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Hearing from the Kennedy School?


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I got in as well! Email at 3:10 PM Pacific Time. Omg, this was such a shock after getting the boot from both SIPA and Duke. We have to wait two more weeks for financial aid notice. Still, I am on cloud nine!

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IN! This more than makes up for the sorrow of the MSFS waitlist. And for those asking, the email came at 6:10 EST - just didn't make it to posting here right away.

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Sure, have a blast, here is the honest-to-god HKS rejection letter sent at 6:32 PM

Dear Cornell07:

Our Admissions Committee has completed its review of applications to the Master in Public Policy at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. We regret that we are unable to offer you admission.

The high caliber of this year's applicant pool made the Admissions Committee's task an extremely difficult one and we were unable to accommodate many fine candidates. Although we cannot offer you a place in next year's class, we appreciate your interest in Harvard Kennedy School and your commitment to public service. We wish you well in your chosen career.


Alexandra Martinez

Assistant Dean, Director of Admissions

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Waitlisted, email came around 8:20. Text of letter, for anyone who cares:

The Admissions Committee has completed its selection of candidates for admission to the Master in Public Policy Program at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government for September 2009. The high caliber of this year's applicants made the Committee's task an extremely difficult one. The competition was far greater than usual, and many fine candidates were not admitted.

In the process, we identified a number of applicants whom we would have admitted had there been more available places in the class, and have established a waiting list for those individuals. We are pleased to inform you that you are among the candidates on that list. We are unable to offer you admission at this time, but a place may become available for you later this spring or in early summer. We will have a better idea of your prospects for admission after May 1st, when admitted candidates will have responded to our offer. We will notify you of any action on your application as soon as it is taken. Please see the end of this message for more information about our waiting list.

While we hope you can wait, we do not recommend that you turn down offers to other graduate programs or employment or travel opportunities that are attractive to you.

Please return the response form that we are mailing to you by April 24, 2009. We would be very pleased if you would agree to accept a place on our waiting list so that we can extend an offer of admission to you if space becomes available.

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dagger i agree that younglions is a virtual shoo-in, and I wld've put him on my top five too, but i had to give myself a fighting chance right? sorry i'm just wallowing in self-pity and consolation here...

looks like i'm 1.5 of 5 in my predictions:

1)dagger - regrets

2)mcneelified - nothing heard

3)sisepuede - congrats

4)cornell07 - regrets

5)fighter_2008 (me!) :) - W/L

and of course younglions is in, so that makes 2.5 of 6.

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