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CUNY NYCEP: I don't know if this would pertain to all the different universities in the NYCEP program, but I was chatting with one of the profs last Thursday and at that point they hadn't made a decision yet (but were supposedly meant to meet soon and finalize). I'm assuming they're going to do so sometime this week.

NYU Anthropology: I don't know if each subdiscipline has a different schedule, but I was definitely (or at least only) referring to the Phys Anth faculty. I'm assuming they also still are waiting to hear from their first picks so they can definitively say something to their waitlisted candidates.

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Chicago -- I know they extended some offers awhile ago, but I didn't get a rejection letter when some other people did. Ideas?

Stanford -- apparently there have also been offers, but I assume they move by subdiscipline. That or they're slow in sending out rejections.

NYU -- I noticed the chain above, but am curious as to whether the rumors pertain only to the posters' discipline.

I've got an offer that I'm 90% certain I'm going to take, but I'm waiting for funding to be verified. I suppose I'd like to be assured of my rejection from these programs (which offer guaranteed funding for five years) before I make any commitments. Granted, I guess I could just call up the offices...

I've got to wonder whether these schools' endowments taking such big hits is affecting their admissions timeline. Still, you'd think that budgets would have been set awhile ago...

Hi pumpkin,

I'm in the same boat as you are re: Chicago and Stanford. Not sure what's going on either.

What I have heard is that the budget issues are affecting their timelines. When the markets crashed hard in October, they essentially had to re-write the budget for the next several years. I imagine that they may wait to see whether they can wring any more money out before they reject people.

My best guess is that not having heard anything means that we are waitlisted, though who knows where on the list. Once they are settled on how many new grads they can afford, then we'll hear one way or the other.

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That was me. I was accepted into the PhD program. No word on funding though. The sec (or student) who answered phone initially told me decision would go out this week. However, I talked to grad liason and was told they were meeting this week to decide funding. There has been university wide budget cuts. :o I have a feeling that this is the story at most schools. :cry:

Who was the the poster with an acceptance to Oklahoma U in bio arch? I got in to, would love to meet someone else that is going.... Send a PM?
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Tonights, have you checked your UMass status? I checked today and it has changed to "pending". I guess that is an improvement over 2 months of "applied". Of coures, with how slow they update that system, it could be 2 weeks ago pending instead of 2 hours ago!! :lol:

Just a heads up for ya. :)

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Stanford -- apparently there have also been offers, but I assume they move by subdiscipline. That or they're slow in sending out rejections.

I'm also waiting on Stanford-only PhD program I applied for. I have emailed twice, and called twice. No response to my emails (I'm still waiting for a reply from mid-December) and when I called was told that no decisions had been made yet, which is obviously untrue. Which subdiscipline are you guys? I'm hoping we don't find out on Friday the 13th- that would be too much for me I think!!! :(

Congrats to all successful people! :D

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Two things

1) Any news on WUSTL????

2) I am a TA at my current University and I have a lot of bioarch and forensic anth students in the classes I teach. They are currently asking me about universities to apply to for graduate school... and being a primatologist, I don't have the faintest ideas of any programs to recommend. So all you bioarch/forensic anth folks: Where did you apply? That way I can pass it on to my students :) Thanks a ton guys!!

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I wouldn't classify myself as a forensic anthropologist or bioarchaeologist (so others will probably be of greater assistance), but...

...for a PhD forensics I'd say that U of Tennessee is at the top. U of Florida has an established program as well. Obviously there are forensic anthropologists scattered around other departments, but the two aforementioned are among the biggest players in the field.

i wouldn't even know where to begin with bioarchaeology. ASU seems to be popular based on posts I've read here.

Just tell your students to read articles in their intended field and find the people that they'd be interested in working with.

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Two things

1) Any news on WUSTL????

2) I am a TA at my current University and I have a lot of bioarch and forensic anth students in the classes I teach. They are currently asking me about universities to apply to for graduate school... and being a primatologist, I don't have the faintest ideas of any programs to recommend. So all you bioarch/forensic anth folks: Where did you apply? That way I can pass it on to my students :) Thanks a ton guys!!

With regards to forensic anth...Dubya mentioned 2 good ones. There is also Mercyhurst, Texas State (San Marcos), New Mexico, Mizzou, BUMC, and U of Montana-Missoula to name a few. Some of these only offer forensic anth focus at the masters level. As for bioarch, I agree wth Dubya again, the students need to think what interests them (region, culture, etc) and then find literature. Look at author and bib and go from there. I am bioarch and that is what I did. I looked for those anthros whose work was influential in my thesis (as I will continue, or at least hope to continue, my work) and applied to their programs.

The best thing they could do is look at the AAA Guide. If they are not members of the AAA then there should be a copy in the dept. That has awesome info about programs.

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With regards to forensic anth...Dubya mentioned 2 good ones. There is also Mercyhurst, Texas State (San Marcos), New Mexico, Mizzou, BUMC, and U of Montana-Missoula to name a few. Some of these only offer forensic anth focus at the masters level.

University of New Mexico!? Debra Komar is the only one really active there...does she spend more time teaching now? 4 years ago she seemed more like an adjunct fac. Powell is there too but I'm not sure that he's active at all.

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University of New Mexico!? Debra Komar is the only one really active there...does she spend more time teaching now? 4 years ago she seemed more like an adjunct fac. Powell is there too but I'm not sure that he's active at all.

