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This thread came as an idea from within the Waiting It Out forums.

Spoilers be here, ye be warned!

Widmore was an Other???? Did he turn the donkey wheel or something? He has to be on the Island when Ben arrives.

It's interesting that the Others speak Latin, which is far more associated with religion. Locke always talks about himself being religious/spiritual. And the scientists all speak English, the language of science. Very interesting little point there.

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The Widmore revelation was absolutely staggering. I wonder if he did turn the donkey wheel and now he's been trying to figure out how to get back to the island ever since.

I'm positive Mrs. Hawking is Daniel's mother. In the "enhanced" replay of last week's episodes that ABC aired last night, they revealed her first name as Eloise, which was also the name of Daniel's time-traveling rat.

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With the tension between Widmore and Richard Alpert, I'm wondering if Widmore didn't get kicked off the island after a falling out between himself and Alpert and/or Ben.

I was thinking the same sort of thing. What if Widmore was in line to become the leader of the others up until Ben arrived? That might explain their tension.

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I hate Kate and Charlotte. I'm disappointed how there aren't any female characters on Lost that I really, really like. Maybe excepting Rose, but of course she's not a major player.

I do like Sun. I am curious to hear more about her take over of her father's company.

I also liked Analucia.

I do also get the feeling that Farraday's mom is the Other chick. She does look familiar and they seemed to be building her up to play a major role in future episodes.


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I don't like Sun, she's been getting nasty lately.

Kate was fine on the Island, but her storyline off the Island is horrible.

Charlotte in the new season has mellowed out a bit, so she's not on my bad side anymore.

I really want to know what's up with Claire, though. Is she dead? What's Christian's real relationship with Jacob?

What's up with the four-toed foot?

Does Sawyer get a pair of shoes and why is Faraday still wearing a tie?

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I'd like to know what happened with Claire also. And Jack's dad. Wtf?

And of course, more about Jacob.

I think Jacob is Locke from another time. I don't think Widmore was an "other". More likely he was the leader of some team sent to investigate the island and was merely working with them. The true others have been there a long time.

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* snap *

Other than I think the Ben character is excellent, nope? I think he orchestrated the whole adoption legal case to get everyone back together. Next week he'll get Sun back under his thumb too, when he tells her Jin is still alive! Shaping up to be a great season!

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Other than I think the Ben character is excellent, nope? I think he orchestrated the whole adoption legal case to get everyone back together. Next week he'll get Sun back under his thumb too, when he tells her Jin is still alive! Shaping up to be a great season!

Do you think he actually knows that Jin is alive, or he just said that because he knows its what she needs to hear?

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Theory: Ben knows Jin is alive because no one off the Island has seen Jin. Who have the main characters seen off the Island? Christian, Claire (really, there's no way she'd survive that attack), Mr. Eko, Ana-Lucia, Charlie. Anyone else?

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I like your theory, but I don't know about Claire. Emilie de Ravin is supposed to be a regular next season. When was she seen off the island? All I remember is her calling Kate.

She was in Aaron's room. Kate heard her, came in, and Claire was bending over Aaron, stood up and told Kate not to bring him back, but then Kate woke up so it was sort of a dream but with the Island's dead I'm counting it as being seen off the Island.

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Forgive me, but I must post a theory with a really bad joke.

So you know how they had to enter the numbers into the computer all the time? What if the computer was linked to another computer underneath the hatch that every 108 minutes wants to divide a number. Every 109 minutes it defaults to zero, unless a list of other choices are given. When Locke stopped them from entering a list of choices, the computer divided by zero and the hatch went haywire.

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Having taught math the past two years I can certainly appreciate a divide by zero joke. :)

I loved the latest episode because it reminded me how conniving and manipulative Ben truly is. I never would've thought after the first time they introduced him he would play such a prominent role.

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She was in Aaron's room. Kate heard her, came in, and Claire was bending over Aaron, stood up and told Kate not to bring him back, but then Kate woke up so it was sort of a dream but with the Island's dead I'm counting it as being seen off the Island.

Riiiight, I remember now.

I love how everyone has the same lawyer, lol.

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