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Monkey University acceptance


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To the person who got into the Banana Harvesting program at Monkey U.--did they contact you for an interview before you were accepted? I applied there too, but I haven't heard anything from them yet, and I'm soooo nervous. Congrats, though! I'm jealous!

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They flew me in for a final interview (didn't mention it 'cause I hate when people start beating their chests about whether decisions have been made), but I had to stay in a cage the whole time and it was pretty cramped, which didn't bode well in my mind for department facilities in general. I thought having to conduct the entire interview in sign language was a bit contrived and tedious as well. Of course I know it, why keep making me demonstrate the obvious? Seems like a very green department overall, which, as anyone who knows bananas knows, ain't a good thing.

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At least they gave you the actual interview.

They flew me all the way out there, and as soon as I sat down to begin, they just started flinging an unmentionable by-product of digestion at me! :oops:

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I know a visiting professor from Monkey University out here in Asheboro. He's working on a project comparing the Bible and Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Wants to figure out if he's his brother's keeper or his keeper's brother.

:lol: What would we do without comic relief??? Seems like there is no shortage of people on this site who've been able to maintain a healthy sense of humor in the midst of all this application insanity...

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I'm worried about the ratio of hoots to gibbers in my SOP. And I'm afraid my dominance display was more style than substance.

Hopefully the university operates on the level of group -- rather than individual -- selection, then. A well-framed 'for the good of the species' argument might put your application over the top.

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  • 3 weeks later...

:lol: What would we do without comic relief??? Seems like there is no shortage of people on this site who've been able to maintain a healthy sense of humor in the midst of all this application insanity...

Thank God for that. Honestly, I think that somewhere in the process the brain just turns to mush...and we're left with...well...insanity. I've heard it said that only crazy people try to do grad school ("What a waste of your twenties!" is a common refrain from the peanut gallery...or is that the banana gallery? LoL). Although, at this point, I've heard that Monkey University is throwing fellowships like dung...so I'm headed that direction, if I can help it :lol:

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I wouldn't get your hopes up. I've just been rejected (too ashamed to post it on the results board). Apparently I didn't use the word "banana" enough times in my SOP. 56 times would have probably got me admittance with guaranteed funding of 15K (in bananas, of course).

LOLOLOLOL this is priceless. No big, is this really the name? Monkey U...I thought it was a hoax.

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LOLOLOLOL this is priceless. No big, is this really the name? Monkey U...I thought it was a hoax.

Oh yeah, it's a top uni - the only downfall being their unfortunate habit of funding in bananas... But hey, 15K is 15K.

And I'm afraid my dominance display was more style than substance.

:D Brilliant.

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The aid package also contains free housing in plantain leaf houses. Each grad student gets one to him/herself. There's also a compulsory meal plan which would enable smooth bowel motion every morning. Its what they call a "self-sustaining" meal plan.

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