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Fall 2013 Applicants?


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Accepted in Oklahoma University! Yay, what a relief that I got accepted into the only school I applied to. :-) 

I am curious, I was told that I was placed on a list of alternates for a GTA'ship. Is that the norm? I'm curious if it was just a nice way of saying that I have no funding. 


To be perfectly honest, I didn't expect any funding for a master's program, but the prospect of a position is nice.

Congrats, LadyRara!!! :)

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I just saw that someone has an NYU interview up; I didn't know they did interviews!


I didn't apply there in the end, but I did consider it and don't remember seeing anything about interviews.


Congratulations to LadyRaRa!

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I just saw that someone has an NYU interview up; I didn't know they did interviews!


I didn't apply there in the end, but I did consider it and don't remember seeing anything about interviews.


Congratulations to LadyRaRa!


In the past, NYU's interview weekend has been wonky. It's pretty late. Not everyone who is admitted is invited to the interview; people who get an interview do not all get in. But of course things change from year to year. (Haha, I am part of the first interview cohort in my program; it is kind of gratifying that they have continued to hold interviews since! And having to interview was a total surprise, BTW.)


ETA: You all are so much more interesting than reviewing for exams!

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In UPenn news, my application status changed from "Incomplete" (for no reason, they had everything by the deadline) to "Complete" yesterday, dated 1/30/2013. But I haven't had a phone call about an interview.


My conclusion from this is that I can draw no conclusions from this! Arrrrgh, I need something else to do with my time....


Congrats, LadyRara!

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My Penn status changed from incomplete to complete on 1/16 and I haven't gotten a call yet either. I'm starting to think efforts to find logic and order in all of this are, at the very least, not the most productive use of time (although I can't seem to stay away from here!)

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I got a mail from my POI. UCSB history department seems to have a result, but the department should wait for the decision of the fellowship from the Graduate Division. The final decision, including the fellowship, will have been made by the first week in March.

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I got a mail from my POI. UCSB history department seems to have a result, but the department should wait for the decision of the fellowship from the Graduate Division. The final decision, including the fellowship, will have been made by the first week in March.

Thanks for the update.

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When the first notice is a rejection, it does not feel good (or give one much hope).




EDIT: Whoever wrote "Bqhatevwr" as their comment in the results is my hero of the day.

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Just got my Berkeley reject, unsurprised. (Standard "go to the website and check your status" email.)  Still reeling over my acceptance from Tuesday and my trip to Princeton next week, so the blow isn't too bad.

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I'm another Berkeley reject. (same go to website and check status email as kyjin). Not surprised really since it was a last minute decision and I never made any POI contact. It's still not fun being the FIRST of all my decisions! Here's to better news!

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I'm adding myself to the list of Berkeley rejects...


But adding myself to the new list of UNC Chapel Hill acceptees!  My first admit! :D So incredibly excited - it's the perfect program for me!


I saw that post and hoped it was you! Congrats!

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Congrats on Chapel Hill! It is an absolutely gorgeous campus. I can say that even if my family has a huge grudge against Tar Heels... Can't remember what your specialty is, but their German/Slavic history sections are amazing.

Also, many hugs to the Berkeley turned-downs. I know that you all are great enough to show the university why they made the wrong decision. :)

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Wow, it was kind of crazy to see all of those Berkeley decisions flooding out... commiserations to everyone.


And congrats, viggosloof!! So happy for you! 

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kyjin, theregalrenegade and viggosloof - So sorry to hear about your Berkeley rejections :( I was really rooting for you all there.


At least congratulations are in order for viggosloof's CH acceptance!


I hope everyone has a good day and that positive things are on the horizon for us all.


ETA: I just looked at the results page. Wow! Did Berkeley accept anyone?!! (Well, there's one in Art History but seems like everything else was a rejection.)

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When the first notice is a rejection, it does not feel good (or give one much hope).




EDIT: Whoever wrote "Bqhatevwr" as their comment in the results is my hero of the day.

I bet you'll hear some good news and you'll be bqhatevwr-ing about any rejections soon enough.

It does dull the sting. Speaking of which, congrats vigosloof!

Everyone: It's Februaaarrryyyyyyy.

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Very happy it's February. I'm keeping my eyes open for more news today, but next week should be a game-changer. We're going to get through this!


And there's the Skype interview with Penn on Monday... That's basically going to be a Trivial Pursuit game based on US History, right?

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I'd be shocked if they ask you dates or facts.  It's more likely to ask you about your project, interests, try and figure out your historical reasoning.


Oh, and congradulations viggosloof, as a tar heel I'm very happy for you.  I have an undergrad degree from that department and their DGS is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world.  If you have questions about the town you are welcome to PM me.  Be aware though that it's been four years since I was there.

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I'd be shocked if they ask you dates or facts.  It's more likely to ask you about your project, interests, try and figure out your historical reasoning.


You're probably right. I was mainly kidding. I imagine the interview will be more personal than anything else. One of my professors considers it a "glorified personality test," which is probably closer to the truth.

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