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Congratulations to all those who have been admitted by Princeton! What an honor.

On a different note, has anyone heard anything more from IU? I have heard that decisions were supposed to be sent out this week, but am curious if anyone knows when they might arrive. IU is the last school I have to hear from, and I am anxious for news, regardless of the outcome.

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Congratulations to all those who have been admitted by Princeton! What an honor.

On a different note, has anyone heard anything more from IU? I have heard that decisions were supposed to be sent out this week, but am curious if anyone knows when they might arrive. IU is the last school I have to hear from, and I am anxious for news, regardless of the outcome.

I haven't heard a thing. The same is true for both Princeton and Notre Dame. No acceptance, no waitlist, and no rejection...

I'm assuming that they are all rejections at this point; I just wish they would let me know for sure.

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Seems as if people have been admitted off waitlist at Princeton in years past. Do they rank the waitlist?

The email I received mentioned that it has happened before. It certainly will be an anxious 2 months as I wait to hear from Duke and Princeton. Even if I don't get pulled off I am really happy with how the cycle has went. To even be considered makes me feel really happy.

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Ok, my season is over as well. No acceptance ... not sure whether I want to torture myself next year again. Congrats to those admitted! Good luck to those who are still waiting!

Sorry to hear about that! I was rejected first time around, and have managed at least one acceptance to a great program this time around. If you really want to do it, you can definitely improve your results next time! Good luck no matter what you decide!

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The email I received mentioned that it has happened before. It certainly will be an anxious 2 months as I wait to hear from Duke and Princeton. Even if I don't get pulled off I am really happy with how the cycle has went. To even be considered makes me feel really happy.

I think balderdash was on the waiting list last year. No idea how it works

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No Princeton for me! But you know what, I feel good about my options. This seems like a good opportunity to listen to this song:

Thanks for the video...it's good advice. You have incredible options. Good luck. For me, I still don't even know how a PhD acceptance email looks.

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Princeton does rank the waitlist, but it's by subfield. Last year they had a lower than expected yield in IR, so they took an IR guy. From what Whittington told me last year, there are only about 2 from each subfield on the waitlist. Also, the earliest you'll hear is literally April 14, and you'll hear for sure by end of business on April 15.

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SCENARIO: I received an informal admissions email from a POI and have been driven mad by its informality. I read the email about 4 times a day to confirm that it is real (and addressed to me) and I check my mailbox roughly 3 times a day (yes... this is illogical as mail is only delivered once a day) to see if the official offer has arrived by horse and buggy (snail mail is too kind a description of Canada Post).

THOUGHT: This school could save me a lot of gut-clenching anxiety if they spent some of my application fee (or the fees of the 600-odd other people who applied) to fedex this darn letter to my house.

CONCLUSION: I will not believe that this is real (and not some anxiety-hallucination) until a shiny letter appears in my mailbox.... maybe I should go check for one now...

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Not to prolong the agony, but:

Are people who are just now posting their acceptance emails just discovering them later than everyone else, and they were all sent at the same time? Or have they been sending them out separately?

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Princeton does rank the waitlist, but it's by subfield. Last year they had a lower than expected yield in IR, so they took an IR guy. From what Whittington told me last year, there are only about 2 from each subfield on the waitlist. Also, the earliest you'll hear is literally April 14, and you'll hear for sure by end of business on April 15.

Ah I see. Will be a long wait then. ahhhhhhh

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i have nothing from princeton so it looks like i'm out there but i'm quite at peace with that. i probably should have just withdrawn my application after i heard from columbia. i don't think there's any way i would have chosen princeton over columbia.


a lot of this. this is the pending application i am feeling the most antsy about right now. the other two are harvard and caltech.

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Thanks for the video...it's good advice. You have incredible options. Good luck. For me, I still don't even know how a PhD acceptance email looks.

Well, if it's any consolation, that's how I felt last year. As I've said a couple times on this forum, don't let not getting in discourage you, because so many people on this forum had that experience and are now being admitted to programs. In any event, LSE's a nice place, and I'm sure you'll enjoy your MSc there! I also hear they do a great job placing their students in Ph.D programs.

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