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2012 US MPH Program Applicants


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Thought it was about time the public health section had an applicants thread. So please list

- Basic background: undergrad degree, previous masters (if any), current status (still in undergrad, returning professional), experience (public health practice or research) and anything else you deem relevant

- The school and concentrations you are applying to

- Are you still submitting or done with apps?

- (When the time comes) Interviews and acceptances

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll go first! I work as a data manager for a pediatric obesity clinic after graduating with my BA in psychology last spring. Prior to graduation, I volunteered in the obesity clinic for about a year and also completed 3 years of bio research (the effects of iron deficiency on the cardiovascular system).

I decided to apply to MPH programs with a concentration in community health and education at 8 schools: U Pittsburgh, U Minnesota, U of Illinois at Chicago, SUNY at Buffalo, SUNY at Albany, Ohio State U, NYU, and CUNY's Hunter College. My applications were finished the first week of December.

So far, I've been accepted to Minnesota, and Pitt. I'm leaning heavily towards Minnesota at this point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Copying and pasting a bit from a post in the government affairs subforum:

Program Applied To: Health Management and Policy (MPH and MHSA tracks; I also applied for the MPP program at the Ford School of Public Policy, because I'd like to do the joint-degree).

Schools Applied To: University of Michigan. I was offered an interview (via email) with the SPH on 12/20, that's scheduled for 1/23. :)

Undergraduate institution: University of Michigan

Undergraduate GPA: 3.35

Undergraduate Major: Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Science. Minors in Political Science and History (American)

GRE Quantitative Score: 710 (72nd)

GRE Verbal Score: 720 (98th)

GRE AW Score: 6.0 (99th)

Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 0.5? I graduated last April.

Years of Work Experience: Worked part-time in a biomedical lab for two years, worked full-time for two summers and part-time for two semesters in an autism clinic, and am currently working full-time. However you choose to quantify that.

Describe Relevant Work Experience: Although the autism clinic work itself was mostly administrative in nature, it did give me a firsthand knowledge of how pediatric mental health coverage works (or—more to the point—doesn’t work). The clinic served two very disparate populations: those covered by Medicaid, and those who could afford to pay tens of thousands of dollars per year out-of-pocket for therapy. Mental health/substance abuse policy is one of my areas of interest. Currently, I'm working as a regulatory coordinator in clinical research, which means I'm responsible for ensuring that the studies I oversee comply with human investigation policy.

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- Basic background: BA in Econ (3.4 GPA) in 2004. Returning Professional. 6 total years work experience, 3 in finance at top firms in NYC and 3 in public health at scientific research foundation. Also completed 4 semesters of postbac in core sciences like orgo, biochem, microbio, physiology, nutrition etc (3.8 GPA)

- The school and concentrations you are applying to: NYU MPH in Public Health Nutrition, Columbia(Mailman in Epi and MS Nutrition at Teachers College), Yale MPH in Chronic Disease Epi, GW MPH in Physical Activity, Johns Hopkins MPH (distance ), Colorado MPH in Public Health Nutrition.

- A few more apps to go this week. Feel that SOP, work experience, volunteer (4-5 decent efforts), GPAs, recommendations are all great. Am concerned about GREs...took them the day before Christmas 158 V 150 Q 3.5 A :( Keeping my fingers crossed that I'm not kicked aside immediately because of these ...

-Will update with any responses. Good luck!

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- Basic background: B.S. in Psychology (3.1 GPA). Have been working for a training and capacity building non-profit managing the development of an STD prevention program for the CDC for about a year and a half. 2nd career after working in pharmaceutical market research directly out of college. GREs: 169 V (99%) / 162 M (87%) / 5.0 W (87%).

- The school and concentrations you are applying to: Columbia MPH - Epidemiology / Emory MPH - Epidemiology / U Minn. MPH - Epidemiology / U. Wash MPH - Epidemiology / UC Berkeley MPH - Biostatistics & Epidemiology

- Are you still submitting or done with apps? Done

- (When the time comes) Interviews and acceptance: Accepted at Emory on 1/17, still waiting to hear from the remaining schools.

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  • 1 month later...

Basic background: BA in Sociology (3.7 GPA). 3 years of work experience in child health/nutrition, currently a CRA for a NIMH study on children’s mental healthcare access in underserved communities. GRE: 166V (97%), 155Q (69%), 4.5 AW (72%)

The school and concentrations you are applying to: Columbia MPH for Sociomedical Sciences / Minnesota MS for Health Services Research / Michigan MPH for Health Management & Policy

Are you still submitting or done with apps? Done, but thanks to the tragically slow and inefficient processing of SOPHAS, they were mailed out on 2/21 (when I e-submitted in early December, so frustrating). Michigan and Minnesota were still accepting applicants, not sure if Columbia will consider my application though.

Interviews and acceptance: Accepted at Minnesota for the MPP, otherwise waiting anxiously!

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Has anybody heard from Columbia MPH?

They have been notifying via email (directing people to web portal with decision, only acceptances so far) for about a week. First was Epi, then a couple other disciplines...yesterday was first Sociomedical Sciences notification I had heard of (EEP!) but you can hear more of us squabbling on the studentdoctor forums...

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