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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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I have no clue when to expect Rutgers. Would love to know who was asked to interview and for what field.. I'm Jewish/Middle East history. I talked extensively with Browns Jewish history faculty and they were excited by the idea of having a student doing Israeli history, but werent sure their new hires in middle east would be solidified... Anyway, it is what it is. Who was contacted by rutgers?

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Andddd, it's a resounding no from Indiana. Looks like it won't be just two schools today...

300 applicants for 10 spots, btw.

I'm sorry to hear about your rejection from IU.

How did you hear from Indiana? I've applied there and no word yet...

Nevermind- I just saw your post. Sorry, kelkel!!

Edited by A Finicky Bean
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What?? Indiana is actually waking up now? These smattering posts of Indiana on the results board are making me wonder what the heck is going on. I know they admit very, very slowly and don't do "admit weekends", only allowing accepted students to come on a weekend on their own.

I do know that if you don't get a rejection e-mail from Indiana at all, chances are that you are on their ranked list. So considered yourself waitlisted until you've been accepted, or rejected on April 15th.

---from a two-timer IU wait-listee

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Siiigghhh. I'm beginning to feel like I wasted a lot of money applying for PhD programs when they don't want me (yes, yes funded MA I remember).

I wish someone would have told me not to bother and save up that money for two years down the line. Bah.

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Siiigghhh. I'm beginning to feel like I wasted a lot of money applying for PhD programs when they don't want me (yes, yes funded MA I remember).

I wish someone would have told me not to bother and save up that money for two years down the line. Bah.

No No No!! You must not take that attitude. Treat this as a learning experience, no matter what. I had to promise my husband that if I got rejected across the board on this try (my first try) that I would try again.

Hang in there, kelkel. *hugs*

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No No No!! You must not take that attitude. Treat this as a learning experience, no matter what. I had to promise my husband that if I got rejected across the board on this try (my first try) that I would try again.

Hang in there, kelkel. *hugs*

This is my second try :(

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I know. I'm not giving up. I'm just sad if I wasted all that money applying to PhD programs when no PhD program will accept me. You know? Like I could have saved up for a couch or something.

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So nothing else from Indiana so far? I also applied there and can't stop frantically checking my email! I got a "ding" and almost had a heart attack, but it was proflowers reminding me to send flowers to my girlfriend for Valentine's Day...guess who will not be getting my business this year! Best of luck to everyone.

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Commiserations to the Brown rejectees.

And IU - sorry to hear that, Kelkel. Yikes - 10 for 300... I'm definitely downgrading my chances for acceptance there. If they're sending personalized rejections, I guess it may be a trickle of rejections rather than a machine-gun fire of rejections like Duke and Brown have done. That's only going to make me more nervous for the rest of the day.

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