With New Mexico, the program is you get your masters in first two years and then you get your phd after that but you are required to get both in the program even if you go into the program with a masters.

I am assuming these people are undergrads asking about forensic anthropology? If so the field requires you to get your masters first then apply for your phd with execption of New Mexico who you get both and then UT actually has it set up that if your there for your masters and they want you for their phd you must go there and if they dont want you then you can apply to other programs. As for rankings University of Florida has actually passed UT as the top program since the faculty change at UT which happened a year ago. Plus in the field it all depends on what your interested in. Some schools specialize in one area. There are books out there that list all the types of programs every school has. I actually used that book when applying to phd programs since it list every field in anthropology.

As for master programs for forensics theres also LSU which has the FACES lab and is an excellent program but they only have a MA program. Amhurst is also just a MA program. Also there is a couple canadian schools that offer forensic anthropology programs. And also Mizzouri will only take masters students even though they claim to have a phd program. But make sure they know that forensic anthropology is one of the toughest fields to get into grad schools. There is alot of interest in the field and very few programs that offer it. I know someone wo finally got into a school on her third time applying.

For Bioarch- theres a ton of programs who specialize in different things. So after the person has determine what exactly interest them they can see what schools are best in their interest by doing some research. Like the post above, the AAA conferences can help. The conference generally rotates between DC, Seattle, Denver, and Chicago.And if they plan on going next year it is in Seattle and will be sometime in February.

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University of New Mexico!? Debra Komar is the only one really active there...does she spend more time teaching now? 4 years ago she seemed more like an adjunct fac. Powell is there too but I'm not sure that he's active at all.

I don't know about how active Komar or Powell are. Just going by the Guide and word of mouth. :wink: Truthfully for any student interested they need to contact the schools/professors to find where the program currently stands. Like Barry wrote, UT has and is still undergoing staff changes.

BTW, I can't believe I forgot to mention LSU! One of my friends goes there and she loves it. :oops: (well at least I hope she does!)

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Not sure who may be waiting on Chapel Hill results, but I do know for a fact that letters have went out...at least with regards to those with cultural emphasis. One of my good friends has received her letter this week.

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Hey erudite crudite

I contacted the grad adviser at OSU but she didn't have info on funding, she said she wasn't privy to that. I wonder when we'll hear...or how? I received the posted official offer letter in the mail from OSU a couple of days ago but there was no funding info attached to that. Surely they know how much this impacts our decisions, I would have thought they would let us know by now. Then again, I got into UCSB over a month ago but still haven't heard on funding there either.

Anyone else know about OSU funds?

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Dude. My status in Utenn's page changed from "sent to the department for review" to "Your file is complete. A letter has been mailed to you."

That sounds bad. In fact, I would bet $100 bucks that can be no good.


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long time lurker here...sorry that my first question probably wont be of use to most ppl, but has anyone heard from Duke bio anth yet? I haven't seen a single rejection or acceptance this year...

I heard that some people were rejected a month or two ago, but I haven't heard anything since. We should receive a decision in the next week or so (I hope!).

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Hey erudite crudite

I contacted the grad adviser at OSU but she didn't have info on funding, she said she wasn't privy to that. I wonder when we'll hear...or how? I received the posted official offer letter in the mail from OSU a couple of days ago but there was no funding info attached to that. Surely they know how much this impacts our decisions, I would have thought they would let us know by now. Then again, I got into UCSB over a month ago but still haven't heard on funding there either.

Anyone else know about OSU funds?

I was at OSU this past weekend. They told us (Psych students) that they would notify us about funding sometime this week. I know for Psych students, our first year is a 12+1 monthly stipend of $20,000 and it is essentially free money (no TA/RA involved). Beyond that, it is a 9-month salary and I'm not sure of the dollar amount.

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Dude. My status in Utenn's page changed from "sent to the department for review" to "Your file is complete. A letter has been mailed to you."

That sounds bad. In fact, I would bet $100 bucks that can be no good.


One of my friends applied there, and she was freaking out last week 'cause her status said the same thing. She got in. So, I promise it's not necessarily bad news - it just means that they finished making decisions and mailed letters. What subfield are you in, again?

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Thanks Sachi, that makes me feel better! Although I will admit it's kind of a long shot with my GRE... but thanks for giving me some hope. Here's hoping my sanity will hold out until that letter gets here. Any idea what kind of envelope her acceptance came in? Is my desperation showing again? :oops:

(I am applying to forensic and bio-arch programs.)

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Honestly UTen should of posted what the answer was online AARRGH. I only applied there because it is the reason I got into my field but no biggie. Didn't get in for my masters because I applied when all the faculty was changing and they just didn't send any letters out that year or at least to me or the other 7 people i know applied that year but I know I am a much stronger candidate this time around since I will have my masters from a very respected program and I am in the process of getting my thesis publish (of course this is only possible since my advisor has agreed for me to include their name on it and they are very respected). I figure my letter will take 3-5 days. But I did have a friend who status changed yesterday so hopefully they sent them all out yesterday so this would be day 1 not to mention the other program I am seriously waiting for said it would let everyone know by end of march. So serious anxiety for the rest of the month. But then again I'm thinking about taking a year off since I have been in school the past 20 years without a year off. Im just getting nervouse since i have only heard back from one school so far and all 4 of my top choices have only said I should hear sometime this month besides UTen that i know is in the mail. Any idea how much it cost to bribe the mailman to insure its an acceptance?

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