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I've been invited to a grad school recutiment program and upon getting more info I realize the school doesn't pay up front but reimburses for everything after. Problem is, I don't have nearly that much money for a fancy hotel and dinner nor can I borrow it from anyone. I can barely travel over there even after being cheap and paying a relative for gas money. (I probably have like $67 total in my bank account).

What would you do in my case? Any suggestions? Note I've only applied to 2 schools and this is school 2/2.

Posted (edited)

How is your credit? This is the type of trip that, if I needed to, I would put on a credit card. As long as you only use CC's for emergencies (and this sounds like one) then you wil still be following good financial sense. Alternatively you could ask the school if anyone else is coming from the same location that you are - perhaps you can car pool?

Edited by NinjaMermaid

I'd borrow, beg or.. well, ok, I won't steal.. but I agree with NinjaMermaid. This is one of the those things that it would be worth going into a little debt for.

I am also severely broke and in the same position. I figured out a way to scrounge up the money.


My department also insists on reimbursement-only, but when I was explicit that I needed funds to get to a conference they offered me the money upfront.

Assuming the interview isn't this weekend, so it doesn't look like a last minute excuse, I highly encourage you to be honest about your situation and ask for funds to cover the initial costs. I would say something along the lines of, "any advance would be highly appreciated to help offset the costs".

As others have mentioned, if you have credit to use - do so! But if credit isn't an option, you should be honest and ask for help!

Best of luck!


Also, this isn't an easy situation to deal with - it can be very stressful and intimidating. I hope you stay confident during interviews knowing you triumphed over adversity (sounds cheesy, but sometimes us academics ought to congratulate ourselves!)!


I agree with what others have said. See if you can scrounge up credit; ask the department for help; see if one of your friends or family will be able to lend you a hand. If one friend can lend you money for a hotel room, and a relative can lend you a car and a fully tank of gas (+money for a refill if they're kind enough), even if the department can't help you, you'll be set.

I find it hard to believe that a department won't have mechanisms in place for invited students in situations like your own, though.


1) Ask friends or relatives if they know anyone - their friends, their relatives, whatever - who lives nearby and would be willing to put you up for a night.

2) Couchsurfing.


I put all my recruitment weekend trips on a credit card that I paid off once the reimbursement came in. Maybe you can ask a relative if you can use his/her card?


I just saw this thread after I posted a new topic on travel expenses! I totally know what you're going through. I am in a unfunded master's program right now and I am nearly at the bottom of my savings.

In my case, the school only offers a fixed amount of reimbursement and it does not even 1/3 of my flight ticket. I have to give a notice to the program director as soon as possible, but I am still debating on whether I should pay a lot to attend the visiting weekend or not.....


Don't have credit, so that's out of the way. I could try selling a few things (had to do that to cover app and xscript fees, but that's life). I might be able to get my parents to help with transportation but I worry about apperances since they're going to want to tag along.

  On 1/31/2012 at 11:48 PM, axc said:

I've been invited to a grad school recutiment program and upon getting more info I realize the school doesn't pay up front but reimburses for everything after. Problem is, I don't have nearly that much money for a fancy hotel and dinner nor can I borrow it from anyone. I can barely travel over there even after being cheap and paying a relative for gas money. (I probably have like $67 total in my bank account).

What would you do in my case? Any suggestions? Note I've only applied to 2 schools and this is school 2/2.

Congratulations on getting the interview!

Why can't you ask your parents?? Your siblings? Isnt family around to help first - specially in emergencies?

  On 2/2/2012 at 8:02 AM, axc said:

Don't have credit, so that's out of the way. I could try selling a few things (had to do that to cover app and xscript fees, but that's life). I might be able to get my parents to help with transportation but I worry about apperances since they're going to want to tag along.

Please contact the department and let them know the situation kindly !

I hope you can figure things out.



I highly recommend couchsurfing.org. Basically you can crash at someone's home for free for a couple of days. Generally the people on there are really cool and can even show you around the city, give you advice/insight, etc.

As far as transportation, check out bus fares or ride shares.

If you have to eat out at a fancy restaurant with the group, pretend you have some dietary restriction so that you can be cheap.

I think you should go ahead and get a credit card, though. WIthout much of a history or income you're going to get a small limit, but it's important for emergencies like these.


I contacted the school and they said something along the lines of 'we're having budget cuts, too bad' in a polite way. I'll look into the credit card thing. I'm too chicken to try couch surfing (what if they steal my wallet while I sleep like in the dorms? Ugh). Things will work out; I still have a few weeks.


I was just invited for interviews at the University of Cincinnati, and I was wondering how easy it was to be reimbursed for my flight and the process to be reimbursed?

  On 2/7/2012 at 1:55 AM, Peregrinus33 said:

I was just invited for interviews at the University of Cincinnati, and I was wondering how easy it was to be reimbursed for my flight and the process to be reimbursed?

My experience with getting reimbursed for anything from a university is that it takes a long time. You typically need to send them all your original receipts (make copies for yourself first!). I had a particular issue with the reimbursement process for one of my universities. At first I e-mailed them scanned copies of the receipts, but the secretary asked me to mail my originals. So I did that but for some reason she had decided to print the scanned copies I e-mailed her and then tell me I mailed her copies. As I was dealing with her regarding this, my reimbursement cheque magically came, making me wonder why I was dealing with her in the first place.

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