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I join in whoever was complaining about short SOPs. My Michigan SOP, cut down from 3.5pp, is now 2pp + 3 lines. Oh, and 11pt font.


  On 12/15/2011 at 10:23 PM, Timshel said:

Amherst said something similar to this on their application. It said one page that if you had to mail anything (which you do) that you should print out the last page and then send that with your documents, or provide something that has all of your information on it. I had already mailed my documents in, and coincidentally provided all the information that they wanted anyway, but then, when I clicked submit, it said: print this page and send with your supplemental materials.

So. Confusing. I just said fuck it and figured that what I sent with my materials is probably good enough. The only difference was that the print out had my application number on it. I'm sure that just helps them locate your stuff quicker.

Oh, that's nice, because I specifically wrote to Amherst to ask what they wanted on the coverpage as identifying info, and I got no reply.

And while we're on the topic of kvetching about Amherst, what the heck is up with their extra January second application for the teaching program?

  On 12/16/2011 at 5:46 AM, Grunty DaGnome said:

Oh, that's nice, because I specifically wrote to Amherst to ask what they wanted on the coverpage as identifying info, and I got no reply.

And while we're on the topic of kvetching about Amherst, what the heck is up with their extra January second application for the teaching program?

I know! I think the website says the deadline is February, but I think it's silly to have EVERYONE also apply to the comp program. They should just make the people who were accepted. I also have questions because they state that they need two LORs, and they will send two from the general app, and then the sheet asks you to list their names. Uh, how the hell should I know which ones they are getting? It also states that if you have taught before, they want you to send another letter from someone who can speak to your teaching, so of course, I have to send that, too, and they don't really provide information on how that should be done. I'm dreading doing that one.....


This is a great thread idea, Timshel!

Random grievance of my own: I still have no idea whether I should apply to comp/rhetoric or literature programs next fall.

If any of you come across any of my older posts about my grad school plans, ignore them. They're uniformly bullshit, and I've completely changed my mind about things (again!). lol.



Good luck, TE. You never really "figure it out," rather you just have to look at where your training has been, what your real intellectual interests are, and how you can find a way to reconcile both in a form that you can live with. In the mean time, I'm telling myself that if you really work hard at it, something will work out, but I very much empathize with your situation.

For instance, I myself stick out like an awkward, sore thumb in my field, as the way I've been trained is in a somewhat unorthodox manner. Subsequently I don't fit well in most lit. departments that privilege "national traditions" and language training (as my primary interests are theoretical and critical), while I find that most of the edgier departments in the U.S. don't accommodate the type of theory I like and eschew all pretensions to be a unified discipline. The contrast between Berkeley Comp Lit and Rhetoric departments gives you a great example of that.

At least with Comp Lit you get to select most of your committee from any department that will take you, but unfortunately they won't accept you on that pretense alone (ie you need to find people in the department you know you can work with).

  On 12/16/2011 at 6:23 AM, Timshel said:

I know! I think the website says the deadline is February, but I think it's silly to have EVERYONE also apply to the comp program. They should just make the people who were accepted. I also have questions because they state that they need two LORs, and they will send two from the general app, and then the sheet asks you to list their names. Uh, how the hell should I know which ones they are getting? It also states that if you have taught before, they want you to send another letter from someone who can speak to your teaching, so of course, I have to send that, too, and they don't really provide information on how that should be done. I'm dreading doing that one.....

I think they want the whole thing, including supplemental LORs sent as on package.

  On 12/16/2011 at 2:28 PM, rainy_day said:

I think they want the whole thing, including supplemental LORs sent as on package.

If you click on the application, it says this: "Two letters of recommendation. Letters submitted as a part of your application for graduate study in the English Department will automatically be transferred to this application. If you have had teaching experience, we encourage you to send us an additional letter referring to this work."


UGH. I just got an email from UCR saying they don't have a transcript from one of the schools I attended, but it was mailed November 10th. Grrrrr.....

  On 12/16/2011 at 12:30 AM, bespeckled said:

I join in whoever was complaining about short SOPs. My Michigan SOP, cut down from 3.5pp, is now 2pp + 3 lines. Oh, and 11pt font.


At that length, may as well just send a head-shot...or half a one, since they're worth 1,000 words.


Crisis averted. The transcript was in my maiden name, so it was misfiled. phew!


I am having such a hard time writing my "fit" paragraph for Cornell. I don't know why this one is stressing me out more than anyone since the likelihood of me actually getting in is one in a billion.....


Just wanted to pop in here as I am stressed out. A few things bothering me right now:

1. Illinois asking for my address, phone number, and email address on my writing sample and SOP. Why on earth do they need this information on my written materials? When they are reading my writing sample, do they want to text me their criticisms? I know this is petty, but it looks really tacky.

