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Your Academic Bucket List


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I thought it'd be fun to make an "Academic Bucket List" of some of the things I want to achieve in my career in academia (provided I get into a PhD program of course!)

Here's mine in no order. :D

1. Get published in...

- the Art Bulletin

- Artibus et Historiae

- The 16th Century Journal

2. Write at length about theCerasi Chapeland the Contarelli Chapel

3. Research in the Vatican archives (I can dream!)

4. Meet my "academic heroes" (they're scattered across the globe)

5. Attend CAA for 5 consecutive years

6. Present a paper in Italy

7. Advise students of my own

8. See all my book and article ideas through to fruition and get as many as possible published

9. Co-author papers with at least two of my aforementioned "academic heroes"

10. Write a paper in another language

What are some things you'd like to do?

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1. Become a certifed American Sign Language

2. Become a certifed Spanish interpreter

3. earn my PhD in Counseling Psychology

4. get published somewhere.

5. do research on racial identity

6. Be the best community college professor EVER

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1. Become a certifed American Sign Language

2. Become a certifed Spanish interpreter

3. earn my PhD in Counseling Psychology

4. get published somewhere.

5. do research on racial identity

6. Be the best community college professor EVER

Awesome!!! :D I hope you get to do all these things!

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Depends what we're talking, but I think I'm on board.

Dissolution of current hegemonic politico-economic power structures and the people who perpetuate them (in acid*).

*dangling word group... or is it?

Edited by koolherc
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I want to write one of those essential texts (article, book, whatever) that everyone has to read in the future (and tear apart!) to get to know my topic. Okay, that's kinda more like a lofty life goal than a bucket list item, actually. More like, I want to write an actual book. I also want to be fluent or close to fluent in another language. I want to get an award for teaching.

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Dissolution of current hegemonic politico-economic power structures and the people who perpetuate them (in acid*).

*dangling word group... or is it?

lol, imo that can be summed up in two words: white people. In which case, that was EXACTLY what I was thinking and am looking for a sign up sheet.

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1. Write and publish a book (at least one)

2. Become fluent in French and at least one other language (Russian? Turkish?)

3. Get a job in academia! (Perhaps this should be higher up on my list?)

4. Organize a conference (bonus points for creating a publication out of this, because apparently there are now points involved)

5. Be published in a less academic/more mainstream periodical (here I'm thinking New Yorker, TLS, etc.... as coonskee said, a girl can dream, right? :P )

6. Speak flawless German, with no accent whatsoever (ninja edit :ph34r: )

Edited by coffeeplease
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Hmm... I have a bucket list just for 2012. This spring is my last semester as an UG (before I start my PhD) and I'd love to get this done before the end of the year, in my 1st year of grad school... I hope wishful thinking actually changes the universe...

1. I have my 1st professional conference in 2 weeks. I want to deliver a flawless presentation and answer all the hard questions with superb flair and wit.

2. My professors are encouraging me to try to publish my senior thesis. I want to submit it to a journal and only have to do ONE revision and then receive a letter from from them that says "Yes! We love your article; it will be published in the next quarter's edition! Send us MORE!!"

3. Get at least half way through the theoretical reading for my qualifying exams before the Fall semester begins.

4. Not fall apart before the end of the Spring semester.

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1. Be proficient in my target language for graduate school (no one can be fluent unless you are a native speaker! Some people will argue with me on that but... :lol:)

2. Be proficient in another language French (i did in high school and still love...no time right now :() and an African Language

3. Open a language school for English speakers learning my target language and help them learn the language better than schools can teach them

4. Be an academic that changes the standard idea of East Asian Languages and the model of teaching it in general

5. Write a language textbook that people actually understand

6. Expand the field I am in to make it more popular

...I would like to sign up for that revolution please :ph34r:

Edited by bellefast
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Hmm... I have a bucket list just for 2012. This spring is my last semester as an UG (before I start my PhD) and I'd love to get this done before the end of the year, in my 1st year of grad school... I hope wishful thinking actually changes the universe...

1. I have my 1st professional conference in 2 weeks. I want to deliver a flawless presentation and answer all the hard questions with superb flair and wit.

2. My professors are encouraging me to try to publish my senior thesis. I want to submit it to a journal and only have to do ONE revision and then receive a letter from from them that says "Yes! We love your article; it will be published in the next quarter's edition! Send us MORE!!"

3. Get at least half way through the theoretical reading for my qualifying exams before the Fall semester begins.

4. Not fall apart before the end of the Spring semester.

Aside from the conference thing in two weeks... you and I have the same bucket list.

Though I'd like to add that I want to be awarded a really awesome grant/fellowship for my studies! :D

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In order of long-termishness

1. Get money to attend first conference this summer!

2. Attend said conference

3. Be accepted into top grad school of choice

4. Ask all of my dumb questions as a first year grad student to get them out of the way

5. Field work field work field work all of the field work in amazing places

6. Get lots published

7. Do postdoc in a different country

8. Become moderately well-known professor/scientist in my field

9. Join an international policy committee as scientific advisor

10. Be the coolest parent at my kids' job discovery presentations at school

11. Did I mention field work?

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