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What is the earliest we can expect to hear something?


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I happened upon the admissions stats on this site and saw some people posting in December that they received acceptances or interviews for applications submitted in November. Do things really happen that quickly? I didn't get my stuff in until the December deadlines (or close to them)...is it slower the closer you are to the deadlines? Have all the spots been given away?

Will we be seeing lots of acceptance and rejection posts come January when the break is over?

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I submitted three applications during the first week of September, got offers from two of the three the third week of October and an offer from the third about a week-and-a-half ago. I also submitted two other applications at the end of September--so far one rejection and I haven't yet heard from the other. So it looks like anywhere from about six to ten weeks...give or take.

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I submitted some of my applications in early October, but do not expect to hear back from any until late February to mid-March. The programs I submitted early to said that applications are reviewed at the same time after the deadline.

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It might depend on whether we are applying to the humanities or the sciences as well? I checked on the results history page, and the humanities don't seem to get back to the applicants before Feb, in any case.

Anyway, congrats on the good news and I'm glad you guys don't have to wait for what seems to be an eternity.


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Philosophy is generally categorized under the Humanities umbrella, so it's quite possible that it's school specific rather than discipline. I have a good friend who applied to Berkeley's Psych program at the deadline last year and was in by late Jan. Also, not all schools bother waiting until after their own deadlines have passed to send out offers/rejections.

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I applied to social science programs. I think one factor that has to do with when you here is how highly ranked you are by the committee. If everyone thinks you're outstanding, they can quickly extend you an acceptance, rather than circulating your application among faculty or meeting to discuss.

From what I understand, the decisions may come out earlier in the sciences and psychology since they often have interview weekends with applicants. Telling folks earlier gives them additional time to arrange travel, take time off work, etc. But in the humanities, where interviews are rare and the adcoms often have more applicants, they can take more time to inform applicants.

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wow! I can't believe how many people are hearing things already! None of my schools even seem to have any kind of online status updates where I could find out amissions decisions (only tracking for receipt of my materials).

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None of mine have any status updates either, nor any tracking for materials receipt! I made sure they had all my stuff, but now it's just blind waiting....

wow! I can't believe how many people are hearing things already! None of my schools even seem to have any kind of online status updates where I could find out amissions decisions (only tracking for receipt of my materials).
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It seems like science programs are the first to notify, followed by social science and humanities.

Yup. Some humanities programs will drag it out until the summer. I've told multiple schools to trash my application because they were so damned slow (and I'd already accepted an offer).

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Yup. Some humanities programs will drag it out until the summer. I've told multiple schools to trash my application because they were so damned slow (and I'd already accepted an offer).

That must be so agonizing to wait until summer.

I already feel tormented even though I have two interviews lined up because I want to know my schedule for other interviews.

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