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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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Thanks for the info on Boulder all! I have to say, that 200 applicants for 4 spots deal is not making me too optimistic about the odds at one of the last remaining schools at the top of my list that hasn't rejected me yet... *sigh*

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Thanks for the info on Boulder all! I have to say, that 200 applicants for 4 spots deal is not making me too optimistic about the odds at one of the last remaining schools at the top of my list that hasn't rejected me yet... *sigh*

Hey Pericles, sorry to hear about your unluck so far (it's a German word...it felt appropriate). Anyway if you don't mind me asking--you have a Michigan rejection in your signature. Is that American Studies or something different? I'll cross my fingers for you today (as I'm sure most of GC is doing for most people on this board today!). 

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Thanks, guys! I'm getting my hopes up way too high. Does anyone else also have completely out of this world reach schools on their lists which are notifying at the end of the month? I'm counting them as assumed rejections already just because...I'm not really sure why I even thought applying was a good idea. 

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Does anyone else also have completely out of this world reach schools on their lists which are notifying at the end of the month? I'm counting them as assumed rejections already just because...I'm not really sure why I even thought applying was a good idea. 


Yup. At this point, I keep thinking: why did I ever agree to set myself up for that kind of rejection?

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Thanks, guys! I'm getting my hopes up way too high. Does anyone else also have completely out of this world reach schools on their lists which are notifying at the end of the month? I'm counting them as assumed rejections already just because...I'm not really sure why I even thought applying was a good idea. 
That's how Brown is for me. It was too good of a fit not to apply, but I've never exactly had much faith in it coming through. I've also been extremely pessimistic about Chicago, to the point where I almost didn't send in my app. The only reason I finally submitted was because my professors had already e-mailed their recs. I'm not sure why, but for some reason Chicago has always seemed even more impossible than Brown, lol.
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Thanks, guys! I'm getting my hopes up way too high. Does anyone else also have completely out of this world reach schools on their lists which are notifying at the end of the month? I'm counting them as assumed rejections already just because...I'm not really sure why I even thought applying was a good idea. 

I guess. My higher ranked programs have yet to notify if that's what you mean. But I got most of my less-awesome fit schools out of the way early and nearly all of the schools I'm waiting on are best fit and so the rejections from them would/will be more crushing.

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girl who wears glasses -- have you tried to contact madison about the status of your application? I'm so confused about it. The only reason I'm refraining from emailing is that their last letter said something about everyone knowing by 28th February. Don't know, maybe it would look greedy if I did. Can't think of going through another weekend guessing, though. :(

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Purdue's staggered acceptance/rejection system is BUMMING ME OUT. That's all.

Ditto.  Though it is kinda nice not to have to write them off the first acceptance or two you see.


Downside: I'm not going to feel safe or sane until I hear. They're notorious for dragging it out until the actual deadline or a bit after.  First time I applied I didn't hear about my rejection until Apr. 19. :(

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Ahh ends on the day my Wilderness First Responder course begins. Thanks for this info. Did I miss it on the website? How sure are you on these dates? Waiting for Michigan is kinda giving me anxiety.

Michigan's visit weekend is March 20-22 so they conceivably have a little time (but not a ton) to get back.

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girl who wears glasses -- have you tried to contact madison about the status of your application? I'm so confused about it. The only reason I'm refraining from emailing is that their last letter said something about everyone knowing by 28th February. Don't know, maybe it would look greedy if I did. Can't think of going through another weekend guessing, though. :(

No, I haven't really thought about it too much and have just been counting it as a rejection/wait list. I think someone else is considering it though.

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Ditto.  Though it is kinda nice not to have to write them off the first acceptance or two you see.


Downside: I'm not going to feel safe or sane until I hear. They're notorious for dragging it out until the actual deadline or a bit after.  First time I applied I didn't hear about my rejection until Apr. 19. :(


Wow. That's another two months away.We'll all be certifiably insane by that point!

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Michigan's visit weekend is March 20-22 so they conceivably have a little time (but not a ton) to get back.

Hmm! I mean, the website says (somewhere, I made a note of it) "You will be notified in early March." But obviously they sent out decisions waaay earlier than that last year. I'm really eager to hear from them!


Thanks, guys! I'm getting my hopes up way too high. Does anyone else also have completely out of this world reach schools on their lists which are notifying at the end of the month? I'm counting them as assumed rejections already just because...I'm not really sure why I even thought applying was a good idea. 

Lolyup. Pretty much all of them, tho. Like Stanford--throughout the whole application process I treated it as almost a joke that I was applying there at all. And since it was my second-to-last deadline, my confidence was so shot by that point that I nearly said "fuhgeddaboutit" to the whole thing. I do not have $125 to spare, you know? But my stubbornness/determination to finish what I start won out in the end. I'm not exactly anxious for that decision because I know what it'll be, but damn, Stanford! Their faculty is so freaking good for my interests!


girl who wears glasses -- have you tried to contact madison about the status of your application? I'm so confused about it. The only reason I'm refraining from emailing is that their last letter said something about everyone knowing by 28th February. Don't know, maybe it would look greedy if I did. Can't think of going through another weekend guessing, though. :(

Their last letter? As in, the last time you contacted them personally, or did you get some kind of general update from them? I am the person who's "considering it," hah. I haven't heard a peep from them and it's one of my top choices. I want to contact them--I was really hoping to have an answer before the weekend, too--but I have no idea what to say.

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Hmm! I mean, the website says (somewhere, I made a note of it) "You will be notified in early March." But obviously they sent out decisions waaay earlier than that last year. I'm really eager to hear from them!


Just a hunch but I would take the website listing of notification dates with a heart-attack helping of salt.


I think those are put out there to give adcomms and directors breathing room when putting their cohorts together. 

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HOLY SHIT. 4 SPOTS????? That can't be right... Can it? PHDWHYUSOHARD?????



ALSO, anyone else on the East Coast, and irritated everyday that it's 9:00 am here BUT the sun's not even up where most of your applications are waiting to judged? SUNYUNOCONSISTENT? EARTHYUSHAPEDLIKECIRCLE?


rems, you make me happy, both for the quotes above and the reminder that last night's episode of Parks and Rec was pretty awesome.

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Just a hunch but I would take the website listing of notification dates with a heart-attack helping of salt.


I think those are put out there to give adcomms and directors breathing room when putting their cohorts together. 

Yep, I realize that. I only mentioned it to reinforce girlwhowearsglasses's comment that Michigan might take much longer than we're expecting. "Early March" is a meaningless time frame that they publicize in hopes of staving off emails from us until then. I love how some programs pretend not to know about The Grad Cafe.

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Yep, I realize that. I only mentioned it to reinforce girlwhowearsglasses's comment that Michigan might take much longer than we're expecting. "Early March" is a meaningless time frame that they publicize in hopes of staving off emails from us until then. I love how some programs pretend not to know about The Grad Cafe.

Actually, I don't think they'll take much longer. I had good reason to believe they'd be notifying mid last week.

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girl who wears glasses and It's (Not) About me -- I wrote to Wisconsin Madison. They were really prompt with their reply. It's a waitlist for me. Thought I'd let you know. All the best to the both of you. I don't know what to feel really. :(

Cool, thank you for sharing that. And I get why you'd be experiencing a mixed bag of emotions, but I think it's worth celebrating! Hats off to ya, and may you be officially accepted very soon!


Edited to ask: what program did you apply to, BTW?

Edited by It's (Not) About Me
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