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How many applications?


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I only applied to seven...and I thought that was a lot! I cannot even imagine all of the stress and time associated with more applications (I admire your dedication!)

I wish there were grants or other forms of aid (more fee waivers) to help with the costs of applications. GREs at $20/school, transcripts at $6 per copy, along with application fees $50-75 (and then any other misc charges like overnighting materials :P). I'm a grad student! I'm already broke and my TA salary is not enough to cover these costs; thank you federal loans.

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I applied to 10. Luckily, I have a scholarship that covers my GRE, applications, additional score reports, and visits to schools. Still, that didn't make the process seem any less stressful. The only thing I'm finding more stressful is waiting for decisions and that one LoR a professor has yet to submit.

Now if only I could get accepted to just 1 program...

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I applied to 3 PhD programs-- totally not my style; I was going to wait a year post-MS and spend a lot of time getting to a list of 4-8 programs, but my undergrad adviser convinced me to just give it a try this year with the 2-3 top schools on my list. I already knew what those were, so, pretty straightforward. Saved me a bunch of money-- and the work and cost of applying to a bunch of outstanding schools in places I would never want to live, and, as a result, would never actually go. (My first shot at undergrad, I applied to and was accepted early decision by a great school in a place I really did not like. I went. I hated it. I left. Lesson-- "Where I live matters a lot."-- learned.) So, here I am, twitching, praying, and second-guessing...

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Only five (three MA, two PhD). I had a list of eight, then took four off because it turned out there was no one there who shares my research interests. I replaced them with four other schools, then realized the structure of three of the programs was completely wrong for me, so that left five.

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Ten. They're all competitive and I'm in a competitive field. Professors and advisors recommended 9-12, so it worked out. Thankfully my dad could help me pay for some of the application expenses, plus I have a scholarship, otherwise I don't know how I could have done it. At least he knows I'll be providing for him in his old age soon enough :D

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4 ....... I wanted to apply to more but my bank account ended up making the decisions for me sadly.

Yup. I have one more application, due at the end of the month, and the $ is probably going to mean I can't make it. Stupid exchange rate! More annoying, I already paid for ETS to send my GRE report there and for the TWO transcripts they demand. AND, it would have allowed me to both pursue my weird combination of interests and have something of a 'safety' (relatively speaking). Oh well.

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