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I don't know how to take the most recent post about UVA's adcom not making any decisions yet. It seems to lend credence to the idea that they're staggering the acceptances, but why would they waitlist if they haven't made any decisions yet?

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Yeah, I had mentally absorbed rejection already. Think it was an error? Someone chose English instead of Education or something?


At least some waitlist notifications are definitely out. I got mine a day or two after the first acceptance was posted. It does seem strange that there aren't more up there, though.


I heard that the people who have been notified are Jefferson Fellow nominees, who are typically notified earlier than the rest. So do not despair.

  On 2/25/2012 at 1:34 PM, Ver-million said:

I heard that the people who have been notified are Jefferson Fellow nominees, who are typically notified earlier than the rest. So do not despair.

But what's strange is that some people have already been wait-listed. Why would they wait-list a group of people before notifying other accept-ees? Or why would they not let all wait-list-ees know at the same time?

I'm still counting them out. I'll believe my acceptance/wait-list when I see it B)

Posted (edited)

UVa has nice funding but it is limited, and they have to be very careful to make sure they don't over-enroll accepted students. Therefore, they tend to waitlist people while waiting for acceptances or declines from their initial small batch of admits, instead of making a large number of acceptances at once and risking that too many of them matriculate. In the past, they've done this with more covert waitlists, but it appears that this year they are letting more waitlisters know, and earlier.

Edited by Phil Sparrow

This is so maddening, watching results pop up and hearing nothing at all from UVA. Why would they send some rejections/waitlists before others (since at this point that's what I assume I can expect). Just tell me!!! The real kicker is that it's my alma mater and I see the DGS almost every other day, but can't say anything. Torture.


Check your app status, guys. Today, the rejections flow like nectar from Olympus - and by nectar, I mean hemlock. *sigh* I just got mine, I'm going to go wallow. Good luck to everyone else! And Ver-million, congrats on all your impressive acceptances! How did you do it!?!?!?!

  On 3/3/2012 at 2:45 PM, spasticlitotes said:

Check your app status, guys. Today, the rejections flow like nectar from Olympus - and by nectar, I mean hemlock. *sigh* I just got mine, I'm going to go wallow. Good luck to everyone else! And Ver-million, congrats on all your impressive acceptances! How did you do it!?!?!?!

Thanks so much! I was completely shocked. Most days I was convinced I wouldn't get in anywhere, and I'm so grateful to have incredible choices. I'm afraid I have no idea what my secret was, apart from having the most amazing and supportive recommenders/mentors you can imagine. I really could not have done it without them.

I've checked the site, and still nothing from UVA. No email either. Not sure what's going on.


I haven't heard anything either, and I just checked the site. Nothing. It's odd they're staggering rejections.


I'm in the same as you guys. It won't hit me too hard when I get the inevitable rejection. But, I do love UVA and the surrounding area a lot, so it'll be disappointing to say the least.


You know what? I am going to have HOPE that somehow, in some weird turn of events, I might still have a chance here. I need that right now. Been rejected from ten other schools; this is the last one on my list. Once I'm rejected here, I'll have nothing to do but that saddest of all activities: making a new list of schools for next year.



I'd say that those of us first rejected were the ones they wanted the least--no hope. They will turn to their waitlisted folks if/when people decline and then to the unofficial waitlist, as I'm calling you guys that didn't receive a rejection today. So, some hope.

Unless rejections are going out alpha by last name or they are submitted to the graduate school by each subject area and only some subject areas submitted theirs? I don't know how these things work. My last name begins with a G and I'm interested in 20th Cent. British/Modernism if that's any help to you all still waiting.

  On 3/3/2012 at 8:54 PM, yank in the M20 said:

My last name begins with a G and I'm interested in 20th Cent. British/Modernism if that's any help to you all still waiting.

Oh wow: no joke, both those things are true for me, as well! Last name starts with G, British/Irish 20th cen. Lit. specialty. I'm still waiting for a response. So who knows what the hell they're doing...


Ya, I got nothing all day from them :(

I wish they would just send the rejection so I can move on. It sucks how, even when you've "counted a school out," you cannot let go of that last glimmer of hope that remains when you have yet to receive the official rejection.

  On 3/4/2012 at 12:13 AM, Stately Plump said:

Ya, I got nothing all day from them :(

I wish they would just send the rejection so I can move on. It sucks how, even when you've "counted a school out," you cannot let go of that last glimmer of hope that remains when you have yet to receive the official rejection.

That's exactly how I feel. I just wish I knew something. I applied under 20th Century Brit Lit/Modernism and my last name is P so maybe they are going alphabetical by specialty. Lame.

  On 3/4/2012 at 2:14 AM, Grunty DaGnome said:

Got mine today...actually, in the middle of the night through the automated services. :(

Damn automated services. I feel your pain.

aeplo, I got an email TO check the site. I think yank is right - they let go of those of us they wanted least first, so in case their first choices declined, they can turn to the rest of you. Way to play with your heartstrings. :-/

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