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Just received an acceptance e-mail from Rice! I could not possibly be happier, this was my first choice and the first school I've heard back from. I hope everyone enjoys this elation soon!


I will claim the Stanford acceptance that just popped up on the survey. No word on funding yet, but they said it would come soon. I am honestly shocked and so so incredibly grateful.

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Congratulations!!! I will claim the Stanford acceptance that just popped up on the survey. No word on funding yet, but they said it would come soon. I am honestly shocked and so so incredibly grateful.

Woah that is awesome! Was it a professor who called?

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I will claim the Stanford acceptance that just popped up on the survey. No word on funding yet, but they said it would come soon. I am honestly shocked and so so incredibly grateful.

A congrats is in order for you too! That is awesome!

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Just received an acceptance e-mail from Rice! I could not possibly be happier, this was my first choice and the first school I've heard back from. I hope everyone enjoys this elation soon!


I will claim the Stanford acceptance that just popped up on the survey. No word on funding yet, but they said it would come soon. I am honestly shocked and so so incredibly grateful.

A congrats to the both of you. Those are excellent programs in their own rights and I wish the upmost luck.

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I will claim the Stanford acceptance that just popped up on the survey. No word on funding yet, but they said it would come soon. I am honestly shocked and so so incredibly grateful.

Looks like Rochester is indeed still calling people; was just admitted in a phone call from Lawrence Rothenberg.

I can claim one of the Rochester acceptances. Seems like calls started going out Friday with official info coming this week, unsure if they have already called everyone who they're accepting though it sounded like maybe they hadn't (just guessing).

Just received an acceptance e-mail from Rice! I could not possibly be happier, this was my first choice and the first school I've heard back from. I hope everyone enjoys this elation soon!

Many congrats!

Generally slow day today....ughhhh

I concur. The deafening silence keeps being perpetuated.

If only I could be this triumphant in my never-ending story:


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Thank you! Lisa Blaydes called to tell me and I received my funding letter just a few minutes ago. 28k/year with 3500 summer funding and 1000 in discretionary funds.

Now I just want all of you to get some good news too!!!

What a package, congrats!! And congrats to RWBG too!

Claiming one more MIT admit for this board; I am quite exhilarated. It's my birthday today so I don't think I need any other present. :D The prof told me my package in the mail should arrive today, so I hope it is there and I get to see what the funding is like.

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Got to love the clairvoyant who predicted to be accepted into the Univ of Texas - Dallas on the 17th of this month. If he/she would be so kind as to make some prognoses for my admissions as well, I'd be much obliged.

Oh and even if today seems to be a wasted day for me, tomorrow strikes me as the most appropriate day for universities to declare their love for and to me. I'll even accept letters unaccompanied by roses, heart-shaped boxes and teddy bears. Thanks.

Edited by CooCooCachoo
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Thank you! Lisa Blaydes called to tell me and I received my funding letter just a few minutes ago. 28k/year with 3500 summer funding and 1000 in discretionary funds.

Now I just want all of you to get some good news too!!!

Congrats! Is Blaydes your POI? The Monday news on Stanford seemed to have falsified the claim that Stanford had made all offers out by last weekend. Though I don't know if there'll be any more offers out.

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What a package, congrats!! And congrats to RWBG too!

Claiming one more MIT admit for this board; I am quite exhilarated. It's my birthday today so I don't think I need any other present. :D The prof told me my package in the mail should arrive today, so I hope it is there and I get to see what the funding is like.

That is so wonderful!!! Congratulations and happy birthday! My advice would be to go out and celebrate, my friend!

Congrats! Is Blaydes your POI? The Monday news on Stanford seemed to have falsified the claim that Stanford had made all offers out by last weekend. Though I don't know if there'll be any more offers out.

She was one. I hadn't spoken to her previously, but her research is relevant to my own (media in the Middle East and transnational security issues). I am so far over the moon I'm orbiting somewhere around Saturn.

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Congratulations on all acceptances! Please, spread joy!

If you got accepted to your first choice (and with acceptable funding), please, send a decline notice to your other grad schools.

It will help the others (who are still in limbo) to get their "Good News" messages during the next (hopefully) wave of acceptances.


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I disagree. While you should decline offers from places that you will not reasonably accept, do not decline all non first choices until you visit. You may find that the person you want to work with is intolerable, or that you don't like the environment, or a host of other things.

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