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Who else has heard nothing?


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Another week down without hearing a thing. Blarg.

Yeah. On the upside, March seems to be moving much faster than February, and we're getting to the point where the schools will be trying to get offers out for deadlines and visitations...

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Yeah. On the upside, March seems to be moving much faster than February, and we're getting to the point where the schools will be trying to get offers out for deadlines and visitations...

Very true. In February, I'd been hopeful about early answers but now that it's March I know that some news will be going out one way or another.

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What dose it mean when no one has heard anything from the discipline, I mean you a prestigious school and some of the other disciplines have sent word but nothing at all from mine ? As for the other school I know the school said they will be sending out their first round in mid to late March but when exactly does mid March start?

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Very true. In February, I'd been hopeful about early answers but now that it's March I know that some news will be going out one way or another.

Indeed, now if it can just not take until the end of the month...

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I've been reading everyone's posts everywhere- not only this forum. I have read that many of US haven't received any information whatsoever (except for the "Your application has been submitted")... I have also read on the results survey, that many have already received acceptance and rejection emails. And YES, I am biting my nails and extremely frustrated by this!!! Like many, I have also checked my personal email inbox, personal mail junk box, work mail inbox and work mail junk box and still NOTHING.

Something did get on my nerves and it was that some have already even received a request to send an essay applying for scholarship or funding ...and after thinking hours, days and weeks, I have come to my own conclusion. Most of us- International Students, that is- do not really receive any funding or scholarships from US institutions. There are SOME options, but for obvious reasons, US citizens get many more financial options. Thus, my explanation for not having received any communication from GPPI's MIDP, SIPA's MPA-DP, or WWS' MPA is all being blamed on me being an International Student, and them- these Universities- having a response scheduled for the 14th and 15th of March.

Am I just brainwashing myself with the wrong information?

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Lets try and stay positive folks.. the wait is tough and nerve wrecking I am going to try and keep away from my email for a day (not the cafe one) my school one since its what I used for my application.

Today got a email on the process that goes into the wait-list and really ALL I want is an Offer with a FULL fellowship is that asking too much ?? Really ?? Well I asked so I trust I will recieve :D

Tomorrow is another day .. for now its just the sound of silence and reading my applications over and over again trying to calculate and recalculate my chances ..God this is crazy... (yeah is anyone else doing that ?) you know logging in and opening the completed application reading the essays you wrote and your cv along with all available support documents .. AS IF ANYTHING CAN BE IMPROVED :D ..

I had better get off this forum and back to work for now...GOOD LUCK Y'ALL

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Congratulations, MonkeyPants! (Btw, I so love your name.)

The silence was finally broken today. Two admits! My first and second choices- full funding for second choice, 1/2 tuition scholarship for first choice. i am astounded.

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I've been reading everyone's posts everywhere- not only this forum. I have read that many of US haven't received any information whatsoever (except for the "Your application has been submitted")... I have also read on the results survey, that many have already received acceptance and rejection emails. And YES, I am biting my nails and extremely frustrated by this!!! Like many, I have also checked my personal email inbox, personal mail junk box, work mail inbox and work mail junk box and still NOTHING.

Something did get on my nerves and it was that some have already even received a request to send an essay applying for scholarship or funding ...and after thinking hours, days and weeks, I have come to my own conclusion. Most of us- International Students, that is- do not really receive any funding or scholarships from US institutions. There are SOME options, but for obvious reasons, US citizens get many more financial options. Thus, my explanation for not having received any communication from GPPI's MIDP, SIPA's MPA-DP, or WWS' MPA is all being blamed on me being an International Student, and them- these Universities- having a response scheduled for the 14th and 15th of March.

Am I just brainwashing myself with the wrong information?

I haven't seen anyone post any kind of acceptance or rejection for either SIPA (i'm also waiting for them) or WWS... don't worry about it yet. Your likelihood of getting funding is probably greater if you apply for a private school, rather than state schools - with those I don't think they give much priority to US students over international.

Edited by Helpplease123
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I've applied to four Canadian programs (all interdisciplinary and political science MA programs) and I've heard NOTHING. My mum (she's a prof at a different uni) was trying to make me feel better by saying, "There's always next year" when I told her about not hearing anything yet.... Not necessarily the parental insight I was looking for after checking my email a record 27 times today..fml.

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