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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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Could you tell us how NYU informed this applicant? Who called him/her? DGS or POI? It would be helpful.

He received a phone call and then a follow up e-mail (the latter presumably from DGS?).


The Job Market is terrible. I am concerned with producing work that places me on the better part of the statistic, rather than worrying about statistics themselves. If an interdisciplinary program affords me a supportive, rigorous environment, I think that is more important. What I am not convinced of, however, is that an interdisciplinary program would be MORE supportive of my research.


That sounds like a really good attitude. I don't think any of us need to be told how abysmal the market is as a whole. If you can find a fit that allows your scholarship to flourish, I say by all means look further into it.

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I can't handle Chicago today. I'm still holding out hope for NW, like a fool. 

Me too.  The phone is silent, but I still can't set them aside.  Last year their rejections seemed to come right around the same time as their acceptances...so maybe we will know soon.


Good luck!

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I never would have thought to call, that's actually a good idea. Thanks for letting us know.


Thus far my application still says "Decision Not Ready" *shrug*


Someone I know posted that they got into NYU's doctoral program (English). I'm going to take this as an implied rejection and move on. 


Where are people checking their Duke applications? On the Apply Yourself site?

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Are we all thinking that Duke is finished with acceptances? They were my top choice. This is so sad :(


Maybe.  I thought they were most likely finished yesterday.  However, admits trickled in today.  They could still be discussing a few more people they want to let in/waitlist.  Or it could be over... I really, really liked Duke's program, though, so maybe I'm just trying to be optimistic. 

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Same. I'm very, very upset about Duke, so I'm still crossing my fingers out of sheer, mindless hope.


Someone on another post said he/she called Duke and the grad sec. said everyone would know the results by the end of the week.  This statement is maddeningly cryptic, but I think (hope, pray) it means they're still in the process of admitting.   

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I'm assuming rejection at Duke based on what's been posted in past years on the board. Maybe there is still some hope, but I think the chances are slim at best. I assume we're all going to receive rejections at the end of the week (last year a group of people posted on the same day, and then the rest were rejected a week later--this seems like the most likely scenario... that said, schools can always mix things up).

Edited by bluecheese
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I can't remember why I didn't apply to Rice University. I just know that I should have.


Anybody already wishing they could update their school list?


I applied to Rice in late December, as I was padding out my list with the last 4-5 programs. I'm so glad I did, because the more I look into their program (fit, location for me and my wife, requirements, etc) it is now my top choice with Vanderbilt off the menu. Nevertheless, as I see these results roll in I'm really regretting a lot of things about my application list. First of all, I applied in a gap year (which I was expecting to spend volunteering abroad--didn't happen like I had planned, but that's a different story) and didn't decide to go for it in this season until late October. So I was stuck with my GRE scores from late 2009 when I applied to MA programs, and I hadn't taken the subject tests. So, about half of the top-50 (including almost all the California and New England schools) were immediately out. Still, as I see other people get their results, I realized that a LOT of programs I thought I couldn't apply to actually DIDN'T require the subject tests (Duke, Chicago, Wisconsin-Madison, Emory, Penn) and now I'm kicking myself HARD for it.


Granted, given my GRE verbals and my pedigree (BA from a small unknown liberal arts college, MA from a wonderful but admittedly 2nd tier program), I'll probably find better luck with programs like Rice, Missouri, or LSU than schools like Duke and Vanderbilt. So maybe I shouldn't worry so much. Still, I'm putting together a "wish I'd tried here" list in case things don't work out this year.

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