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Surely, someone has some news from TAMU. Ok, let me ask this: There have been a few accepted, several denied, some with status changed to "decision made" but no word, and me with none of the above. What is the prognosis? I am about to freak right out.

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Waitlisted at Stanford. Thanks I guess?

In other news, I talked to a prof at Berkeley today and he said that all the top 5 schools basically admit the same 60 students, then fight over them. I'm really curious as to if this is true. Has anyone here ever been accepted to like every top school?

Yeah, this is totally true, give or take. I've had 2 friends (different years) get into 3 of 4 and 4 of 5 of the top 5 schools they applied to; I got into 2 and rejected by 1, and the people I know who've done admit weekends see the same people everywhere.

There are some exceptions - this year Yale had very specific priorities with its American program, because their recruiting didn't go so well last year. So APD people probably had a harder time of it because they were looking for straight-up Congress/public opinion/parties-focused Americanists.

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Do we think MIT notified all of its admits by phone today? Or might a few more trickle in?

Things aren't looking to great for me at this point.

I DO wonder what's going on at NYU and Northwestern, though...maybe there's still hope...

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No news from ND, NW, JHU for me. :?

Should I break down and call TAMU for my admissions status? They've sent the decision by post anyway but the waiting is unbearable.

There was an acceptance from Marquette's MA program in International Affairs though. Now if they provide a RA, given my current list of acceptances, I would be tempted to go there. They have a reputation for sending students to Top PhD programs I believe?

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MIT has historically been sort of all over the place. Some admits get phone calls (and on different days - depends on profs schedules), some admits just get the DHL letter. Either way, I guess decisions have been made, so if you don't get a call/letter by the end of the week, you're probably out.

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No news from ND, NW, JHU for me. :?

Should I break down and call TAMU for my admissions status? They've sent the decision by post anyway but the waiting is unbearable.

There was an acceptance from Marquette's MA program in International Affairs though. Now if they provide a RA, given my current list of acceptances, I would be tempted to go there. They have a reputation for sending students to Top PhD programs I believe?

Give them a shout and let us know...lol...I don't know. I feel the same way.

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Waitlisted at Stanford. Thanks I guess?

In other news, I talked to a prof at Berkeley today and he said that all the top 5 schools basically admit the same 60 students, then fight over them. I'm really curious as to if this is true. Has anyone here ever been accepted to like every top school?

Yes. I know someone last year who got into Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia; another who got into Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Princeton (did not apply to West Coast schools); Stanford, Harvard, Michigan, Yale; Berkeley, Harvard, Yale; etc, etc. There's something of a snowball effect for many applicants, especially those who get into both Harvard and Stanford.

But I also know some who got dinged at several top schools, but then got into only Stanford, or only Harvard. That happens, too.

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I'm in at MIT!! Phone call around 5:45 from a professor; field: Security/IR. This is totally brilliant since MIT was my first choice by far. I am now officially living proof that one can get rejected from almost everywhere EXCEPT their top choice!!

Huge congratulations :D Really pleased for you ;) Say hi to Barry Posen for me!

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Still waiting on UNC -- presumably for the issues discussed earlier in the thread. I vote somebody emails. I also vote that that person not be me.

I'm also waiting to hear from the Tar Heels.

Excellent suggestion on both points, coach. Someone should email UNC, and it should be someone who isn't me.

Homer's campaign slogan comes to mind here, "Can't someone else do it?"

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So, a prof from one of my schools called yesterday and we chatted for 30 minutes. He said many forward-looking things, but did not officially say, "You're in." If I do get in, it will be my only acceptance thus far. One of my other schools, MIT, made calls yesterday and I didn't get one, but that was a long shot anyway.

Still waiting on GW, G'town, American, and BU. I get the vibe that G'town has made a few calls, presumably to their top admits, which makes me think even if I do get in, it'll be without funding. I doubt the other D.C. schools offer funding. boo...

Oh well, the waiting continues.

I'm trying to remember:

1. It's out of my hands at this point, and

2. This will all be over in 3 weeks (right??)

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Does anyone have any clue as to what is going on at UNC and Northwestern? Anyone else still waiting on them?

I still haven't heard anything from Northwestern, though I don't really have much interest in the program anyway at this point.

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I still haven't heard anything from Northwestern, though I don't really have much interest in the program anyway at this point.

Me too. Anyone already admitted/rejected got their status message changed at the application website?

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Ivyreject- American does fund at least some of their PhD students. I did my (funded) MA at American and there were several funded Phd students (in American politics). They do get a lot of people who do their degrees part-time, but those who go full-time are eligible for some RA and TA jobs and fellowships.

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