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Notifications, anyone?


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I loved the idea of departments taking longer this time to notify because they need to figure out what to say about funding and that keeps changing. It's true that it does! I am on the inside of one school and I've seen how things have been on hold here. Decided, but on hold. That might not be the case anywhere else though.

La dee da.

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Congrats, anthro2009!

I don't have any info on Harvard or Yale - didn't apply to either one. But, speculating applicants want to know . . . was your email/call/letter from Michigan a personal notification or more like one that came from the Dir of Graduate studies that seemed to indicate all decisions had been made? I'm also waiting to hear from them, and I'm wondering if I should just brace myself for a rejection letter. Thanks for any info you feel comfortable sharing!

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Hello everyone,

This is my first post in this thread. I am an international applicant (from India) and I have applied to MA and PhD programs in Archaeology (prehistoric/paleolithic) at 5 places.

I am really anxious and stressed out waiting for the admission decisions because of my unique case :roll: . I hold a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering and have three years of experience working as a software engineer. I don't have any background in this field. I believe that my background in science should be helpful in research areas such as quantitative methods in archaeology. And so, driven by a strong desire to study archaeology, I quit my job earlier last year, in order to apply to graduate schools. Before applying I did a lot of search for the right schools (which accepted students without background), tried contacting professors and then I applied to places from where I got positive responses. With my case being not so strong, I know that my chances are quite low, even for being admitted as a provisional student. This is something which I really wished to do since a long time and so I wanted to give it a shot. Is there anyone like me out here?

I have applied to these schools: Texas A&M, Washington State University, University of South Florida, University of Hawaii and University of Connecticut.

Any idea as to when I should be hearing from them? All the deadlines ended by the second week of January.There has been no news yet except for application acknowledgments.

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I hope all is well. If you have not already done so, read my reply to your original post ('Am I eligible'). I have a physics degree from a tech school. Because of budget troubles, schools are playing chicken with each other over sending out admissions notices. Notifications may come a couple weeks later than normal. Hang in there :).


SlothOfDoom (Fear the Sloth)

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WHAT DOES HEARING NOTHING MEAN?????!?!?!?!?! (particularly when other people are hearing from a school you applied to- either negatively, positively, or waitlisty).


Medianerd, what I really hope it means is that they are holding on to your application and waiting for funding to materialize. Don't lose heart - you haven't been rejected!

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WHAT DOES HEARING NOTHING MEAN?????!?!?!?!?! (particularly when other people are hearing from a school you applied to- either negatively, positively, or waitlisty).


I'm in the exact same boat.

I've seen people post on here that they were admitted in JANUARY to the same programs I applied to.

I sent my materials in in Mid NOVEMBER. I still haven't received a decision from two of them.

Yeah, I'm waiting on those good old rejection letters to arrive any day now.

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Medianerd, what I really hope it means is that they are holding on to your application and waiting for funding to materialize. Don't lose heart - you haven't been rejected!

Tonights, you are my moment of zen here.

I actually made myself leave my office and go to the grocery store so I could stop checking this stuff obsessively. I spent $50 on really expensive gourmet food that I probably shouldn't have, because I was giving into every impulse.*

Oh well, it's all nutritious and I sure need that these days.

*= I mean, stimulating the economy.

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i am all of you. a pile of anxiety reaching out to find some kind of relief from the uncertainty. i know you can't answer my question, satisfy my need to know. you can't because i can't and i am you. we are all in this together and yet in some cases pitched up against each other. sized up by an efficient subset of our achievements, those of which can be quantified of course. yardsticks standing up on end trying to read how many tic marks are on each neighbor's trunk. oh what a funny game this is. myself i don't know if i'll be returning for my phd or returning to the job market at the worst time in our lives to do so. my god is that smiley face crying? so i am reminded again that we are all the same by the very fact that this forum has a crying smiley face for us to use, surely not uncommon on this site. good luck to you all and good luck to me. if i don't see you in class i'll be serving you coffee.


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So...got my first rejection today! UCSD. Boooo, but oh well. I'm strangely relieved to have heard anything at all and am hoping this means things are about to get rolling. Sure, I was a little overly zen about it at first (always misleading!) and my shoulders are strangely tense, but c'est la vie.

Anyone get any news today? Also, how are the various reconnaissance missions going (underground info from depts., etc., etc.)? That's were the real meat is...

I believe the word for my feelings is nonplussed. Off to have a cocktail.

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So...got my first rejection today! UCSD. Boooo, but oh well. I'm strangely relieved to have heard anything at all and am hoping this means things are about to get rolling. Sure, I was a little overly zen about it at first (always misleading!) and my shoulders are strangely tense, but c'est la vie.

Anyone get any news today? Also, how are the various reconnaissance missions going (underground info from depts., etc., etc.)? That's were the real meat is...

I believe the word for my feelings is nonplussed. Off to have a cocktail.

You're better than UCSD! Don't sweat it...acceptances on the way!

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I managed to get away from my computer for an evening, came back, and began checking my email frantically for an update.

I wonder how I'd have behaved this week if last Thurs someone had said "hey, you won't hear anything in the next week, so focus on something else."

That would have been nice, actually.

ETA- I wonder why some schools seem to have notified waitlisted people, but I don't see any postings by accepted or rejected folks. *Head scritch*

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I was doing good for a few days, keeping away from the computer and the constant refreshing... I actually kinda almost made some progress on my thesis! But now I'm pretty much back to freaking out again, and getting nothing done for the thesis, conference paper, etc. I'm especially freaking out since there's been no word - on websites, email, snail mail, blogs, anywhere - from any of the schools I applied to! No acceptances, rejections, waitlists, gossip, nothing. I'm beginning to wonder if I fell off the edge of the world, or if those schools don't really exist, and it was all just an elaborate prank.

:cry: > :lol: > :evil: > :o

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So I got accepted to UCSD PHD program yesterday. From the looks up it they let everyone know yesterday. Its the first program I heard back from and now let the good Karma continue. And lets hope I have finish up my masters. I have about 2 weeks to finish my writing up my thesis since im suppose to defend it in late March.

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Sachi- I have proof that some of my schools exist, but I'm not sure they remember I exist. I do wish programs wouldn't use physical letters as primary means anymore. Let everyone know via email at the same time to prevent speculation :)

barry- Congrats! I attended a conference at UCSD a couple of years ago and it was lovely there. There's a giant stone bear in the center of campus.

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Thanks. I really hoping for my first choice who said they would let everyone know at the same time whether they were accepted waitlisted or rejected and they would do so by the end of Feb so I'm bracing for a rejection because I am not very hopeful of my chances but had to apply anyways.

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Congrats, Barry!

Hope everyone's having a great Friday. In a bout of waiting-induced panic, I just started my Peace Corps application - the ultimate escapism! Being totally dramatic, I know :lol:

Happy almost weekend to all!

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Oh my lord, someone just knock me over the head so I can conk out and not think about this stuff! Am trying to keep busy, but not doing so well.

I just wish I could go to sleep wake up April 15th and have someone tell me where I am moving. Wouldn't that be nice?

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This waiting is driving me crazy. I had a dream last night that I was rejected by the program that I most want to go to- namely, Penn. (It's a stones throw from my house.) I must say that it is difficult not to think about what the admissions committees are up to. From what I've been reading, it seems like many of the humanities/social science programs have already made up their minds, but what's going on with anthropology programs? Hopefully, we'll start to hear from Anthro programs soon... Have a great weekend everyone and, if you haven't heard anything, keep your chin up- There is always next week.

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