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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Yeah, you could call and try to find out, but I didn't want to press on it. I got the impression, at least, that they hadn't just sent out all the acceptances via email and that not only disappointment waited in envelopes. I also called the history department at Harvard, and was told that they're in the process of finishing up decisions and that we should know within the next couple weeks.

I'm going to try wait and obsessively check my mail. I always get nervous about contacting DGS's, so I'm glad someone is brave enough to do so. I'm just relieved we'll know something soon.

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Also, UW-Madison decision will be posted online tomorrow afternoon

Whoa!! Hold on...you mean for all applicants?? Did you call the dept.? OK...so does tomorrow afternoon mean in the next ten minutes, or any ten minute increment after that? Just to be sure, I better check...

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Annnddd rejected from Buffalo. Wah. Very impersonal letter via post. Here's hoping for those of you whose status has not changed yet (seems like y'all will have better luck that dukelover and I).

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Delurking to say congrats to everyone who's been accepted somewhere and that hopefully those of us still waiting on good news will hear soon. It's good to see how supportive people are on this board. For all the stories about how cutthroat academia can be, at least we are all starting out on the right foot.

I haven't heard back from any of my schools yet, but their result histories suggest that they will be notifying next week or the week after.

I honestly don't know what to expect at this stage, but I think I'm in a good place about it all and much of that is due to the people here.

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My quant is low too but one section explained that out of 21 nominations they are allowed to propose 11 waivers of the GRE or GPA requirement if the rest of the application is strong. I'm not sure how often they actually give waivers but it's keeping hope alive for me at this point.

That's a little bit more reassuring, thanks. Still, I'd feel more comfortable if they allowed consideration of either verbal or quant. That's the nature of a big bureaucratic place like OSU, though - I can get 99% in the two parts of the GRE related to my field and still get pinged for a low, unrelated quant score. Sigh. If I wasn't a lifelong Buckeyes fan, I would despair.

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This is my sub-field, though its the first school I've applied to with word of an actual decision (I guess, the results board does show one acceptance for UNC-CH from 2 weeks ago)...my inbox is woefully empty...is my email like fire-walled from accepting emails from other .edus??


woefully empty...let me re-fresh one more time...nope, nothing!?!

I'm in the same boat. In the last 10 minutes I have refreshed my email 7 times and checked the Illinois website for a update to my application status twice. Do you think they will send rejections via snail mail or an email later in the week?

Also, Congrats to everyone that has been accepted so far!

Edited by R_Escobar
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Yeah, my understanding has always been that most schools use a combined GRE score as a criteria for awarding fellowships, allowing an applicant with a lopsided strength in verbal to make up for serious deficiencies in quant (like myself). Maybe OSU is different? I hope so. Either way, we are driving ourselves nuts!

Oh, and condolences on Buffalo.... :(

Edited by crazedandinfused
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Decided to end my lurking days to offer sincere congratulations to Owls for the UVA acceptance! UVA is my pie-in-the-sky school and I'm glad to see that it is attainable! :) Might PM you for a couple of details, if you don't mind....

Here's to hoping that the rest of us hear some good news in the coming weeks! Now off to resume biting my nails in severe anxiety....

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Congrats to everyone who's already received good news and good luck to those who are still waiting (like me)! For those of you applying to Ohio State I figured I'd put this out there. It's a link to a huge PDF that describes their fellowship criteria, GRE and GPA requirements, number of nominations allowed, etc. On page 33 of the document there is a nomination calender with dates!


Also, I've lurked here a lot and occasionally chimed in, but I've never properly introduced myself. So hello! Btw, my field is medieval Central Asian History so I'm applying to some Middle East/Islamic programs and some World History programs as well.

Whoa, 75th percentile for both sections? 75th in quant is 720 on the old test!!! That's really not fair to the people in humanities and other non-quantitative fields. A 75th in verbal is something like 550. So, basically, the people in quant fields can qualify for the fellowships with an adequate verbal score, but people in non-quant fields have to get quite a few (and difficult) quant questions correct to qualify...

edit: or am I reading this incorrectly, and they mean that the average *total* score must be in the 75th? That helps, but it still kind of sucks.

Edited by poeteer
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Decided to end my lurking days to offer sincere congratulations to Owls for the UVA acceptance! UVA is my pie-in-the-sky school and I'm glad to see that it is attainable! :) Might PM you for a couple of details, if you don't mind....

Here's to hoping that the rest of us hear some good news in the coming weeks! Now off to resume biting my nails in severe anxiety....

Thank you, and sure thing! Ask away. :)

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Whoa, 75th percentile for both sections? 75th in quant is 720 on the old test!!! That's really not fair to the people in humanities and other non-quantitative fields. A 75th in verbal is something like 550. So, basically, the people in quant fields can qualify for the fellowships with an adequate verbal score, but people in non-quant fields have to get quite a few (and difficult) quant questions correct to qualify...

edit: or am I reading this incorrectly, and they mean that the average *total* score must be in the 75th?

To be fair, the quantitative section is reputed to be much easier for math/science people than the verbal section is for history/english/humanities people. Math and science people often totally bomb the verbal section.

I don't know if I'm reading that correctly or not. I'm trying to remain calm and not obsess. My girlfriend has threatened to block this website from my computer (though I'm not sure how she would do that).

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