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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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It was an official notice via email from one of the chairs of the small admissions committee who works in my sub-field with an email from my POI very quickly following it. I'm heading to campus now so if I hear anything more about when other applicants will be notified I will, of course, post it for you all.

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It was an official notice via email from one of the chairs of the small admissions committee who works in my sub-field with an email from my POI very quickly following it. I'm heading to campus now so if I hear anything more about when other applicants will be notified I will, of course, post it for you all.

Congrats! Any word on funding?

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We need more double agents! Maybe we should set up a thread where they can go spill their secrets. It'll be kinda like a Washington parking garage.

Oh, and respective congrats and condolences to everybody. It's starting to get busy.....

Hang in there Kelkel and AFB!

Edited by crazedandinfused
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Okay so while I'll still pretty upset about my PhD prospects, I am excited to hear about the last MA on my list, Binghamton. But from the looks of the results board, that's still a month way. I don't want to wait that long!!

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:( Try to stay positive......... Where else did you apply, if you don't mind my asking?

Sorry- I took down my signature because it was making me cry. I applied to USC (rejected), Indiana (Rejected), Illinois (rejected), Washington U at Seattle (no word), Arizona State (no word), Berkeley (no word, assume rejected), Stanford (no word, assume rejected), UCSC (no word), and UCLA (no word assuming rejection).

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Ok, so you have 6 more. Don't necessarily interpret the first few rejections as reflections on the quality of your app - they could just reflect the particularities of those specific programs..... Don't let it be a synecdoche, in other words.

Anyway, cheer up!!! We're all in this together (somewhat) and all it takes is one acceptance with some sweet funding and you'll be over the moon, to use the popular parlance. It's really difficult, I know. But you'll be fine once this rotten month is over.

Edited by crazedandinfused
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Sorry- I took down my signature because it was making me cry. I applied to USC (rejected), Indiana (Rejected), Illinois (rejected), Washington U at Seattle (no word), Arizona State (no word), Berkeley (no word, assume rejected), Stanford (no word, assume rejected), UCSC (no word), and UCLA (no word assuming rejection).

Crazedandinfused is completely right -- there are just so many considerations that go into graduate admission decisions, and it's easy to assume a rejection says something about the quality of our applications when we're in the dark about the entire process. It could be that the department wanted more students in X subfield this year instead of yours, it could be that a POI will be on leave or retiring soon, or that a POI simply has his/her hands full with grad students for the next year or two. So there's no reason to feel that each department will receive your application the same way, when each program has its own internal dynamics and needs.

Chin up, AFB! I'm sure you'll be celebrating soon :)

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