despotic King John.

Too late to be known as John the First

He's sure to be known as John the worst

A pox on that phony king of England!

Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally

Golly, what a day

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Wow. This is bad. People are starting to crack! Seriously! When you start speaking like you're from middle-age Europe, you know it's time to log off and give it a break. Constantly hitting the send/receive button will hurt your index finger AND your sanity.

To answer a question posted above (somewhere in the middle of the jousting match): there is still hope. Last year many people logged in or looked on the list to find out that they had won. Letters were delayed for winners as well, though I imagine two weeks would be a bit excessive.

Deep breaths everyone... deep breaths....

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Last year, I got my email on April 2, I know I looked at the results on the website on Apirl 1.

One of the professors at my university was saying that "they were really behind this year" with everything.

Hopefully not looking at historically late results.

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Seriously, the waiting is killing me.

Yesterday I dreamt that I had won one of the fellowships.

Today I dreamed that I didn't...

I would like to stop obsessing over this... :roll:

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Maybe continuing to pester them on the phone will get them to post sooner... or maybe it will piss them off into posting later...

My prediction is next Tuesday, April 7th. But I'd like them to prove me wrong, today.

BTW... 15 pages... they may now post :)

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I just found this somewhere online. These are the dates in which the results were posted in the past years:

2008 - March 31

2007 - March 26

2006 - March 30

2005 - April 9

So we might have to wait a while...

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I called too, and a lady told me that it would probably be next week. The last she heard days ago was that it would next week or the end of this week at the earliest! She told me how this whole thing works:

1. NSF has to approve the list of awardees

2. NSF has to give the list of awardees to fastlane so they can set up all of the electronic files

3. Fastlane has to write award, HM and rejection letters and NSF has to approve them.

4. everything goes out

It sounds like they usually know that things are going to go out a few days in advanced. They have not heard anything so it probably will not be this week.

I wonder what is taking NSF so long to make the list of awardees? Maybe they lost our applications! It could also be a funding issue.

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I agree that it gives hope for both of the online tricks this year (login to fastline and changing the web address), but I bet that they will try to pay more attention to it this year. We probably should keep logging into fastlane to see if we get the fellows page since this happened 1st last time around.

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