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Welcome to the 2011-2012 Cycle

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I'm still around! Firstly, I'm still waiting to hear from 2 programs. Secondly, I agree with the poster above who suggested we start a thread about impressions following visiting days. I'd point out that while this thread seems to have slowed down, a lot of new threads have popped up recently as people start to shift their priorities from worrying about acceptances to worrying about decisions regarding which school to go to, or how to improve an application for the next cycle.

As for those of us still "waiting it out", this forum remains an excellent resource for hard-to-get information about when and how schools are making notifications, and other things.

Congrats to all those who have gotten good news in the past few days, especially if it is your first good news!!! :)

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DUDE what HAPPENED to this forum?! It's like we all turned into snails! I don't know if I've ever seen it this slow for so long. I know some of us are wrapping up cycles, people, but where's your HEART?!

This message brought to you by a concerned bird.

Do you want me ask another random question to help increase responses?

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DUDE what HAPPENED to this forum?! It's like we all turned into snails! I don't know if I've ever seen it this slow for so long. I know some of us are wrapping up cycles, people, but where's your HEART?!

This message brought to you by a concerned bird.

I still have half of my season to play out, so I know that I'll be certainly sticking around for the foreseeable future. Hopefully with good news to pop in with at points as well! XD

Edited by Snow Fox
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I still didn't hear from 4 schools so I will also be around. Though it has been harder to bring myself in here after all the rejections. I don't know if my heart can handle another cycle, but as of now, it seems like it might have to.

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I am still around as well, though I did discover GradCafe relatively recently. I have 6 of my schools that I still haven't heard from, and even though I know some people have, I am going to try and remain optimistic until I am officially rejected from any of them.

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so a few rochester rejections were posted a while ago while a bunch of admission offers went out. Does this mean wait list since I heard from neither? Anyone else in this boat?

I would imagine so - did see a Rochester waitlist show up on the survey, so maybe you'll hear from them soon?

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Is GWU done?

I don't know. The e-mail definitely had a mass-generated look to it (not even including my name), but I'm a bit surprised no other results have popped up on the survey, so maybe they are sending out the standard template in waves.

As for info on numbers:

The department's admissions committee ranked over 350 applications this year. The pool was one of the most competitive we have ever had. Our goal is a diverse class of about 15 top-notch students. We very much hope that you will be among them.
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I'm also in at GW without funding. Given that I have a funded offer, I probably won't be giving their offer the same level of consideration I will give to NYU, and to Chapel Hill if I get off the wait list.

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I believe my cycle is coming to an unfortunate end. =/

I really wanted to start my PhD this fall, but the prospects are looking unlikely. I'm sure Chicago is done with offers; GW and Georgetown, even if they pull through, rarely offer funding - and I clearly cannot afford to do a PhD unfunded; and Washington is also likely done with offers. The Master's are still up in the air, but I can't afford those programs without significant funding. Guess I have to hope for the Fulbright and reapply next season!

Congrats to those who have had a good cycle. Though I am jealous, I am quite certain that all of you are better qualified and deserve your offers of admission. Hopefully I look stronger next season.

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Congrats to those who have had a good cycle. Though I am jealous, I am quite certain that all of you are better qualified and deserve your offers of admission. Hopefully I look stronger next season.

This whole idea of "qualification" to do the PhD is a little sticky, so I wouldn't beat yourself up. Plenty of very highly qualified people have had to repeat their application cycles (think balderdash & RWBG) - I think it's much more about learning how to show yourself off in exactly the ways they are looking for than about being "qualified." I'll hold out hope for you for this cycle, but if it doesn't go your way this year, remember that you don't know where you ranked in their applicant pool, and that with more information you are just more likely to succeed next year!

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This whole idea of "qualification" to do the PhD is a little sticky, so I wouldn't beat yourself up. Plenty of very highly qualified people have had to repeat their application cycles (think balderdash & RWBG) - I think it's much more about learning how to show yourself off in exactly the ways they are looking for than about being "qualified." I'll hold out hope for you for this cycle, but if it doesn't go your way this year, remember that you don't know where you ranked in their applicant pool, and that with more information you are just more likely to succeed next year!

Thanks for holding out hope. I definitely think I have a better idea as to how to strengthen my application next year, should I need to go through another app season. Though I consulted these forums when applying this past fall, I think I continued to learn more useful information that will help me even more the next time around. I guess I got my hopes up when my professors told me how incredible I would look considering my unique abroad experience; and then got really discouraged to find that I have yet to hear any positive news. Keeping my fingers crossed though!

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This whole idea of "qualification" to do the PhD is a little sticky, so I wouldn't beat yourself up. Plenty of very highly qualified people have had to repeat their application cycles (think balderdash & RWBG) - I think it's much more about learning how to show yourself off in exactly the ways they are looking for than about being "qualified." I'll hold out hope for you for this cycle, but if it doesn't go your way this year, remember that you don't know where you ranked in their applicant pool, and that with more information you are just more likely to succeed next year!

I completely agree here. I also had to repeat the cycle. (round 2 was EXPONENTIALLY BETTER than round 1, where I got 1 admit, no funding) - Yes I did some things to boost my competitivness (I fixed a mediocre GRE score), but I am still fundamentally the same person.

If there is a weakness to your app (low GRE, a letter of rec you think might be poor or mediocre etc) then take this year to fix it, otherwise just work on focusing your SOP, and try again. Best of luck, and keep your head up!


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Just received an admission into GWU, but no funding for now.

I got into GWU without funding too. Not the most exciting prospect though, since there was no funding offered.

I'm also in at GW without funding. Given that I have a funded offer, I probably won't be giving their offer the same level of consideration I will give to NYU, and to Chapel Hill if I get off the wait list.

For everyone in a GWU without funding, I just want to let you know that some just opened up. I declined their offer, so that should help one of you (at least I hope so!)

If you were curious, it was a TAship that covered tuition plus provided a $20,000/yr stipend for 5 years plus health insurance.

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