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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Good morning all,

I want to try and allay some of the fear surrounding the Temple admissions. I urge applicant's not to surrender their hopes. Pennsylvania state universities are facing another proposed round of budget cuts for the upcoming year -- to the tune of 25%. I suspect that once the final budget has been passed, state schools, including Temple, will have a better idea of funding availability. Best of luck everyone.

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Thanks wikichic, I am naturally a worrier and a planner. This uncertainty is killing me. I know that if this year doesn't work out I'll be fine and I'll reapply. I just need to know what is going on so I can move on and make plans.

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Hahah I agree with Ganymede18. It's been over a week and nothing for me. I know it'll be probably two to three more weeks before I get any news at all. That KILLS me. Seriously. I want to know now now now!!!

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Good morning all,

I want to try and allay some of the fear surrounding the Temple admissions. I urge applicant's not to surrender their hopes. Pennsylvania state universities are facing another proposed round of budget cuts for the upcoming year -- to the tune of 25%. I suspect that once the final budget has been passed, state schools, including Temple, will have a better idea of funding availability. Best of luck everyone.

Hey ArcLight,

Thanks for this. I was wondering if you might have any further info on Temple, such as when acceptances went out and if they went out in one fell swoop.... Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I am just in tears, I am losing it over this process. I have so much to do and I can't focus, I feel like I am already grieving for this cycle. I just need to get results so I can move on and make plans. I am so tired of being depressed...

Oh Sandy I'm so sorry you're upset. I've felt pretty down a few times this season myself. Please don't give up hope. I know NYU for one is still very much in the game right now and I don't think I've heard anything about Clark.

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What's the consensus on visiting a school that you probably won't attend? Waste of their time and resources, or an opportunity to network with others in your field at a different school? Under some pressure by my profs to visit a certain school before declining the offer, they seem to believe that you should *always* go to visits so you know what you're turning down. I defer to the Grad Cafe...

If nothing else they will put you up in a beautiful hotel and they'll be a lot of free booze on offer for two nights. The campus looks like Hogwarts and it's not like it's going to cost you any money. I don't think it's a matter of wasting Princeton's money (I say this as someone sitting in the middle of that money and while they don't spend it infinately and they are cheap about weird things, but not this one). The question really is the wait list question. On the other hand I doubt anyone on the wait list would really turn down the offer just because they didn't get to go to the visiting days.

Btw, I'm starting to think of it as the invasion of the mongol horde just for how disruptive it is to have that many visiters around... but I mean that in the most affectionate possible way.

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Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your support. I put a note on my door and I'm just holing up during my office hours... I should be grading or doing something work related but I just can't concentrate...

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If nothing else they will put you up in a beautiful hotel and they'll be a lot of free booze on offer for two nights. The campus looks like Hogwarts and it's not like it's going to cost you any money. I don't think it's a matter of wasting Princeton's money (I say this as someone sitting in the middle of that money and while they don't spend it infinately and they are cheap about weird things, but not this one). The question really is the wait list question. On the other hand I doubt anyone on the wait list would really turn down the offer just because they didn't get to go to the visiting days.

Btw, I'm starting to think of it as the invasion of the mongol horde just for how disruptive it is to have that many visiters around... but I mean that in the most affectionate possible way.

*gasp* They stay at the Nassau Inn!!?!?!

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Hey ArcLight,

Thanks for this. I was wondering if you might have any further info on Temple, such as when acceptances went out and if they went out in one fell swoop.... Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I wish I could provide you with that information, but, at this time, I too am only seeing what appears on the results board.

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Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your support. I put a note on my door and I'm just holing up during my office hours... I should be grading or doing something work related but I just can't concentrate...

This is really bad for concentration. I've set up a very ambitious reading list to prepare for the Fall (please don't let it all be for naught!) and I'm already behind because I run out to the mailbox and check my email every five minutes. Oh, the agony.....

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The University of Toronto appears to be finished. Unfortunately, there are very few spots available to international (which includes U.S.) students.

SandyVanB, are you waiting on the University of Miami in south Florida? They notified late-ish last year ... if I recall, toward the end of February.

Sending best wishes to those who have been admitted, and good karma to those who have not. Don't lose hope, friends.

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This is really bad for concentration. I've set up a very ambitious reading list to prepare for the Fall (please don't let it all be for naught!) and I'm already behind because I run out to the mailbox and check my email every five minutes. Oh, the agony.....

I know! And I am so behind on some of my work...

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*gasp* They stay at the Nassau Inn!!?!?!

Yes, they stay in the Nassau Inn. Last year and I have no reason to believe it will be different this year, there is an open bar in the hotel bar with current grad students, sunday night, monday breakfest, talkign to professors and visiting classes with some information sessions and lunch in Prospect House (my friends and I have decided that prospect house is really transported from Kenya in 1950 with all the serving staff and atmosphere intact, though the running guess also includes the Punjab, or Joberg, something colonial). They're taken for dinner that night at a local brew pub, and than another open bar at the Nassau Inn...

I remember trying to calculate how much money was spent on booze alone and gave up trying.

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Regarding the University of Toronto: I am currently studying there and my understanding was that everyone who would be either accepted or waitlisted was contacted on Sunday. As has been noted, the slots for non-Canadian students were INCREDIBLY competitive this year - even amongst the international students already in the MA program, there were those who were not accepted as PhDs.

Since the results board has been quiet lately for Harvard, I assume that all the good news has already been sent out? It seems as though most of the acceptances came via POIs and I wasn't sure if any official news had yet been dispatched - at this point, that's all I can hope for.

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Okay everyone. In the spirit of trying to cheer up anyone who is struggling right now, I will begin posting obnoxious phrases that have gotten me through the past few weeks (between losing my grandmother, waiting on applications, and going through a very serious health scare that turned out to be okay).

I have a billion of these saved, but I'll start with this one:


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Is it wrong of me to be annoyed when my husband sends me an email?! And thanks Goldie!

Sandy, hang in there! I definitely understand your anxiety about this whole process. Also, e-mails non-application related are really starting to get on my nerves too. I have unsubscribed from so many things in the last few weeks! Thanks Goldie for the quote. :)

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