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How to respond to a christmas gift from a supervisor?


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"Thank you."

I mean you are a poor grad student, s/he is not. Just because s/he can afford to give you a gift doesn't mean you have to give one. Maybe give a card. If you don't celebrate christmas, just give a "happy end of semester" card.

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"Thank you".

If you want to reciprocate you may but it's not expected. The onus is on a boss in these situations to give the employee a gift (or card), not on the employee to give to his/her boss.

I've gotten a gift from every boss I've ever had. My advisor did the same. None of us in the grad office who got his gift is reciprocating, that I know of.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think a nice thing to do would be to graduate, get a job and then gift your advisor something for the next christmas(or whichever holiday he/she celebrates). You'll have (lots?) more money in hand and it'll be a good excuse to visit them.

Otherwise, a big smile and a Thank You should be enough for while you are a graduate student.

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