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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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owls, I have a quick question as well which I think might be helpful for some people - had you been in contact with any professors at Yale before you applied or was this the first you were able to speak with your POI there?

Congrats as well by the way!

I'd been in contact with two professors, but only in a casual way -- I exchanged maybe one or two emails each with both of them.

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Frankly, I don't think most places will send out acceptances until early February, so I wouldn't really get too anxious about this until next week, at the earliest. A few notices may go out this week but it's really going to be a waste of time to fret too much about it now...

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Goldie, don't count the chickens before they hatch. Remember that! Besides if you think the process really starts this week, you're only making the whole process seem a loooooooootttt longer than it really is. As Strangelight pointed out, things *really* don't start rolling until after mid-February and that's another good 3 weeks away. Trust me on this, you won't want make this week *officially* the start of notifications.

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I'm a little confused about why this will be a big week. . . As far as I can tell, all of my programs start sending out acceptances in mid-Feb, at the earliest. I didn't see a single one send out acceptances in January. The only one I know to send out earlier, is a school that does interviews (which does, indeed, seem to send out interview requests on the 28th. . . but then doesn't hold the interviews until late Feb). Is the big week only in reference to Yale applicants? I wasn't planning to start freaking out (well, okay, freaking out MORE) until Valentine's day.

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I think its a big week because some schools begin making final decisions? Mid february is when we would find out, next week is when they would start putting emails, packages, etc together to send to people; so this week is when final decisions are made. Thats just a guess, I don't know for certain.

As for the interviews at Yale, thats a relatively new thing my friend said. Why are they doing that? Its beginning to freak me out too.

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I'm with Lomo. Only one of my schools has a history of sending out notification in January (and it was only once out of the recent results). Notre Dame has sent out interviews in late January, but I'm trying not to worry about that.

Of course I'm being anxious already, but I know nothing will happen until at least the second week of February. We can all make it guys!!

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I think dukelover rightly describes this as the week when decisions are really being made. Notifications may well go out into February. But I guess that profs want to clear it all up before that. So I imagine a small number of people will hear, but almost all decisions will be made this week, even if notifications don't go out until the following two weeks.

Hearing about the Yale interviews has made me very nervous. I guess that not hearing must be a bad sign. Although I also think phone conversations are a really stupid way to pick people. Or even confirm that "you could work with this person" etc etc.

THat said, I got a number of notes about missing bits from my files last week, which I'm bizarrely taking as a positive as it at least means they are being sent forward to somebody to review!!!

Congrats to those who did get a chat with Yale though!

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Congrats owls, and thanks for sharing the info! Like goldielocks, I'm also a bit unclear about what this means for the rest of us -- is it fair to assume that all shortlisted applicants have already been contacted? Is the role of the adcomm then to whittle down the interviewed applicants to a final list for offers?

Thanks so much! From what my POI told me, I think that the adcomm. will be whittling down the current short-list to the admits, and then informing them mid-February. This may only be the case, however, for American history; I don't know if this is applicable to the whole department or just my field.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks so much! From what my POI told me, I think that the adcomm. will be whittling down the current short-list to the admits, and then informing them mid-February. This may only be the case, however, for American history; I don't know if this is applicable to the whole department or just my field.

Hope that helps!

Well that must be it for me then. Best of luck to you Owls!

Edited by taybaxter
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WOW I take a day off from this thread and so much has occured. Congrats to Owls for the interview and hope you knock it out of the park. As for everyone else, just remember, only a week (and 2 days) away from Feb!

Yes, and let's hope February goes faster than January! ;)

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I didn't receive a request for an interview from Yale for an interview until yesterday morning -- a couple of days after it seems like other posters here received their notifications -- so I am guessing that there may still be a few e-mails to go out to potentials... this may be field or professor specific, perhaps? (I'm not an Americanist . . .)... Best of luck to everyone.

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WOW I take a day off from this thread and so much has occured. Congrats to Owls for the interview and hope you knock it out of the park. As for everyone else, just remember, only a week (and 2 days) away from Feb!

LOL, yeah. I mean, it's hard to work out whether there is anything "happening" or if a lot of this is just in our heads. I mean, I guess it's true that Yale is happening, but then it's happening so soon after we got that weird email from them re. Is everything complete" or whatever.

I also find it weird that places with super early deadlines like Berkeley are not coming out with anything at all. Anyways, whether this week is truly illuminating or filled with hearsay that obtains the gravity of official fact, i guess we will just wait and see. I'd go to last year's chit chat, but I should probably do something more constructive! Good luck all!

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Well, at least I have to go to work this evening so I will be forced to stay away from the boards/my vicious thought cycle until late this evening. I just want to know yes or no to Yale, really, and then I promise I'll not be so neurotic.

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Congrats virmundi! I think those of you who think it's over for Yale are insane btw :P

Yeah, what if they hate everyone they interview the first time (no offense people who got one!)? They'll have to go back for seconds!

Oh, and of course congrats to all that have gotten an interview!

Edited by Kelkel
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I am totally obsessing over getting results... At least I have a distraction on MWF when I am teaching... And this semester is going so much better than last semester! I am actually having fun this time!

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I am totally obsessing over getting results... At least I have a distraction on MWF when I am teaching... And this semester is going so much better than last semester! I am actually having fun this time!

That's great, Sandy! Very happy to hear it's going better for you.

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So my husband started a new job today (yay!) so I don't have that to distract me from all of this. But now my husband and I have fallen in love with a puppy. We'd get her on the spot but we have to get approval from our apartment community (as we already have the maximum 2 pets). So, now I am waiting to hear if we can provide a loving home for this puppy. I hope we can. Sometimes I wish I owned a house already... *sigh* Cross your fingers on puppiness!! At least we only have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to hear about the decision...

Edited by A Finicky Bean
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So my husband started a new job today (yay!) so I don't have that to distract me from all of this. But now my husband and I have fallen in love with a puppy. We'd get her on the spot but we have to get approval from our apartment community (as we already have the maximum 2 pets). So, now I am waiting to hear if we can provide a loving home for this puppy. I hope we can. Sometimes I wish I owned a house already... *sigh* Cross your fingers on puppiness!! At least we only have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to hear about the decision...

HOORAY PUPPY! I hope you hear good things! That's something better to look forward to, instead of all this grad school nonsense!

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