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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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Girl with glasses, I wasn't paying attention to your sig that much until now.  No wonder we have fairly similar school lists, our subfields are very similar heh.   Though I'm surprised you aren't applying to Pitt.  Are you applying to MCM at Brown?


Also, I accidentally left my cell phone at home today.  Driving me up the wall.  

Edited by jrockford27
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Based on the results board, it appears today Nebraska is sending out acceptances for students who are waitlisted for funding and that they contacted their acceptances-with-funding over the phone this weekend.

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Girl with glasses, I wasn't paying attention to your sig that much until now.  No wonder we have fairly similar school lists, our subfields are very similar heh.   Though I'm surprised you aren't applying to Pitt.  Are you applying to MCM at Brown?


Also, I accidentally left my cell phone at home today.  Driving me up the wall.  

That's cool! Are you a film person? (I ask in part because I'm really, really not.)

No, just straight English at Brown (and everywhere, though I may rethink that should I need a Cycle 2 of this).

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Another whole day, and still NOTHING ('cept maybe some implicit rejections? Duke Lit and Buffalo, just come on already...).




I'm beginning to feel like I not only will be rejected from everywhere I applied, but that no schools will even bother to tell me this, because my app was just that crappy.


Pardon me while I go bang my head into the wall until I pass out.

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Another whole day, and still NOTHING ('cept maybe some implicit rejections? Duke Lit and Buffalo, just come on already...).


I'm beginning to feel like I not only will be rejected from everywhere I applied, but that no schools will even bother to tell me this, because my app was just that crappy.


Pardon me while I go bang my head into the wall until I pass out.


I'm with you.  This sucks.

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With all this talk about implicit rejections, I was wondering if not hearing from Buffalo by this point constitutes one.  If so, that is sorely disappointing, as my adviser said it would be a good safety for me.  Here's to hoping that we'll all hear something from Duke, Chicago, etc. soon!

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Another whole day, and still NOTHING ('cept maybe some implicit rejections? Duke Lit and Buffalo, just come on already...).



I'm beginning to feel like I not only will be rejected from everywhere I applied, but that no schools will even bother to tell me this, because my app was just that crappy.


Pardon me while I go bang my head into the wall until I pass out.


Seriously! I really had my hopes up for Buffalo, but they are steadily circling the drain...

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Has anyone else noticed subtle differences in your Buffalo status page? Like, there's suddenly a solid blue in the middle of the heading. That wasn't there this morning. 


Officially crazy at this point. 

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Well, my logic about today was that IF decisions for XYZ schools are already somewhat finalized, then we'd hear something today. Otherwise, if there's still decisions being made Monday wouldn't seem likely, just because there wouldn't be much done during peak hours, right?


Oh why bother putting any logical sense into this process. This is much bigger than me, heh.


Tomorrow... tomorrow

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The blue bar above the line that has "Status:" and "Acceptance Confirmed: NA"?  That wasn't there before? 


ETA:  By gum... it is new isn't it?  So what can we read into this!? ha

Edited by jrockford27
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Has anyone else noticed subtle differences in your Buffalo status page? Like, there's suddenly a solid blue in the middle of the heading. That wasn't there this morning. 


Officially crazy at this point. 

What? No? I don't think so? Though I haven't been on that one as much lately.

Does the blue mean you're in?????

ETA, oh that? Has that not been there? I have said this before (IN RELATION TO BUFFALO TOO) that I wish I had taken early screen shots of my status pages.

Edited by girl who wears glasses
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What? No? I don't think so? Though I haven't been on that one as much lately.

Does the blue mean you're in?????


The blue probably means you've been approved for special deluxe funding!  What else could it possibly mean?!  A friend insists it's probably just a coding error that's caused the cells in the table to take on the same color as the background, but he hasn't researched this stuff like I have.


ETA:  Hey, a Notre Dame acceptance up.  Not one of mine, but it's news, right?

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Please don't judge me for noticing this/being batshit crazy. I only noticed it because it used to be just two gray lines. I only noticed these two gray lines because they looked like a mistake in the code for the page, and figuring as how we're all marked for not having "letters of recommendation," I was thinking about how sloppy their admissions software is. 


So, yes, the line is new.


And, yes, this line is absolutely significant.


And, yes, I'm going to have to turn off my computer for the rest of the evening before I have an aneurysm. 


And, yes, I had to look up the spelling of "aneurysm." 

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Seriously! I really had my hopes up for Buffalo, but they are steadily circling the drain...


I had my hopes up for lots of places, but I'm expecting a solid 7 rejections. :unsure:


The blue bar above the line that has "Status:" and "Acceptance Confirmed: NA"?  That wasn't there before? 


ETA:  By gum... it is new isn't it?  So what can we read into this!? ha


Is it new?  I can't remember if I've seen it before today or not.

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I really hope the web-design person for Buffalo reads this thread and has a good laugh.

If anyone outside of this circle read this thread they would think we're all batshit. 

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Another whole day, and still NOTHING ('cept maybe some implicit rejections? Duke Lit and Buffalo, just come on already...).




I'm beginning to feel like I not only will be rejected from everywhere I applied, but that no schools will even bother to tell me this, because my app was just that crappy.


Pardon me while I go bang my head into the wall until I pass out.

Personally, I considered Duke Lit a rejection once this past Saturday came and went. It was probably my top choice, too.

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Anyone remember if last year Michigan's English/Education PhD program notified on a different date than the straight English PhD program? Looks like there's an acceptance up on the results board (for English and Education--major congratulations!) and I'm now officially freaking out. Mich is my top choice.


This was supposed to be my week to worry about Pitt and Chicago. MICHIGAN WORRIES WERE SUPPOSED TO COME MUCH, MUCH LATER. D: 


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There don't seem to be any English and Education results on the board from last year, but it looks like Michigan consistently sends out acceptances in the second and third week of February, so between the 10th and 20th. I have a friend who applied for the English/Ed program though, so that post definitely raised my hopes for her getting news soon.

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