2. I paid $15 for an "official" PDF transcript from my undergrad institution. Little did I know it was bogged down with useless "security", making it unacceptable for most applications. It has an "electronic signature" and an encrypted password (that I was not given) meaning I couldn't alter it in any way. I uploaded it to some applications just fine, only to find in the "preview your application" that it had not actually been accepted. I took shitty looking screenshots of it for a handful of my schools. I finally "hacked" my own transcript last night after hours of investigation.

3. One of my LORs claims that she received confirmation of receipt after uploading her letter to CUNY. This was over a week ago. It still has not been verified on my CUNY app. My other LORs were posted immediately after they submitted theirs.

Applying to 15 schools while working a full time menial job might not have been the best idea...

  On 12/17/2011 at 3:31 AM, zwat said:

Applying to 15 schools while working a full time menial job might not have been the best idea...

THIS. I thought it would be so much easier applying once I'd started break. But this past week I've been working full time, commuting to and from downtown Chicago. I leave my house at 6:30 am and usually don't get home until 7. It's been awful. And, seeing as temping like I'm doing now is my alternative if I don't get in this year, well...now I realize just how much harder it'll be if I don't get in now.


Bdon, I'll be in Chicago later this week. I'm originally from there, so my husband I will be in the south suburbs for Christmas!

Now, for my hourly grievance. Cornell has no where for you to submit a CV. Awesome.

  On 12/17/2011 at 4:48 AM, Timshel said:

Bdon, I'll be in Chicago later this week. I'm originally from there, so my husband I will be in the south suburbs for Christmas!

Now, for my hourly grievance. Cornell has no where for you to submit a CV. Awesome.

That's awesome! Chicago is the best at Christmastime. I just wish I had time to actually enjoy working in the city.

I've forced myself not to look at any applications tonight. I am way too exhausted from this week. Of course, I have to look at Cornell sometime in the near future, especially if it's going to be dumb and not let you upload CVs and all that jazz. Stupid, stupid.

  On 12/17/2011 at 5:13 AM, bdon19 said:

That's awesome! Chicago is the best at Christmastime. I just wish I had time to actually enjoy working in the city.

I've forced myself not to look at any applications tonight. I am way too exhausted from this week. Of course, I have to look at Cornell sometime in the near future, especially if it's going to be dumb and not let you upload CVs and all that jazz. Stupid, stupid.

Yeah, I had to submit it tonight because my husband and I are leaving for DC in the morning (we are stopping there for a few days before heading up to Chicago), and I was so pissed when I realized there wasn't somewhere to submit a CV. Of all the places I would want to see my CV, Cornell is the one. Oh well...


I'm not going anywhere fancy for the holidays. I'm going about an hour up the road to spend Christmas with my family, and then I will be right back home the day after. Totally looking forwad to my break though. I just have to get through one more week and then 10 glorious days off of work, but it will be mixed with application submitting craziness!

  On 12/17/2011 at 12:28 PM, lolopixie said:

I'm not going anywhere fancy for the holidays. I'm going about an hour up the road to spend Christmas with my family, and then I will be right back home the day after. Totally looking forwad to my break though. I just have to get through one more week and then 10 glorious days off of work, but it will be mixed with application submitting craziness!

North Carolina: Great State or Greatest State?

  On 12/18/2011 at 4:25 AM, marlowe said:

North Carolina: Great State or Greatest State?

I would have to say neither. I mean, it's been okay the last 8 years, but I'm ready to move on!

  On 12/18/2011 at 4:25 AM, marlowe said:

North Carolina: Great State or Greatest State?

Lolo is ready to spread her wings and fly far, far away!

Posted (edited)

I know we've bitched about this in other threads, but I just need to say it here: 500 WORD SOPS ARE IMPOSSIBLE!

So how did y'all manage to reduce your word count without turning your statement in a butchered mess?

Edited by cquin

One of mine had to be 300 words. I had to do a LOT of editing, took out most of the past discussion and made it very future-oriented. I also asked several people on another grad-applying website for input on what I could cut. I took out almost everything that could be seen from looking at my transcript or CV. No citations, although I referred to a couple of theorist's names. Took out any trite 'I am a hard-working/determined/etc individual'. * And definitely reword any passive voice sentences, that can cut words by a good deal!

And a grievance of my own:trying to balance finishing up these apps at the same time as finishing up final papers for the semester is painful.

  On 12/18/2011 at 12:08 PM, Timshel said:

I would have to say neither. I mean, it's been okay the last 8 years, but I'm ready to move on!

  On 12/18/2011 at 3:08 PM, lolopixie said:

Lolo is ready to spread her wings and fly far, far away!

I have been there nearly twenty-two years (with a couple of years elsewhere, in between). Wherever I end up, it will be something new.


Uhhhmmm, still going crazy trying to cut down my SOP and WS for this one school (500 word SOP and 10 pages max for my sample). Would it look bad if I were to change the font size to 11 pt? ;) I feel juvenile for asking this, but it is so difficult to pare this thing down.

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