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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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I should mention that I did end up getting an interview as well. And, I'm wondering if I should be expecting the ax to fall this week...

Oh congrats!! How did it go? Sounds not the best...?

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Thanks everyone. I'm just not a very good interview performer, and tend to get very nervous. Nothing is certain until a decision comes.

Telemaque: Oh okay, I see - your point about the MA programs makes sense. Thanks!

Edited by crater21
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Thanks, goldie. Seriously though, I don't feel any more confident about it now than I did before. Just keeping my fingers crossed like everyone else.

Well I'm glad you got the interview. Truly. I am, admittedly, having a bit of a hard time getting over my Yale rejection. Not because I think I am better than anyone (far from it!), but because my dream advisor is there. And I had been corresponding with him for quite a while. I've been having a bad day and feeling sort of pathetic right now for getting so sad over one rejection like this.

So honestly, it makes me feel better when I hear good news like this. I am very glad you got an interview there and I wish you the very best of luck. :)

(Edited to add that no, I haven't officially been rejected yet.)

Edited by goldielocks
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Well I'm glad you got the interview. Truly. I am, admittedly, having a bit of a hard time getting over my Yale rejection. Not because I think I am better than anyone (far from it!), but because my dream advisor is there. And I had been corresponding with him for quite a while. I've been having a bad day and feeling sort of pathetic right now for getting so sad over one rejection like this.

So honestly, it makes me feel better when I hear good news like this. I am very glad you got an interview there and I wish you the very best of luck. :)

(Edited to add that no, I haven't officially been rejected yet.)

Thank you - that is really, really kind of you to say.

Like I said, though, I don't think I am any closer than I was before.

I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a hard time with this. Having been in this position, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling. You probably don't want to hear this right now, but honestly, nothing is certain until the decisions come out. Maybe some POIs are running late with their interviews. Maybe they have only contacted some people so far. Maybe they are only contacting people whom they want to clarify something. Who knows.

And, regardless of what happens, I just know that you will end up at a fabulous program that will be a great fit for you.

Thanks for your kindness and good cheer on this thread!

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Well I'm glad you got the interview. Truly. I am, admittedly, having a bit of a hard time getting over my Yale rejection. Not because I think I am better than anyone (far from it!), but because my dream advisor is there. And I had been corresponding with him for quite a while. I've been having a bad day and feeling sort of pathetic right now for getting so sad over one rejection like this.

So honestly, it makes me feel better when I hear good news like this. I am very glad you got an interview there and I wish you the very best of luck. :)

(Edited to add that no, I haven't officially been rejected yet.)

I still think it's too early to count yourself out, for all the reasons crater mentioned and more!

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Congrats crater21! I'm sure you did great. :)

A little off topic, but I started running again (Couch to 5k plan) after taking the holidays off (like way off). It has done wonders in terms of my anxiety this week. I highly recommend it.

p.s. goldie is your avatar Lady Mary Crawley? I love Downton!

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One week from today... is February (!!!).

:) I don't think it's a leap year either. What will life be like when we finally know the outcome? Lotsa peaceful reading. For a few months, that is. And then, 40 years of mind-numbing pressure and hectic bliss!

Edited by crazedandinfused
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:) I don't think it's a leap year either. What will life be like when we finally know the outcome? Lotsa peaceful reading.

I sure hope so. I just want to get an acceptance early (you like how I say that as though it's no big favor?), so that I can concentrate on finishing my MA thesis.

But seriously, it's almost February. Thank goodness.

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Yes, the early acceptance would be tremendously helpful. I'd like to be a normal human being again.


I hope you are feeling better about Yale. Anything is still possible!!!!!!!

Aw, thanks, C&C. I'm disappointed, but I'll get over it in time. Still 8 more to go! :) (And again, big congrats to all who scored interviews!)

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Aw, crater, I'm sure you did just fine. But you're right, you won't know until they say yes or no.

If the past two years are any indicator, we could be hearing about Notre Dame interviews today or tomorrow. It sucks that I sit in front of a computer all day. Oh well, I will make it through to the weekend!

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Tomorrow I'm leaving for a week-and-a-half long trip to Southern Utah and the Grand Canyon with a couple of friends. We'll be doing hiking, camping and maybe some skiing. We're even going to try to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back again (two day trip of course!). Thank god I'm leaving tomorrow too..I'm starting to go crazy with anxiety. I need a vacation. I only hope a Grad School or POI doesn't try to reach me while I'm at the bottom of the Canyon... :rolleyes:

Edited by taybaxter
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Tomorrow I'm leaving for a week-and-a-half long trip to Southern Utah and the Grand Canyon with a couple of friends. We'll be doing hiking, camping and maybe some skiing. We're even going to try to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back again (two day trip of course!). Thank god I'm leaving tomorrow too..I'm starting to go crazy with anxiety. I need a vacation. I only hope a Grad School or POI doesn't try to reach me while I'm at the bottom of the Canyon... :rolleyes:

Well don't worry, even if they try to reach you I'm sure they'll leave a message. Go have fun! Unwind and hit up the slopes!

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Well don't worry, even if they try to reach you I'm sure they'll leave a message. Go have fun! Unwind and hit up the slopes!

Chime to that! I think that sounds like a well-deserved chance to relax and escape from application neuroses.

Also, C&C — have you tried just contacting the assistant to the DGS? She's been helpful with my questions. If I can be of any more help, just shoot me a message!

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Tomorrow I'm leaving for a week-and-a-half long trip to Southern Utah and the Grand Canyon with a couple of friends. We'll be doing hiking, camping and maybe some skiing. We're even going to try to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back again (two day trip of course!). Thank god I'm leaving tomorrow too..I'm starting to go crazy with anxiety. I need a vacation. I only hope a Grad School or POI doesn't try to reach me while I'm at the bottom of the Canyon... :rolleyes:

If it were me, I'd leave all my technology at home. I'd want to go tech-free so I can really enjoy nature... Bye bye phone.

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If it were me, I'd leave all my technology at home. I'd want to go tech-free so I can really enjoy nature... Bye bye phone.

Well I don't think I'm going to go tech free by choice--I definitely want to know as soon as possible if any admission results come out ;) --but there will almost certainly be legs of this trip when I'll be off the grid due to lack of coverage...

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