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UMASS - Amherst

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An outside one. We'll see how the visit goes.

Not to nitpick - bit Dinosaur Jr. should really switch names with The Boss, geographically speaking... B)

Edited by Isidore
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Perhaps I'm lonely for my NJ friends, perhaps I'm decoding your signature incorrectly (likely), and perhaps I'm just procrastinating at work and going a bit crazy and cryptic, but behold, The Boss, singing about a (geographical) place I think of with equal fondness (largely due to said friends, as well as a certain academic institution) and approbation (largely due to the fact that nowadays "down the shore" everything's Snooki-ized) :


B) --- sunglasses to be worn on the boardwalk.

Nota bene: many of the New Brunswick "hipsters" and artsy type are migrating down to Asbury Park (the last true, nearly unstained by MTV/reality TV shore town, and home of The Stone Pony), along with herds of ex-Park Slope residents. I considered moving down there during my undergrad, because the commute isn't bad at all - also on the train line to NYC. Just another cool place one might consider living if one were to attend an academic institution in Springsteen's home state.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a good trip. The department is excellent, but I won't be attending. Should be sending in my decline either tomorrow or friday. Will let y'all waitlisters know when I do.

BTW, Stately, based on a lot of stuff I heard, I couldn't help but feel it would be an excellent fit for you... 7 year guaranteed funding for people coming in with a BA, professionalization and highly guided teaching experience, the Renaissance Center and ELR... yeah... I dunno. Not gonna tell you what to do, but if I were you I'd go there. B)

I will have a more detailed report soon. If you want to hear any negative things (there are very few), PM me. I don't want to broadcast them all over the internet like this is a Yelp review, but I want to be honest.

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BTW, Stately, based on a lot of stuff I heard, I couldn't help but feel it would be an excellent fit for you... 7 year guaranteed funding for people coming in with a BA, professionalization and highly guided teaching experience, the Renaissance Center and ELR... yeah... I dunno. Not gonna tell you what to do, but if I were you I'd go there. B)

Yeah, it was a very, very attractive department for me. The Renaissance Center and ELR are obviously awesome opportunities. I definitely sensed, while I was there, that the early modern students occupy a somewhat privileged space in the department.

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Just declined UMass Amherst. Got this wrenching feeling in my gut as I was doing it. I know it was the right decision, but I also hope it was the right decision.

Good luck to all you waitlisters! BTW, I'm 20thC/Af Am/Queer Studies if that helps anyone in terms of field.

Edited by TripWillis
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Hi all,

Dr. Clingman got right back to me and said chances are getting slimmer for admission basically because the writing center won't have very many TA spots open. I don't know if he meant that no one will get off the list, but that's the situation as he laid it out.

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Hi all,

Dr. Clingman got right back to me and said chances are getting slimmer for admission basically because the writing center won't have very many TA spots open. I don't know if he meant that no one will get off the list, but that's the situation as he laid it out.

Going to go cry/lament now. Hmph.

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I just officially removed myself from the wait-list. I hope it helps someone on here!

However, I was never offered a spot as a TA. I was offered an assistantship as the assistant to the editor of The Sidney Journal, which has the same benefits as the TAship. I don't know if that option is available to non-Renaissance people, but it's something to consider. If you are potentially going, or really want to go, I would talk to them and say something like, "I really want to go, but am struggling with the financial options. Are there any RAships available for me, or any other assistance I might be eligible for?"

When I was there, I mentioned to the students I met with that I was worried about the financial aid. They said that if you have any doubts, you should mention it to Steven Clingman and Joseph Black, because they might be able to work something out. So that's an option, for anyone who wants it.

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Anyone here definitely attending UMass this fall, and if so, do you want to be my friend? :)

Also wondering what resources people have used with any degree of success to find decent apartments near campus. I previously attended grad school at my underground institution, so I never really had to make the big move. Is the department usually willing to put you in touch with other admitted students who are in the same boat, possible roomies, etc?

So glad to return to this thread in better spirits!!

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Anyone here definitely attending UMass this fall, and if so, do you want to be my friend? :)

Also wondering what resources people have used with any degree of success to find decent apartments near campus. I previously attended grad school at my underground institution, so I never really had to make the big move. Is the department usually willing to put you in touch with other admitted students who are in the same boat, possible roomies, etc?

So glad to return to this thread in better spirits!!

AA -- when I was visiting, Wanda Bak e-mailed me a link to the listserv for graduate apartment hunting and what not. I think a lot of students choose to live in Northampton, which I assume is less expensive and more interesting than Amherst, but you could probably also live in Amherst. Stuff tends to be pretty accessible by PVT buses, in my estimation, and it seems to run really regularly. There are also bike lanes and other hippie perks. If you have a car, more power to ya.

I'd e-mail Wanda and ask her. Couldn't hurt.

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Anyone here definitely attending UMass this fall, and if so, do you want to be my friend? :)

Also wondering what resources people have used with any degree of success to find decent apartments near campus. I previously attended grad school at my underground institution, so I never really had to make the big move. Is the department usually willing to put you in touch with other admitted students who are in the same boat, possible roomies, etc?

So glad to return to this thread in better spirits!!

Hey friend! I'll be joining you! Congrats on getting in!!

I'm very excited - and already freaking out about finding an apartment. My partner and I are looking for a place in Northampton (we fell in love with the town when I went for my interview), but it seems that it would be a lot easier (and cheaper) to find something in Amherst. Seems like Northampton is getting more desirable - and more expensive. I'm crossing my fingers right now, since I need to keep my job through the summer, but I made a compromise with my partner that we could live in Northampton since he will have to commute an hour and a half to work, and this will only be bearable if he has a cool, crunchy town to come home to (I didn't get to check out the town of Amherst, though, so I can't really judge). I've been looking primarily on Craigslist, since all the local realtors list their properties on there anyway. Also, the UMass Off Campus Housing website has listings of both apartments and students seeking roommates: www.umoch.org

PM me if you want to talk about any other details or specifics - will you be attending the week-long "teacher training" in August?

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Hey, Isidore - I'll be doing the TA training as well.

Noho is a GREAT town, but a bit of a commute (I'll be trying to cut down on driving expenses), and the bus ride between the two towns is even longer...Some of those College Writing classes are at 8am (with an hour commute, eek!). I've been using the umoch site to look around Amherst. I'm terribly directionally challenged and figure that being close by won't be a bad thing, at least for year one. I had some professors and classmates in college who lived in Amherst, and they always had good things to say about being there.

Yayy! Our classes might not overlap so much if you're a medievalist, but we'll probably run into each other in Bartlett pretty often.

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