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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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Thank you for sharing that! I wondered if it was somehow related to the fact that I hadn't filled out my FAFSA yet (whoops), so I submitted that yesterday. Still silence today. Eh.


Oh, geez, see I was told our FAFSA is completely unrelated to the funding package departments offer us? Now I'm paranoid I submitted too late.

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Is UColorado Boulder REALLY going to wait until March? Most other programs with a 12/15 deadline have started notifying or are scheduled to this week...


Goddammit. I had 3 apps due that weekend. Does this mean I need to just go into a week-or-two long coma?


Though I actually have no idea if some of my programs have notified because I wander into crazy town banana pants every time I look at the results boards. So I've been staying away. *prepares for crazy. checks boards*

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Oh, geez, see I was told our FAFSA is completely unrelated to the funding package departments offer us? Now I'm paranoid I submitted too late.

No no, that's not what I was suggesting--my question was whether some departments need to have your FAFSA on file, period, before they will send you any kind of decision. Especially acceptances. I thought that seemed silly, but a friend of mine was accepted to a school last year that could not send him the decision until he filled out his FAFSA. Somehow their system wouldn't process the acceptance without that information on file. That's just one anecdote with (probably) very little bearings on other schools' procedures. I hope I'm making sense now, and sorry for the confusion!

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Goddammit. I had 3 apps due that weekend. Does this mean I need to just go into a week-or-two long coma?


Though I actually have no idea if some of my programs have notified because I wander into crazy town banana pants every time I look at the results boards. So I've been staying away. *prepares for crazy. checks boards*

Haha! I submitted five applications on 12/15, so yeah, make that two of us considering the week-long coma.

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Is UColorado Boulder REALLY going to wait until March? Most other programs with a 12/15 deadline have started notifying or are scheduled to this week...

Right?  I choose to see this as indicative of the laid-back atmosphere up there.  Or maybe things just don't move as quickly at those altitudes.


DISCLAIMER: thebeatgoeson knows nothing about the atmosphere of the English department at Boulder, but his POI was very kind.

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No. I know that (at least) I haven't heard anything from them yet and, last I knew, neither had two espressos.


Just as an update, I still haven't heard anything from Wisconsin-Madison.  I agree with girl who wears glasses that a wait list is likely.  It seems like lots of people haven't heard back yet, so it may be a very long wait list...


It seemed bizarre to me, too, but a friend told me that one of his acceptances last year couldn't be processed until he submitted the FAFSA, so it made me feel a smidge better to get it done.


So, is filling out the FAFSA necessary?  I didn't even think about doing it, but maybe I should?  This question is addressed to all posters, not just It's (Not) About Me.

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I haven't filed the FAFSA. It's kind of a pain, and I don't want to deal with it if I don't get in anywhere. I figure if someone needs it to issue a formal acceptance they'll let us know...


I'm noticing pretty much everyone applied to WUSTL, which is not making me feel good about my chances there. Sad, because their department seems amazing!

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... wait. So did all of us waiting on Wisconsin slack on the FAFSA? lol


I don't think the two are related though, right?  I didn't put the FAFSA on high priority because I didn't think that schools really cared about it that much: funding isn't income-based at most places.

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I highly doubt the FAFSA is an integral part to the application process unless, of course, you are applying for federal loans. Most funding for post-graduate programs (from what I understand) comes directly from the institution, so it just doesn't make sense to fill out the Free Application for FEDERAL Student Aid. Just my two cents. 

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On 2/11/2013 at 2:57 PM, Pericles II.ii.48 said:

I haven't filed the FAFSA. It's kind of a pain, and I don't want to deal with it if I don't get in anywhere. I figure if someone needs it to issue a formal acceptance they'll let us know...


I'm noticing pretty much everyone applied to Colorado, which is not making me feel good about my chances there. Sad, because their department seems amazing!


It seems unlikely that WUSTL is getting a way-larger-than-usual group of applications this year, but it does feel like everyone applied there.  I wonder if there's some sort of correlation between the kinds of people (a wibbly-wobbly idea, for sure) who use GradCafe and the kind of people who are most likely to apply to that program.  


Merp.  I wish some of my comp students would come to my office hours so I could feel productive.

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I don't think the two are related though, right?  I didn't put the FAFSA on high priority because I didn't think that schools really cared about it that much: funding isn't income-based at most places.

Yeah, I don't think it matters either. I just think it's kind of hilarious that this is what I'm getting out of this discussion.

