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PoliSci 2008-2009 Cycle


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Those of you who were offered funding at WUSTL but are not going to enroll there, please let the admissions committee know asap. I was recently accepted, but they won't know for a few weeks what they can offer me in terms of funding.

Please help, I would love to be able to work with Crisp!

Thanks :mrgreen:

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UNC Update everyone, and I believe this to be fairly credible:

UNC has admitted a number of students already and will send out rejections at some point this week or next.

If you do not receive a rejection, it is likely you will be on an internal waiting list. In other words, it's not out, but I wouldn't count on it either.

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Did Paul Huth just move to Maryland? I could have sworn he was at Michigan...

He was at Michigan for a long time, yeah, but he went to Maryland in 2005 or so. Did great work at UM though. I don't know the degree to which he was involved with their training, but he was at least nominally involved with my favorite cohort in poli sci history: Dan Reiter, Allan Stam, Chris Gelpi, Scott Bennett, Scott Gartner, although Axelrod and Organski probably played a teeny tiny role in things.

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UNC Update everyone, and I believe this to be fairly credible:

UNC has admitted a number of students already and will send out rejections at some point this week or next.

If you do not receive a rejection, it is likely you will be on an internal waiting list. In other words, it's not out, but I wouldn't count on it either.

Is this a common practice? I still haven't heard from Duke :|

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Finally I have received word from one of my schools - University of Maryland, accepted. I'm very relieved my first notice is an acceptance. So it looks like I'll be getting a PhD!

Great news. How did you find out?

Let me be clear..I was not accepted to UMD...I questioned how prior poster found out they were in.

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Let me be clear..I was not accepted to UMD...I questioned how prior poster found out they were in.

Thanks, LeftCoast. I got a letter dated Feb 13. It arrived Saturday I live very close to UMD) but I just got it today as I was away all weekend. I was surprised as their deadline is 2/15, I think. So I wasn't expecting to hear for some time. I posted the details on the results search page.

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UNC Update everyone, and I believe this to be fairly credible:

UNC has admitted a number of students already and will send out rejections at some point this week or next.

If you do not receive a rejection, it is likely you will be on an internal waiting list. In other words, it's not out, but I wouldn't count on it either.

Sad news. I wonder if it might still be too early to throw in the towel, though. Last I checked, there were only two admits on the results board, and none from anyone who frequents the forum (anyway, I don't remember anyone around here getting in). That's a pretty small response for a school that lots of folks around here applied to. Possible, sure, but it would be a weird outlier. Also, one of those posts on the results board seems to suggest that results would come in the mail, unless a particular professor reaches out to you. Keepin' hope alive!

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Sad news. I wonder if it might still be too early to throw in the towel, though. Last I checked, there were only two admits on the results board, and none from anyone who frequents the forum (anyway, I don't remember anyone around here getting in). That's a pretty small response for a school that lots of folks around here applied to. Possible, sure, but it would be a weird outlier. Also, one of those posts on the results board seems to suggest that results would come in the mail, unless a particular professor reaches out to you. Keepin' hope alive!

They admitted, I would imagine, less than 90% of what they admitted the year before. Unfortunately, I cannot go into more specifics. Let me put it this way, you are absolutely right, it is an outlier -- but it is the reality.

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Has anyone taken up any useful vices during this process? Alcoholism just seems too obvious but I definitely need something to keep me distracted other than this forum, which only encourages my neurotic tendencies.

Amphetamines and pork products. (If you're waitlisted at UK or UGA, my heart may explode before the semester starts...could my family bring a lawsuit against UNC?) :-P

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He was at Michigan for a long time, yeah, but he went to Maryland in 2005 or so. Did great work at UM though. I don't know the degree to which he was involved with their training, but he was at least nominally involved with my favorite cohort in poli sci history: Dan Reiter, Allan Stam, Chris Gelpi, Scott Bennett, Scott Gartner, although Axelrod and Organski probably played a teeny tiny role in things.

That's an impressive list.

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Has anyone taken up any useful vices during this process? Alcoholism just seems too obvious but I definitely need something to keep me distracted other than this forum, which only encourages my neurotic tendencies.

Vices? Who has time? LOL I work two jobs and go to school full time. I'm even 2-5 weeks behind on TV (trust me, this is a huge deal for me)! I hardly have time to think about my applications besides a passing thought as I fall asleep. Well, and when I have several hours at work and am left alone to my own devices...aka reading this forum. :roll:

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Anyone heard on when Georgetown will reveal? I know general times of two others of my schools, but it's GU I'm most anxious to hear about. And is there a difference for MA and PhD acceptance time frames?

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Well, I just got officially rejected from my 'safety' school (UT-Austin). The odd thing is that I applied 2 years ago and got in with full funding but turned them down to accept a 2-year paid research job since I really wanted to gain some more experience (and to save some money). Do you think that might have killed my chances? I'm in-state, too.

No acceptances yet...I'm getting scared because I know many of the places I applied have been notifying...ugh.

Waiting: Princeton, MIT, Northwestern, NYU, UCLA, Georgetown

Rejected: Yale, UT-Austin

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I called UPenn today and the graduate administrator told me they sent out all the admissions and waitlists. So if you haven't heard anything - assume the worst :(

I am stating this just to verify an earlier post on the same topic.

That's too bad. Guess I am out. :(

One of their profs told me they would only admit 9 this year. Guess the competition is really tough.

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