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Women's Studies 2012 applications, admissions, offers


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Hi I saw a similar thread for 2011, so I thought I would open one for 2012. Any others applying to WGS/WS/GS PhD programs? Where are you at in the process?

I'm a Canadian applying to US and Canadian schools mainly concentrated around Ontario/NY/NJ.

My prior degrees: HBA WGS from Univ of Toronto, MA Sociology & Equity Studies OISE (Univ of Toronto)

I'm applying to interdisciplinary proframs with specific faculty who interest me, spanning gender, ethnic studies, and anthro programs.

Strong letters

Strong statement

Personal history doc's still in progress

Strong publication and conference history

Mediocre GRE scores (solid verbal, low quant)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Louise :)

I find myself physically surrounded with Biology and Business majors so it is nice to see another person on the end of interdisciplinary studies!

I'm applying to a couple Women's Studies programs, but for my Master's not Ph.D. Also, applying to a school in New York for a Media Studies program that focuses on activism and advocacy.

So far I've applied to Southern Connecticut State University for their Women's Studies Master's program and then the New School in New York for their Master's in Media Studies program.

If I don't here from them by February 1st then I will be sending out a couple more to Women's Studies programs at Roosevelt U, U. of North Carolina Greensboro, and possibly Rutgers in Jersey.

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Hi everyone,

I applied to Indiana Gender and Rutgers Women's and Gender Studies for Ph.D. as well as other sociology Ph.D.s ...

I have strong personal statement, strong writing sample, mediocre GRE, and any other part logically strong except low GPA.

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I'm applying this year for Women Studies in a very new masters program at Oregon State University. I'm a bit worried - I've been working in a field which isn't necessarily related to gender studies/activism. But I'm hoping that my statement of purpose and letters of recommendation will be strong enough. I'm also considering an interdisciplinary program, but I did that for my undergrad and would like more focus in my masters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I applied to the women's/gender studies MA programs at Wisconsin, De Paul, Loyola Chicago, and UT - Austin, as well as the Ph.D programs at Arizona State and Ohio State. I have a BA in women's and gender studies from a SLAC in the midwest and a consistent, strong application (though my quant GRE is pretty abysmal), so we'll see how these applications go.

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Hi everyone! :)

I, too, am applying to Ph.D. programs in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. I've applied to Emory University, the University of Minnesota, Ohio State University, and Arizona State University. So far, I haven't heard anything concrete from any of the programs. However, an acquaintance of mine recieved word last Thursday (1/20) that she had been rejected by the University of Minnesota. I logged into their system and noticed that my application status had changed from "awaiting program decision" to "final review." According to their key, this means that they've made their decision and will be contacting applications within two business days. Sooo, here I sit waiting four days later. Has anyone else had the status "final review" or know what it could mean?

Background: I recieved my Bachelor's Degree in Women's Studies and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and my Master's Degree in English Literature from the same university. I had a 4.0 graduate GPA and strong verbal (87th percentile) and written (5) GRE scores. I do realize, however, that UW-Eau Clare is not a widely known school so I'll have to wait and see!

Good luck everyone! Thank you in advance for any advice you may offer!

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Hey all,

Just checking back in to note that I was rejected by both the University of Minnesota and Emory within the last day. Minnesota sent a link to a rejection and Emory sent out a generic rejection e-mail. Here's to hoping that OSU and ASU will have different results. Though, I'm think these first two rejections aren't a good sign of things to come. I am very disappointed -- this process has been really emotionally draining. Is anyone else feeling this way?

Good luck to all! :)

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I decided to check websites until I get one acceptance into my inbox from schools with which I am a good fit. After one acceptance, I will check universities with which I am not a great fit. So I believe research fit is important. I am sorry for results. Did you typed the results to Results Survey of Grad Cafe? The link is at the top of the page. Good luck!

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Regarding results: I'm not the one who posted, but I got an acceptance from Maryland with funding. They didn't talk about the numbers of that, though. It appears they're having a small visiting class (3 people in all).

Regarding background: I applied with an M.A. (defending in April); BA/MA are both interdisciplinary humanities from large state R1s.

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My BA is in Women's Studies and MA in Women's Health. I've applied to mostly Sociology programs but I did apply UnivMaryland for Women's Studies. Anyone else?

I haven't heard back from anyone yet... waiting patiently. I think UMD was interviewing early Feb. Fingers crossed.

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Hi, everyone!

Has anyone applied to the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Ph.D. programs at Ohio State or Arizona State? If so, have you heard anything yet? The waiting game is killing me!

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@sexuality and power: hello there, that was me. i received a call this morning from one of the faculty who i'm assuming must be the chair of the committee, because i did not list her as a potential poi. my application status does still say "no decision" though, so you may still get a call. feel free to pm me with any questions, and best of luck to you.

Edited by stablecamel
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I am applying to MA programs in Women's and Gender Studies at Ohio State, DePaul, Rutgers, and Washington University in St. Louis. So far I have been rejected from Ohio State and waiting to hear back on the others.

I majored in Russian and Political Science with a minor in Women's Studies during undergrad. I have strong GRE verbal scores and better than average quantitative, as well as a 3.8 undergrad GPA.

Would love to hear when anyone else finds out from DePaul/Rutgers/GW about their respective MA programs.

Best of luck to all!

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I am an International. What is weird is that I need to do compulsory military service even I am GAY! :(((( Because my MA is going to end. And I could not have got accepted to a good PhD))))

And soon my time is finishing up to postpone military service.

Or I should give them enough proof (having make up on my face, or showing my obscene photos in receptive position to the jury) to cancel it :/ This also means that I can not work at government as a teacher or anything :(((( If you got rid of military service as a gay, you can not teach! this is the logic.

This puts me on my nerves, makes me wake up as early as 5 am.

I just feel like crying because I could postpone it with my Master education until 2012 august. I do not know what to do next :/

Oh no! I'm so sorry. You must have a lot of anxiety. It looks like you still have a few programs you're waiting on. I'll cross my fingers for you! Keep us updated with what's going on.

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I am an International. What is weird is that I need to do compulsory military service even I am GAY! :(((( Because my MA is going to end. And I could not have got accepted to a good PhD))))

And soon my time is finishing up to postpone military service.

Or I should give them enough proof (having make up on my face, or showing my obscene photos in receptive position to the jury) to cancel it :/ This also means that I can not work at government as a teacher or anything :(((( If you got rid of military service as a gay, you can not teach! this is the logic.

This puts me on my nerves, makes me wake up as early as 5 am.

I just feel like crying because I could postpone it with my Master education until 2012 august. I do not know what to do next :/


Please don't give up hope yet! From you signature, I see you still have some very decent programs you have not heard from. Please don't give up hope yet! I was also preparing going home but I received my first offer today!

Stay positive! There are always alternatives and different options! I'm an international too; maybe you could use your OPT to stay for one more year and apply again next year? It can just be that competition this year is exceptionally tough.

But stay positive for now! Wait until you hear from all programs.

Edited by McDull
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