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Post-Acceptance Stress & Misc. Banter

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If we're on a roll of British shows, WATCH LUTHER, and Misfits too. They are truly fantastic. I have a love/hate relationship with my anglophilia, as I want more than anything to live in the UK, but my research interests stopped me from applying anywhere there. Sadness, and despair. At least I have the BBC, E4, and ITV.

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I just need to thank you, ekim and myriadways, for suggesting Black Mirror. My boyfriend and I downloaded it and watched all three in a row. Now I really, really wish there were more to watch.

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I've tried to watch Misfits, but it's not on netflix. I know it's on hulu, but I hate watching stuff on my computer.

I recently tried to get that on Netflix as well - frustrating. I'm writing a paper on Western narratives in Gravity's Rainbow and that is supposed to be one of the more important neo-westerns. I'm a cinephile, too, so it's a considerable blind spot as well.

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You almost made me -1 you on rep points. Especially because you didn't make some important distinctions.

Star Trek II, IV, and First Contact > Everything after The Empire Strikes Back

ANH and ESB > Star Trek on the whole

Star Trek on the whole > Jar Jar Binks prequels and Return of the Jedi

How did I miss out on the Star Trek talk. Four days ago I hit the mark of watching every single episode from every series, and there is no more Trek left for me. I am very sad, and have been looking for Farscape PKW, First Wave, and The Outer Limits to make myself feel better, to no avail. Scott Bakula is the worst captain ever. I agree that DS9 is the best, with NG and Voyager dancing around behind them. I need more sci-fi.

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rrrrrrrrrrrr Downton Abbey season 2... damn my not having tv.

I don't have a TV either - PBS.org has all the episodes for FREE! Just watched the first episode of season 2 - a glorious 2 hours long. But you'd better get going - I just noticed that the free viewing will only be available until the 7th. There goes my reading project for the rest of the day...

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I don't have a TV either - PBS.org has all the episodes for FREE! Just watched the first episode of season 2 - a glorious 2 hours long. But you'd better get going - I just noticed that the free viewing will only be available until the 7th. There goes my reading project for the rest of the day...

Isidore, I noticed you got into the BC MA program - congrats! I was wondering if you knew how that worked and whether you already had an MA... I got in, but I kinda have an MA, so would they just give me another one?

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I don't have an MA. It seems strange (and pointless, perhaps) that they would offer someone with an MA a spot in a terminal MA program - but I'm very new to all this and am wondering a bit myself about when and how often graduate students transfer to other institutions. If you were really excited about BC's program, would it be worth it to transfer (probably a measly portion of) the MA credits you've already earned just so that you could finish with their degree? I mean, it seems that earning 2 MAs in the same discipline would be a bit of a waste. Obviously, I'm unable to offer any insight... sorry! I'd be interested to hear what they have to say about it. But congrats on your acceptance - I'm thinking it's something to be proud of, even if you do already have an MA - I'm sure they would have admitted both of us into the PhD program if their cohorts weren't a ghastly small number (4-5?!)

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CONGRATS JEliott!!!!! Where are you going?

I got accepted to Memorial University, which...is in Newfoundland, in Canada, so I have no idea if anyone here will have heard of it! Ha. But it was nice to hear back. I am waiting to hear from the maybe more recognizable York/Ryerson, McMaster, and Calgary (where I'm waitlisted). So I'm not sure where I'll be yet, but I am giddy at the prospect of being somewhere!

Posthumanism in American Science Fiction. It rocked.

That sounds like an amazing class and I am jealous.

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I got accepted to Memorial University, which...is in Newfoundland, in Canada, so I have no idea if anyone here will have heard of it! Ha. But it was nice to hear back. I am waiting to hear from the maybe more recognizable York/Ryerson, McMaster, and Calgary (where I'm waitlisted). So I'm not sure where I'll be yet, but I am giddy at the prospect of being somewhere!

I've applied to Memorial for a MA in English, and I haven't heard back from them yet. I'm accepted at my top school, but I kind of wanted to live on the east coast. It is so pretty there, and Memorial is a great university.

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I've applied to Memorial for a MA in English, and I haven't heard back from them yet. I'm accepted at my top school, but I kind of wanted to live on the east coast. It is so pretty there, and Memorial is a great university.

I've heard all positive things about their English/Creative Writing/Folklore stuff from previous students (I applied for a Folklore PhD), although they don't have the greatest funding; I don't think they're the richest of schools. But cheap cost of living, and I agree with the pretty! I hope you hear back soon, although I doubt they'll be able to offer you more than Queen's, sadly.

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I've heard all positive things about their English/Creative Writing/Folklore stuff from previous students (I applied for a Folklore PhD), although they don't have the greatest funding; I don't think they're the richest of schools. But cheap cost of living, and I agree with the pretty! I hope you hear back soon, although I doubt they'll be able to offer you more than Queen's, sadly.

They said they would try, but it is doubtful. It's really too bad. I can't really justify the moving costs without decent funding.

EDIT: They just sent me an acceptance. Funding offer to come later this week.

Edited by obrera
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They said they would try, but it is doubtful. It's really too bad. I can't really justify the moving costs without decent funding.

EDIT: They just sent me an acceptance. Funding offer to come later this week.

I know how you feel. Are you also in Ontario?

Good luck! I hope they can work out something competitive for you.

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