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Yeah, I wouldn't worry too too much about the FAFSA, guys. I just filled it out to give myself 0.0001% more peace of mind, but it doesn't appear to have made any difference in expediting decisions for the schools I applied to. I am slightly relieved to hear that I'm not the only one who slacked, though.


Also, whoa, it seems like quite a few of us haven't heard from Wisconsin-Madison. WHAT DOES IT MEEEEAN?

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girl who wears glasses, I meant to ask earlier why you where not optimistic about funding for wait listed students at Wisconsin-Madison.  Could you elaborate?

I don't even know anymore. I think I read somewhere at some point that they tend to over-admit even off the wait list and therefore don't fund everyone. Maybe someone who actually knows what they're talking about could confirm/deny.

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I don't even know anymore. I think I read somewhere at some point that they tend to over-admit even off the wait list and therefore don't fund everyone. Maybe someone who actually knows what they're talking about could confirm/deny.


Not that I know what I'm talking about, but I specifically didn't apply to Wisconsin because they note on their website that they don't have as much funding as some other programs, so they can't assure funding for everyone they admit. I only remember because it seemed like an amazing program, and I absolutely would have applied if funding had been more certain.

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girl who wears glasses, I meant to ask earlier why you where not optimistic about funding for wait listed students at Wisconsin-Madison.  Could you elaborate?

I can answer this! I was admitted there several years ago, and the funding situation was pretty bad. Not all of us were offered first-year funding (in the form of a research assistantship, which paid a stipend way lower than any of the other schools where I was admitted) - there was a funding waitlist, and that was for the straight-up admits. On April 15 I was finally offered funding, but I had just gotten in off the waitlist at a program I preferred, so it ended up not mattering. It's possible that they've since switched to a model where they only admit those they can fund, but if anything the funding/union situation at Wisconsin as a whole has only gotten worse, so I doubt it. I have nothing but good things to say about the department itself, though, which was lovely and by which I was very tempted. Blame Gov. Scott Walker!

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I can answer this! I was admitted there several years ago, and the funding situation was pretty bad. Not all of us were offered first-year funding (in the form of a research assistantship, which paid a stipend way lower than any of the other schools where I was admitted) - there was a funding waitlist, and that was for the straight-up admits. On April 15 I was finally offered funding, but I had just gotten in off the waitlist at a program I preferred, so it ended up not mattering. It's possible that they've since switched to a model where they only admit those they can fund, but if anything the funding/union situation at Wisconsin as a whole has only gotten worse, so I doubt it. I have nothing but good things to say about the department itself, though, which was lovely and by which I was very tempted. Blame Gov. Scott Walker!


I'm out of up-votes (I'm always out of them), but thank you for imparting your wisdom!

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On 2/11/2013 at 3:15 PM, thebeatgoeson said:

It seems unlikely that WUSTL is getting a way-larger-than-usual group of applications this year, but it does feel like everyone applied there.  I wonder if there's some sort of correlation between the kinds of people (a wibbly-wobbly idea, for sure) who use GradCafe and the kind of people who are most likely to apply to that program.  


I suspect applications to all schools are up at least 10% since November.

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So, is filling out the FAFSA necessary?  I didn't even think about doing it, but maybe I should?  This question is addressed to all posters, not just It's (Not) About Me.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one... reading this thread gave me a brief moment of panic because I didn't even think about filling one out, either. I'm not planning on taking out any loans: I'm not going unless they fund me. So I didn't think it was necessary.

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^ Yeah cuz we all know that graduate students have been waiting for the law to change in order to try that magical herb they've heard so much about ;)


LOL I'd say they're more likely hoping to not have to deal with finding a new dealer in their new city.

Edited by asleepawake
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Are ya'll holding off weekend trips during application season? I am thinking about planning a surprise weekend getaway for my partner's birthday on March 2. However, I'm nervous that I'll find out that I am accepted somewhere and the visit day will be on March 2. What to do... what to do... On one hand, I haven't heard anything yet. On the other hand, I might hear some good news soon. On the other hand, the trip sounds really fun. Super fun. It's something we've talked about for years. And the look on his face when he realizes where we're going will be priceless. On the other hand, I've read here that visit weekends are super important in the decision making process. And yet, this year will be my last year making decent money, and the last year I could pull this off for a long long time... BIRTHDAY TRIP IT IS!!!


... I think?

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