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Terrified of Not Getting in Anywhere!

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I just got my first rejection yesterday, and I'm waiting on two other schools. Apparently one of them is harder to get into than the one I applied to and one of them is easier.

Being handed this first rejection has not only shot my confidence, but has instilled the fear that there could possibly be the chance that I won't get in anywhere.

This scares me. A lot.

Is anyone else feeling like this?

Does anyone have any words of wisdom, advice, words of experience that may help?

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Hey don't lose hope! I was rejected by 2 unranked programs and am currently waitlisted at my top choice, top-10 school. Weird. Also, I applied last year as well and got in nowhere (not even an interview). It sucks to have to do it again, but I'm actually glad it happened now because it gave me a chance to improve my application and apply to schools where my and the faculty's research interests really meshed.

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Hey don't lose hope! I was rejected by 2 unranked programs and am currently waitlisted at my top choice, top-10 school. Weird. Also, I applied last year as well and got in nowhere (not even an interview). It sucks to have to do it again, but I'm actually glad it happened now because it gave me a chance to improve my application and apply to schools where my and the faculty's research interests really meshed.

Good luck getting off that waitlist and into an acceptance :) I'm sure you'll get it! Thank you for your words of encouragement, it did make me feel a bit better!

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I get how you're feeling. I applied to 5 programs, hadn't heard anything from any of them, and just today got rejected from the least ranked among them. But it doesn't always work like that. Sometimes it's more a matter of fit than easier or harder to get in.

I hope you hear good news soon!

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Going through the same thing,, Got rejected from 3 school including my undergraduate school. Now I'm waitlisted to my last school and top choice. I have to stay focus and keep a positive attitude.

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I just got my first rejection yesterday, and I'm waiting on two other schools. Apparently one of them is harder to get into than the one I applied to and one of them is easier.

Being handed this first rejection has not only shot my confidence, but has instilled the fear that there could possibly be the chance that I won't get in anywhere.

This scares me. A lot.

Is anyone else feeling like this?

Does anyone have any words of wisdom, advice, words of experience that may help?

You aren't alone:) I'm in a similar situation, I have applied to 5 schools and have yet to hear from any of them. It definitely has not been fun waiting. I figure they have to give me an answer one way or another sometime between now and the end of April...

or August...eventually...lol.

In terms of the rejection though, from everything I have read it doesn't always work as you would expect. A lot depends on funding, how many new students the school wants to take on, etc and that can vary from year to year. I wouldn't sweat too much where your rejection letter came from, that may not mean anything in terms of whether you will get in the other schools:)

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I was rejected from UofT law early in January and then Carleton MA at the beginning of March. I only applied to four programs and didn't even want one of the ones I hadn't heard from, so after the Carleton rejection I was convinced I wouldn't get in anywhere and spent a couple weeks panicking and then resigning myself to my fate. And then I got an acceptance from UofT for my Master's last week! One of my closest friends had nothing but rejections all spring and summer last year, and then got into his dream MA with just a month before school started. Don't give up, there's still plenty of time left!

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Hi! Since I went to York for my undergrad, and all my references were from York, i 'think' the reason why I was quickly accepted to York's MA program was that I am a home student. I got waitlisted at McMaster for a similar program, but finally made it in.

Don't lose hope! If it's meant to be, it'll happen. Best of luck :)

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Between my interview at my top choice and my acceptance about 2 months later, I was rejected by the only other program I applied to. It really shook my confidence. I spent the next 3 weeks second-guessing everything I said or did during my interview and trying not to get totally depressed about the prospect of reapplying next year. I was already lining up another list of schools for attempt B. I contacted the school I was rejected from to see what the weaknesses were in my application that led to rejection so I could put together a stronger package for next year. I am very grateful to have gotten in at my top choice and extremely glad I do not actually have to go through this again next year. I had no idea how much stress and anxiety I was in for in the application process.

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Between my interview at my top choice and my acceptance about 2 months later, I was rejected by the only other program I applied to. It really shook my confidence. I spent the next 3 weeks second-guessing everything I said or did during my interview and trying not to get totally depressed about the prospect of reapplying next year. I was already lining up another list of schools for attempt B. I contacted the school I was rejected from to see what the weaknesses were in my application that led to rejection so I could put together a stronger package for next year. I am very grateful to have gotten in at my top choice and extremely glad I do not actually have to go through this again next year. I had no idea how much stress and anxiety I was in for in the application process.

That is exactly how I feel! I'm hoping my story will have a happy ending as well!

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I also received a rejection for my first response -- my first 3 actually, so I know what you mean about rejections shaking one's confidence.

Still, I think that, based one how the admissions process is handled by many universities (in which they send out rejections as they eliminate people), receiving rejections first is natural. I ended up 7 of 12 including my first three rejections, so hopefully you'll bounce back too!

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I'm in the same boat. If this year doesn't work out, there is always next year. I have learned a hard lesson: apply everywhere.

This is what I am trying to think as well. There is always next year. From coming to this site I have lately been reminding myself there are other students who are more qualified students then myself who have had the bad luck to apply the one year that it was a bad time for them to apply, and in following years got into schools that they applied to. I am just hoping that if I don't get in this year, that I have better luck next year.

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For what it's worth, I didn't get in anywhere last year (though I made two waitlists). But this year I'm in and fully funded. While it will hurt for awhile, don't let one round of failure stop you from pursuing your goals.

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Don't get down! My first answer was a rejection, which made me wonder what to expect from the rest of the process (since this was a program fairly low on my list of choices)... but then my second answer was a recommendation for acceptance from the department at my top school! So you never know until it's all said and done.

I think it's normal for people to get hung up on what could be, but there's no sense in missing out on enjoying the present.

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With my remaining two schools staying painfully silent, I'm starting to get really nervous. I'm also looking at what I can do to present a more effective application for next year. This amounts to retaking the GRE, revising my SOP significantly - for clarity and focus, and applying to more/different schools. I'm still really hoping I do't end up in that boat, but my optimism is really starting to dwindle (pulling my self-esteem with it).

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No going anywhere...Got my last rejection today. I will register in my undergread as a non degree seeking student and take some graduate courses . Next year I will came back even stronger and try again... Good luck to those who are still waiting ... Please keep in my mind that this is just LIFE!

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No going anywhere...Got my last rejection today. I will register in my undergread as a non degree seeking student and take some graduate courses . Next year I will came back even stronger and try again... Good luck to those who are still waiting ... Please keep in my mind that this is just LIFE!

I think this is a VERY important lesson to remember! Getting rejected does not mean our life is over. It just means that we may take a little longer to get where we want to go, or maybe it's pointing us down the path we were meant to go down all along. Thank you to everyone again for your positive thoughts and words of encouragement. It really does help hearing that other people have/are going through the same thing that I am! Gradcafe has actually turned out to be an amazing support system for me!

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