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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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I made the profile...but I still don't know if I've been googled? how can I tell?

Academia.edu will now start tracking who visits your page there. If they come via Google result, it will show up in a graph on your dashboard.

It won't be able to tell you any previous Googling that took place, or report any instance that someone Googles your name and doesn't click on the academia.edu link to your profile.

So. Ultimately good for neurotic checking of things (which I am obviously a fan of) but not a source of total knowledge.

(side note: "Googling" is my favorite word)

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Well, I’m pretty ecstatic right now; I was just offered admission to Yale’s M.A. program. I was told that M.A. decisions are made after Ph.D. decisions, not at Yale specifically, but at least at UPenn. I would not lose hope, though. Also, I did not have an interview if that means anything yet was still accepted—perhaps interviews are reserved for Ph.D. students but I am not sure.

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For Rutgers people- Perhaps I'm over analyzing this a bit (but hey! we're historians. that's what we do), but the last posted acceptance on the results board makes it seem as if they are not yet finished with sending out official notifications. If that person was contacted by their POI and is still waiting to get their official letter from the DGS, then there is still hope for us, no?

I've been obsessively checking my e-mail all day! So glad this is one of my last programs to hear from. Best of luck to the rest of the Rutgers hopefuls! :)

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Yeah, I've been checking obsessively too. I hope you are right that they are still trickling. I have this feeling that I am going to be contacted by my POI via email or call if I am accepted, because we had a long long long interview in the Fall. Like 2 hours long. I also feel that they cannot be done with all their acceptances if there has been so little action on this board about it. But who knows. Would still love to know the sub fields of those accepted already!

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So sorry, AFB. I know how the rejections feel. Keep your chin up and like crazedandinfused said, we'll be here next year. I know I'll need help too! We'll be like TMP and Safferz. GO, US!!! Take some time to relax and try not to dwell too much on the negative. Sending plenty of positive vibes your way.

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I already posted upthread, but I was accepted by Rutgers today. I'm an Americanist and I was emailed by Vice-Chair of Graduate Studies, not a POI. I have no idea if they are done sending out acceptances yet though. If you have any other questions I can try to answer in a PM. Good luck to everyone!

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Congrats on the admit dragonfly!

I think someone else posted an unofficial acceptance after you did. That's what the rest of us folks still waiting are pinning our hopes on- if there are students still waiting to get their official notifications, then the hope isn't lost yet.

I'm also thinking that they've just notified Americanists so far. If I don't hear anything by Friday I'm throwing in the towel, until then- I need to learn to check my e-mail less than 100x per day- tehehe.

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Well, I’m pretty ecstatic right now; I was just offered admission to Yale’s M.A. program. I was told that M.A. decisions are made after Ph.D. decisions, not at Yale specifically, but at least at UPenn. I would not lose hope, though. Also, I did not have an interview if that means anything yet was still accepted—perhaps interviews are reserved for Ph.D. students but I am not sure.

Congrats!!! Did you apply for the MA or the PhD?

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So anyone else think that Harvard is done? :(

I think they have sent out all the acceptances they are going to send out and rejections will come via snail mail next month. At least that is what seemed to have happened last year (please correct me if someone knows different).

I just wish some of these schools would just send the rejections already (Yale, I'm looking at you). Honestly, if they have let the accepted people know, then why can't they take the time to let the rejectees know as well.

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Had a conversation about Safferz's today with an Africanist friend. Had to bite my tongue, but they really want her but were sure they'd loose her to UPenn.... oh you guys aren't good for me. ;)

Wow! :lol: UPenn is a great guess, since it's an obvious fit for my research focus. I haven't declined Princeton yet... one of my African history profs (his spouse is an Africanist political scientist that went there) convinced me to give it a bit more thought and wait until I have more details about their offer. I'm quite certain at this point though, and I can't afford to miss any more time away from my classes than I have to for campus visits. I have to graduate :P

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So anyone else think that Harvard is done? :(

I think they have sent out all the acceptances they are going to send out and rejections will come via snail mail next month. At least that is what seemed to have happened last year (please correct me if someone knows different).

I just wish some of these schools would just send the rejections already (Yale, I'm looking at you). Honestly, if they have let the accepted people know, then why can't they take the time to let the rejectees know as well.

agreed. i'm fairly certain that no school could sway me from the one i've gotten into, but it's pretty mean of the schools to leave everyone in limbo when they know the decisions. v-day's over, guys! you can break up with us now!

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Are saying we have to wait until next month to find out if we're REJECTED? I still haven't heard from a lot of places... when it is appropriate to call the school and hurry up to get the bad news via phone rather than by email or mail...?

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