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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Congrats all those admitted! :D

I just decided I need to keep the Jewish sabbath in my own way by not checking this board from sunset tonight to sunset tomorrow. This site is an amazing support system, but it also is making me more obsessed with this whole process than I should be, and I need to relax! Have a great day and for my fellow Jews out there, שבת שלום!

And shabat shalom to you too! Oh & congrats to Goldie!

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Actually, Wisconsin really trying to cut things down. They absolutely screwed up their 2010 cohort. Last year they cut back quite a bit so that most people actually got decently funded. 60-70 is a lot but that's about a quarter of the total application pool.

This year, I've heard that they're taking only about 20. Not sure if he meant only Americanists or in general. They're working towards truly offering fully-funded packages. My guess is that it's the latter- they want to offer about 20 fully funded packages. So out of 450 applications (as it says on the site), about So... the top 5% would be very lucky. Very lucky.

When I talked to them, they said they were admitting the same cohort amount as last year,which if you read carefully through the minutes in the past year amounted to about 73 (though they officially printed 61 as they amount they admitted). So I think the 20 refers to the Americanists.

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I was referring to another poster on the forum who mentioned that UW-M would be posting decisions today. That is all.

Maybe they were just trying to appease everyone? Or maybe they're only posted the admitted or whatever. Scared.

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I got one of the Berkeley acceptances -- it was a very short, personal email from my POI. He says official letters will go out soon. Sounds like they're leaving it to each POI to contact students, so it's quite possible that there will be more acceptance emails. But it does sound like the committee has made final decisions.

Congrats to Goldie and everyone else who's had good news in the last few days! I'm sure there's much more to come.

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As things are clearly heating up heading into next week, I offer sincere congrats to those who have been blessed with good news, sincere sympathies to those beset with bad news, and sincere hope for all of us on the remainder of our apps...

If I am right, no one on this board is out of the game yet, right??

And for those who have agonized at the silence and hope-and-despair of hearing nothing, join me as we sing with John,Paul, George and Ringo:

"Still my inbox gently sleeps."

Perhaps, we can all take comfort in the fact that none on this board will ever script the e-mail I just received from one of my students who felt compelled to advise me: "regarding the paper we have to due, I have know idea what to write about..."

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